Why do you carry?

Self protection. The thing about getting old is that the two legged predators out there, think you are easy prey. I like my guns, but in the same way I like some of my other favorite tools.
Carrying a gun is mostly a PITA. It's another thing I need to keep track of. Keys, wallet, phone and gun. I hate my phone and tolerate my gun - they do end up spending time in my car because I just don't want to carry either.

When I carry, it's because: 1) I'm doing business in a sketchy part of town; 2) it's late/dark; 3) I'm traveling/driving; 4) I'm going to an ATM to get cash or something similar; 5) I'm pumping gas.

Every now and then I will carry a gun just because I want to.
There is only one reason that I carry a weapon. That is for SD whether it's for coyotes, snakes or humans. In my 45 some odd years of caring, I've never had to discharge my revolver and hope to God that I will never have to. But, I will always carry until I'm not allowed to.

My God, can you guys all PLEASE stop with juvenile, childish "Zombie Apocalypse" nonsense already? That is 7th, 8th grade talk. I am assuming we ALL are
adults here, correct??

I can't imagine any adult here truely believes it that childish nonsense.

"I carry in case of a Zombie Apocalypse."...... Really?? How old are you??
Mmm, Nod, might look up what :D means.

Also, sense of humor might be found here (it's an annual tradition):


Or, perhaps not.

Best wishes for a happy Halloween.

Oh, I also carry because, by now, it's an ingrained habit.

Also, I'm now into my eighth decade here and, while being attacked by a zombie is a quite small probability (maybe zero) if it happened, it might not be the strangest thing I've encountered in my life ;).

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I carry a gun for self defense.

I own more than one gun because I like them.

I do not carry a gun because I like to carry it. It also doesn't bother me to carry it. What bothers me is the reason I choose to carry it.


I understand, sadly though, and what is scary, is many grown men actually
are serious in describing what they would do.

I mean really, grow the hell up and act like an adult and not a 5th grader!
I carry because I believe it is my responsibility. Should anything dangerous happen I don't want to be a sheep for the wolves to eat. Especially since I have a wife and daughter depending on me. I've had a few situations where fights have broken out across from where I work (even saw a homeless guy get stabbed during one of their fights) and I can tell you being unarmed was very unsettling. I also carry guns because I like them, and I can legally do so.

I was asked by a female co-worker why I carried a gun.

I went over to the computer and pulled up our local news page which has a map of the city with little red dots, and descriptions of the crimes committed at those locations. There was 25 little red dots on the map.

I told her that was just yesterdays crimes! which comes to about 750 crimes a month on average, and what are the odds of you NOT being in one of those locations?

She now has her conceal carry license.:)
My God, can you guys all PLEASE stop with juvenile, childish "Zombie Apocalypse" nonsense already? That is 7th, 8th grade talk. I am assuming we ALL are
adults here, correct??

I can't imagine any adult here truely believes it that childish nonsense.

"I carry in case of a Zombie Apocalypse."...... Really?? How old are you??

"Zombies" is a stand in for something else. Lighten up.
I carry because you cannot rely on law enforcement to "save" you.. No matter where you live. Always better to have and not need...than to need and not have..
Not a serf or sheep

I carry everyday because I refuse to be a victim of some crack head, hoodlum, serial nut or jihadist. The myth that law enforcement is enough protection is an absurd joke imposed upon the serfs n sheep. Law enforcement is there like an ambulance after the fact.