Why do you carry?


New member
I often get the question of why do you carry? I've heard the typical response of "because a cops is too heavy" or "to protect my family". However I never hear "because I love guns". Obviously you carry a gun first and foremost for protection, but I also carry because I just love guns.

I liken it to a woman carrying around her favorite purse or an avid photographer carrying around their camera.

I just love guns and everything about them. I'd sleep with one if my wife let me [emoji3].

Anyway I'm just curious if anyone has used this response before or if any other unusual responses have been used.

Mods: I apologize if this is in the wrong section.
I carry for all of the reasons that you mentioned including I just love guns. But more so because of what I'm seeing from the actions of the current President and his Administration not doing their job of keeping the citizens safe.
I carry out and about because it is my agency's policy to do so and because it gives me a feeling I can protect myself and others if that time ever comes around.
I carry mine, because I have to.
I put it on a leash, but refusing to walk by itself.
I also tried to drive it, but that doesn't work neither.
I must say, I do love my guns. My decision to start carrying, however, is more pragmatic than emotional. Earlier this year, I started a food truck business, and I didn't like the idea of being a defenseless target with a cash box on board. The cash and property can be replaced, of course, but my life and the life of my nephew, who is my sole employee, cannot. Most of the time it isn't really a big fear - the areas where we park for lunch shifts are fairly open and not in bad neighborhoods, but we are about to start doing late shifts to catch the bar crowd, and when the sun goes down and people have been drinking, there are just too many unpredictable factors for my comfort.
I have said a number of times that I carry because I like guns. Sure I could use it for self defense, but mostly it's just because I want to.
Because, as a living creature, I have the natural right to self defense; and, as an American, I have the Constitutional right to use a firearm to do it.
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I began carrying as a natural extension of my self-defense training.....and the fact that I wanted to see what it would be "like" to do so. I have continued to carry regularly (virtually every day) because I have become accustomed to it. At this point, I feel naked if I don't carry.
Because I want to, its my Constitutional Right to Bear Arms.

Unlike some, a gun doesn't make me feel cool, or make me feel like a bigger man, or that I'm above the law. Its actually something I dread to do everyday but in this day and time it is a necessity.

I put one on every day praying I don't need it but if the need arises, I will defend to my last breath to protect my loved ones and myself.

May God bless whats left of America
In a perfect world I would not go through the trouble of accustoming myself to carry a weapon. If the world EVER gets that perfect it most certainly won't be in my lifetime or any lifetime soon. I carry for insurance against an imperfect world.

P.S. Even if the world were perfect I would still love guns and shooting for recreation. It's a part of our American heritage.
I jumped through the hoops to get my CHL. I will carry when I can.

I see it took 3 posts before somebody blamed Obama.