"Why do you have that thing?"

Answer - Do you have a spare tire in your trunk? Do you plan on having a flat? Then why do you carry one? It's allot better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

Cornered Rat.
Iowa is not a shall issue state but this is a close to shall issue county. Check Graceland College. Word search on Graceland Should come up with their site. Or try:

Graceland College
700 College Ave
Lamoni, Iowa
Why do I carry a gun ?

Because I refuse to entrust my life to the whim of another........


Innovative Kydex Tactical Gear
cornered rat, check out Arizona. Generally a very favorable firearms climate, and some excellent firearms companies are here - Gunsite, Robar, Smith Enterprises, etc., etc.

Visit http://www.azlink.com/ , and send an email to John, the President there, He's a good guy, and he can give you some tips on how you might find business here.
why will i carry a gun?

because i refust to be one ot those that are victmised by criminals. i refuse to let anyone around me be victmised.

i will carry because of all the jews in history massacered because they would not take up the tools of esau (weapons) to save their lives until it was to late.

i ask the person if they are infavor of genoside and ethnic cleansing like in eastern europe this decade. if they say no then i enlighten them that the victems are first disarmed by lasw then hearded into ovens and gas chambers and pits to be shot.

i ask them if they are for criminals to be free to prey on innocent people and hurt them with impuny.
if the say no then i look at them and ask them their opinion of guns.

if they still dont think thay are useful and have a purpose then i tell them that the blood of all those hurt because they the were unarmed and allowed evil to happen when they could have stoped it.

id rather have a weapon and not go gently into that good night like sheeple do.

i dont want to fight, but if i have to i'm going to be the one that survives.

Hope you noted Al Gore applauding wildly (proving he isn't a stuffed dummy) at Bill's demands for more gun control. There may be a lot of gun owners in Tenn. but your friend Al wants to make sure there are a lot fewer.
This thread brings to mind a bumber sticker I saw once. It read "The second ammendment is not about duck hunting!" I've given that answer to several people when asked why I own a gun. Unfortunately, I've had several people reply "Second ammendment?" I walk away, head down, begging the forgiveness of all those who gave their lives from the Revolutionary war to present day to protect my freedom.

This issue is far to important to be ignorant of. I am impressed by most of the responses I've read to this topic. Please keep in mind that it is important to try to educate people who are ignorant of why guns are important to our freedom.

A question from reading the thread so far: are the inquisitors in the above stories adults? The wording of the questions asked would lead me to believe they were coming from children with no life experience and no capacity to imagine anything outside their limited experience. Just wondering...

[This message has been edited by Tom A (edited March 25, 1999).]
Anyone with less experience and less knowledge will seem childish to someone who knows what he's talking about. What I love about this thread is that no one is suggesting doing anything insulting, referring to "sheeple" in the presence of sheeple, etc. Remember, sheeple are just people who don't understand guns.

When I told my fiancee I would have at least one gun inside the house, she said:
"Why? What difference does it make whether it's inside or outside?" (dad stores his gun collection in his beautiful, climate-controlled room adjoining the garage that used to be Gwinn's Guns and Tackle. she thinks that's the standard model.)
"Well, honey, if anyone comes into our house and threatens your life, you'll understand why I want it inside, nearby, in a safe with QUICK access."
"But are we really going to live in such a dangerous neighborhood?"

Well, I'm working on it. She's given up the idea of moving into a "safe" neighborhood and entrusting our lives to the police, and she wants to learn to shoot, but on a trip home last weekend I handed her .22 rifle with the bolt open and she almost wet her pants. At least she's trying; most girls would have thrown the ring at me!

Forgot to mention: I don't know how she thinks we'll afford this hypothetical perfectly safe neighborhood. She lived in some pretty lousy neighborhoods when she was a kid, and neither of us is going to make the kind of money her parents made (we're both going into teaching.) I wonder what it takes to get an Illinois K-9 certificate to work in Arizona? :) :)

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited March 25, 1999).]
Question: "Why do you carry a gun?"

Answer: "Why do you feel your life is cheap?"

"I don't."

"Then why don't you take precautions to protect yourself and your family."

"We have the police to protect us."

"So you're saying that your life is worth more than a policeman's life?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Yes, but that's what it means when we say the police can protect us. Not that they can or are responsible for our safety."

Anyway, you get the idea. Make them justify why they don't carry a gun. That should be your answer to their question.
Pooh, perceived 'safe' neighborhoods are often regarded as desirable and easy targets of opportunity for those of criminal bent. The things that really make a neighborhood safe, i.e. alert, aware, responsive and well armed neighbors are not necssarily synonymous with 'nice' neighborhoods, where no one knows anybody and everyone minds their own business. Just a thought. M2
Mike, I live in a very safe neghborhood, as a matter of fact it is probably the most heaviley armed neghborhood in this county.

Mike, that's what I SAID. :)

I didn't say it was reasonable. You try to reason with her and let me know how you do.
:) :)


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
Pooh, as an older married guy I can tell you that there are two theories about arguing with women. Both are wrong. Also, women always get the last word. Anything you say after that is just the start of the next, ahem, 'disagreement'.

A little discretion goes a long way, as in 'don't ask, don't tell', or the basic smile and agree 'yes, dear' them do what you must and keep it to yourself. Don't get sucked too far into that 'sensitive, sharing, caring man' stuff. It sells a lot of women's magazines, but there's really lots of things they don't want to know, don't need to know, and don't have to know. If you're caught you can always shrug and say you were just trying to keep a little mystery in the romance (this explaination works best with flowers, or if she just found your third new gun is as many months, jewelry). Good luck, and remember, 'reasonable woman' is and oxymoron.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 26, 1999).]
Sorry your experiences apparently have been negative. When my first wife (the "Dragon Lady") and I separated in 1968 I felt much as you do. However, by 1975 I had married again - and this lady is much more "reasonable" than anyone I've ever met. And, to answer your next possible question, "No, she has no idea what I'm writing here!" :)
But I DO let her know every day how I appreciate her.
Good luck in the future.
My last lady friend received a pistol, ammo, holster, and training from me. The one before wouldn't carry so we split up. I can't be with a lady all the time-so if she will not accept personal responsibility for her own safety we are better off not seeing each other.
Dennis, that was a touch of staire and good natured cynicism aimed at the fact that all relationships are a compromise and sublty, viva la differeance! It's not negative, it's great fun. (Don't mean that it doesn't make for interesting times -)I love and treasure my wife, it's just that there are times when 'that never the twain shall meet' and I deal with as best I can. I am sincere in believing that there are some things best kept to oneself, and you don't havta share everything, as long you're fundamentally honest with eash other and blatant deception and lying isn't involved, well . . . , I rely on humor to cope sometimes. She has her own space, too. I guess I need to learn how to paste the little smiley faces in-

From your posts I gather your of my approximate vintage. (I'm a `48 WarBaby). I didn't mean to put anyone off, I just find the m/f dynamic extremely amusing, intriguing, and endearing, not to mention the basic spice of life, but maybe I don't always express that too well. I love women, but I believe in the two brain theory. My message to the young lad was don't take it too seriously, use your (big) head to the degree posiible (as opposed to the little head), and there's nothing you can do about it anyway. If you're in love, you gonna do what you're gonna do.

This is dangerous stuff, letting M2 speak of love or pretend to be the voice of reason. I'm way off thread at this point, so let me drop out here. Eveyone have a nice weekend, I'm off to Philly. M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 26, 1999).]
I should have known! Just flat-out missed it. Sorry, 'bout that! Hope you had a good week-end in the City of Brotherly Love.
I tell them that my state constitution requires all able bodied men to own, maintain, and practice basic markmanship, for defence of the state and nation.
Saw where a lot of you posted about your wives, so I'll post a little about mine. Her gun is a Norinco 7.62X39. She thinks it's pretty and loves to shoot it all day long. Unfortunately I have to do all her reloading if I want to keep the best shooting buddy I ever had.

[This message has been edited by hayseed (edited March 26, 1999).]