Why do they call it "30 SuperCarry"? Looks like .32 to me!

"I was just looking on the internet at "30 Super Carry"... which looks to me like ".32 S&W Long, +++P, rimless"."

I guess that makes the .300 Winchester Magnum a .30-30 Winchester ++++++P rimless... ;)
Wonder what will happen when someone trys to shoot a 32 in their 30sc, like 40 in a 10mm...
I suspect the gun may not go into battery enough to fire. The rim on the .32 ACP is nominally .358 inches diameter; the case diameter for the 30 SC is .345 base diameter.
What happens when you try to shoot a 40 in a 10? Boom if the extractor grabs coming out of mag and is strong enough, nothing if it's not?
i remember a while back i heard some old guys saying certain calibers are called such just because of marketing. take for example. calling a 9mm a 9mm parabellum is far more appealing than calling it a 36 auto
calling it a 32 anything would make people shy away thinking its not a good defensive round.
its not.
but again, marketing lol
What happens when you try to shoot a 40 in a 10? Boom if the extractor grabs coming out of mag and is strong enough, nothing if it's not?
that actually will work in a pinch, but the 40 will headspace using the casing, thus the extractor, thus the weakest part of any semi automatic pistol. so it would be hard on your extractor
Of course it's better than .380, but the .30 Super was never intended to be put in .380 sized pistols, nor to compete with .380. The .30 is meant to be an alternative to 9mm, one that holds more rounds in the mag, but doesn't sacrifice in ballistic performance.

I don't understand why people can't seem to grasp that .30 Super isn't going to be made in the LCP or Glock 42. It's meant for 9mm sized frames only.
i have to say. i have a really silly reason for liking the idea of the round.
ready for it?
its American. they shouldve called it 9mm American.
i know how silly that sounds but when i look at certain things i have more of a sense of pride if its made by americans for americans. an austrian glock shooting 9mm seems about as arnold shwartzenager as it gets
If 30SC wasn't meant for small framed guns, you better send that info along to Federal as they state that is true in the 2 commercials they have released about the 30SC.

Isn't going to happen, but Federal did say it. Twice.

Oops. More than twice. They also state it on the 30SC page https://www.federalpremium.com/30supercarry.html

Also, Federal seems to intentionally compare the 30SC on their own page with their 380 HST. Everyone kinda knows the 380 HST isn't great, maybe even bad. However, the new Federal 99gr DEEP 380 that does equal as the 30SC HST and bests some 9mm for expansion and penetration.

The 380 DEEP is a monster when you look at the bullet in person. Totally different in many ways. Not skived but pressed, thick copper, the "DEEP" pyramid point on the lead. If I were looking at 30SC, with limited HST/Gold Dot only defense options, I'd look hard at just buying a 380 and using this stuff. Sorry for the big pic. Just shows it better and I don't know what I'm doing with cameras :)
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Other than another round or two in the magazine, I don't see any advantage over the .30 Mauser/Borchardt/Luger/Tokarev 7.62x25...
Everyone can agree that you were right on "alluding" and I was right that Federal does it :D "elluding" hahah idiot :D

Federal from the link I posted
"Size Matters

The cartridge uses a .312-inch bullet. This narrower diameter allows for additional 30 Super Carry rounds in the magazine—two more in initially available handguns. Pistols chambered in 30 Super Carry and built using cartridge-specific frames (as opposed to existing 9mm Luger frames) will maximize capacity while maintaining a narrower and shorter grip than 9mm pistols for easier concealability. "