Why Do I Need A Favorite?


Moderator Emeritus
Why do I need a "favorite" between SIG, Glock and HK? Or a "ranking order"? Or have to think one "sucks" because the other "rules"?

My SIG P228, HK P7M8 and Glock (insert model # here) are three of the best pistols I've owned.

I miss my P228 to this day, but some guy offered me $800 for it right off my hip at the height of the '94 hysteria, and Tamara's momma didn't raise any dummies.

I sold my P7 very recently to make ends meet, and I quite literally bawled my eyes out for thirty minutes on the porch over it (I'd wanted one since high school).

I still have a few Glocks, but if they had been more valuable, I'd have sold one of them and kept the HK.

The point of the matter is, these are all fine pistols.

If you feel the need to get a logo tattooed on you, don't let me stop you. Forgive me, though, if I don't join a tribe and defend it to the death... :)
Sold your P7??? thats too bad
I choose HK's because of the external safety
but Sigs,Glock etc are all quality pistols.
At least we all like to own and shoot guns,
It really shouldn't matter which one you prefer.
Sold your P7 to make ends meet? Couldn't you have sold a few pints of blood instead? Heck, I bet a kidney could even buy a Wilson Combat!

Like you, I have Sigs, Glocks, H&Ks (USPs), and so forth. ALL are outstanding firearms. My favorite is the one I'm shooting, ready to shoot, or thinking about. And that's as it should be. I'd hate to own a firearm that didn't qualify as a "favorite".

Best regards (and get the P7 back soon) -- Roy
The answer Tamara, is of course you don't need a favorite. You and everybody else should use what works best for you and not be concerned with "logo loyalty."
Tamara speaks the truth!

Very wise words Tamara. ;) All the above mentioned pistols are quality and there is no need to define a favorite or rank them.
No reason at all. I like lots of different handguns, and dislike some very popular ones.

But, I also subscribe to the "Find the carry gun you shoot the best, buy three of them, and practice and carry that gun exclusively" school of thought. I'm still looking for the "perfect" (perfect for me only) carry gun. Ditto the "perfect" duty-size pistol, carbine, and defensive shotgun. I figure that this search will take, oh, about around the rest of my natural life. If I'm lucky. :D

Now as for getting an HK logo tattoo, what a great idea! Caliban and I were talking not long ago about how cool it would be to have "COLT 1911" tattooed Latin Kings-style across one's knuckles...

Right on. After reading a post on a different thread I checked my safe and found handguns by 11 different manufacturers. I would be heartbroken to lose any of them and can't honestly say I have a faviorite. I have to agree with the guy that said my faviorite is whatever one is in my hand at the time. And I really mean that. I will take one out that I haven't shot in awhile and keep telling myself, this is beautiful, why did you wait so long to take it out again, if I could only have one gun this would be it. Then I say the very same thing with the next one.
I haven't even read that thread yet. I was wondering today what could be so complicated that it would take 50 posts to sort it out.

I have a friend that owns all three brands. He started out by trading off an EEA(?)Witness, which for two years he swore was the best firearm choice a person could make,for an HK. Suddenly, the HK was THE answer,very Tactical,and he could hit what he was shooting at more frequently. Plus,he didn't have the Witness to brag up anymore. That was followed by another HK. More is better. Then he bought a Sig 220 for his wife. HE shot it,liked it,but it just wasn't as Tactical as his HK. Since the end of November he has bought TWO Glocks in .45. I don't know which model,don't really care. Suddenly Glocks rule. He thinks I'm missing out on all the fun if I don't go buy one immediately.

Me, I've got a few of these,a couple of those,and one or two of that other thing. I like them all about the same. I don't know why some people get so defensive about this brand or that brand. I do know if you say anything bad about Colt revolvers,my wife will kick your butt! But then, that's the only brand she owns or has any interest in.
If you rank them, those lower on the totem pole get jealous and start to perform better. ;)
My favorites are the ones I own, and the ones I train with.

My Beretta's are in need some Prozac though. They're depressed about being left out!:rolleyes:
I guess it really doesn't matter who makes my guns; function is my only criteria. Don't care how they look, or price, or if someone else thinks they suck or are way cool; function first.

Even tried getting Glocked.

But the guns I own -now- are function-first guns, and although I handle many others, I have felt little need to add to my pile.

But I really like the Kel-Tec P32, and the S&W (yes, S&W) 945, and a 5.5" stainless 357 Redhawk I saw at a recent gun show......

Your "Favorite" should be the one you are shooting at any given time. Besides they all go bang right? ;) They all can leave that little hole in the black right? ;)
I like to have a favorite company; I guess just for the feeling that it puts me in a silly I-can-identify-with-HK-fanatics club.

As far as my favorite pistol - easy. It's the one that I purchased the most recently. Gotta hold it and give it the lovin that it deserves to properly initiate it into the family.
If you asked me what my favorite handgun was, I couldn't answer. They're ALL my favoirtes. However, if you asked the question, "If you could only have one gun, what would it be?", then that puts a different spin on things. I believe in finding what works for me, and putting the manufacturer aside. All things being equal, I'll still pick the Chevy over the Ford.
Favorites?? Yeah.

I have favorites, but for different reasons. some look better than others, some have history and others don't. Some I shoot better than others. Some are better made than others. Some are special for some reason or other. I own more Colts than any other brand, but I have yet to own two long guns from the same manufacturer.

Its not a question of who is "better".. its like listening to your record collection.. some days the Jimi Hendrix is in heavy rotation, Some days its the Crystal Method and some days its Patsy Cline.. your collection may vary from mine.. but your 'favorites' often rotate. Lately i've been listening to a lot of Portishead, which is one of my all time favorites.