Why Do I Need A Favorite?

I love all my babies -

It'd be hard to give any of them up, and so far I haven't had to. The only one I sold off and don't miss is a jammomatic POS Interarms PPK/S, that they just couldn't make right, but if I could find a good German-made one at the right price . . . Does this mean I'm codependent?
Variety adds new spice to life... BUT

I firmly believe in training and utilizing one gun extensively. Ya I have other babies that I take to the range every so often but 90% of the time, I shoot my carry gun. It has gotten to the point where my carry gun feels like an attachment to my hip.

Personally, I don't care what Joe Bob's or Lucy May's favorites are because it doesn't affect me. As long as people are happy with what they buy and shoot, more power to em! There's no one single "best" brand but there alot of good ones and a few "uhhhh -insert expletive here- brands.
Me Me Me

Like cars, its more interesting when people have different brands and models. I've had a lot of great conversations with people at the range shooting different models and calibers. Mutual curiosity and enthusiasm for each others handguns and for our own. (Unlike some of the snippy remarks by faceless posters on internet forums.;) )Besides the ones that just didn't work I've never met a handgun I didn't like. But still, there's nothing wrong with playing favorites. Mine.:D
Could not resist this one Doc..
As a former Pro Jazz Bassist anyone who likes Patsy Cline
is OK in my book...
If I had to pick one "best for me" pistol it would have to
be the HK Mark23...
(sorry P7, it was almost a tie)
Just got done listening to Charlie Parker then Patsy...
Why a favorite?!?

"Why do I need a "favorite" between SIG, Glock and HK? Or a "ranking order"..." -- Tamara

Perhaps because the quest for 'the best' never ends.

Realistically speaking, a long-enough test comparing the major brands of pistols in all calibers in all sets of conditions in all manner of firing/carry comfort could provide a definitive answer.

However [!], that's not going to happen...and for the purposes of this and other fora, it's a great thing. :cool: