why can't hollywood research guns like they do everything else??


New member
Maybe its done on purpose or something...You would think hollywood would consult with Gun experts so they can be more realistic and NOT convey unsafe useage of firearms handling. every other aspect of most movies seem to be more realistic. What really ticked me off all the anti gun posters hanging all over the walls in "lethal weapon" (the latest one) and then in one scene Chris Rock waves a gun in Joe Pescis face with his hand on the trigger. What a bunch of morons.
I agree with you. This problem is why I cannot watch many films now. The handling of firearms in most Hollywood films is so bad that it is too painful to watch. With all the ex-special forces types running around, you would think that Hollywood would have plenty of people to help them get it right. Yet, alas, most Hollywood folk (having known a few) are just not that smart.
The one that really bothered me-besides the anti-gun propaganda in the Lethal Weapon series.

was an episode in the "Sopranos"- when Christopher's friend dropped the Glock on the ground during a truck heist and it went off and shot someone- because I love that series and that was annoying.
What do you mean "like they do everything else?" Hollywood never researches anything and even when they do they usually ignore their own research and go with what is dramatically effective.
Whether its film or television, the process is extremely difficult and one of the most time consuming jobs out there. I work on a one hour drama, and while I don't have the most demanding job, its a guaranteed 14-16 hours a day 5 days a week. The current show I am working on had an episode about firearms not too long ago. As I recall, the writers (who are lesbian and very liberal by the way) got all the details correct and made good choices in firearms selection. Who F'd up ? Why the people who supplied the guns thats who ! Its supposed to be a family at the range before they go deer hunting. so, what choices in guns did we get ? A fake sigma, S&W .44 with a 3 inch barrel, and a .410 shotgun. Not what we asked for. But see, this this is Hollywood. Details like this are minor and left to the props department. Guys who usually have a collective I.Q. of 80. Is it the execproducers fault? No, is it the writers ? No, The director ? No,... The AD's, post production, associate producer, line producer....NO. These people have much much more worry about than some gun, which appears for all of two seconds, has a safety or not. It almost always a case of "Whats available?"

Trevor, be honest. Ok, so you spoke with one of those guys dressed up as a Clingon at Universal Studios Florida. Doesn't count pal.

RikWriter, your post couldn't be further from the truth. All three projects that I worked on as a Writers assitant were researched to death. How do I know ? Because I did the research. I can tell you anything you could possibly want too know about a 67 Shelby GT 350, Macrobiology, John Austin's Rule of Laws. All sorts of useless crap that I spent nights and days making sure to be exact and truthful. And no, it's more often a technical issue than a dramatical one. We would of loved to of used an original GT 350 when shooting on location in Hawai, but see, there just happened to be none around. You can't always get what you want.
I agree, it does not have to be accurate or make sense as long as the film sells
tickets, with a chance of a sequel...

...save the 2nd. No fate but what we make...
It may be a good thing that tactical accuracy is usually lacking in hollyweird. I especially like that new sideways hangun grip?! Wouldnt want hollyweird to get sued because some gang banger learned the right way from a movie... would we?
Rik is right. Hollywood is providing entertainment, not a course on safe gun handling or anything else.
Just watch any fight scene,... when was the last time you saw real life brawl as meticulously choreographed as some of the slugfests you see in the movies?
The problem is that too many people nowadays can't tell the difference between what they see on the movie screen and real life. In the absence of realistic training, this b.s. from hollywood fills the void. Dangerously so.
I remember reading an article by Massad Ayoob that recounted how he went to some European P.D. to provide some training and found that they had incorporated what he called "gangsta' style" (holding the handgun sideways) shooting into their training program.
When he asked them where they picked that up, they told him that they had seen it in the movies and assumed that, since Americans knew everything about guns, it was some new technique that they needed to practice!
FWIW, Hollywierd screws up computer stuff as badly as gun stuff. They want touchie-feelie obscure accuracy (like finding the guys who made the rug in the original Titanic and getting them to make a new duplicate), but won't bother with things that many viewers are likely to be familiar with (a simple email program, or hammerless Glocks).
MusclesMcGee: I see your point about the unexpected problems in a production, but I still cringe when I see the mistakes, especially the ones you describe. As for the Clingon, he told me he was the real deal. ;)
Ever see that show VIP with Pam Anderson? for one the show is a joke... some reason I keep watching it though... I wonder why.... :)

But I love this frail little girl that carries two (yes TWO) .50 caliber Desert Eagles in dual shoulder holsters manages to fire each one of theses hand cannons at the same time (thats one in each hand) with no recoil.

As for computer mistakes... where do I start? On VIP they once had a iMac on a desk and they were looking for "clues" to some murder and one of them pulled out a handfull of floppies from the desk and said "look through theses, they may lead to something"

hahahaha... as you may know one of the major gripes with the new line of Macs including the iMac was that it didn't have a floppy drive. Ever see the movie "The Net"? I don't EVEN have to coment on that. Or the movie "Hackers" where all theses hackers used Macs and they said RISC would be the future, BUWAHAHAHAHA!! guess they didn't know about Intel's new IA-64. (code name Merced)

The Matrix was full of gun mishaps.. cocking the hammer back on a Glock... .223 rifle shells falling down at Keanu's feet (must be an extractor problem) from a 9mm Skorp

But I hate how some people get all their knowlage about guns from TV and think stupid crap like a gun goes off when you drop it. Or you can rack the slide on a auto about 16 times before you actually shoot. Same with a pump action shotgun.

Or how it's ok to use a handgun with your finger on the trigger as a pointer. Or revolvers that have the safety on.

I could go on...

Lethal Weapon had anti gun posters in it? 'heh.. figures. The movie sucked anyways. "we're too old for this ****"

yeah no kidding guys... go golfing or something and stop making lame movies with sax music scores, slapstick comedy and the classic "I'm having a baby so I'm gonna be really pissed off and tell everyone to go to hell and have everyone falling over and breaking stuff in a whole wacky hosptial scene".

-Frank the Spank
Every watch military aviation usage in
films - ha ha ha.

Same in books - ever read a hardboiled mystery and see the detective be a gun idiot.

The Lucas Davenport series are like that.
Full of macho 45 ACP crappola and then
the big detective has to rack it before
going into action because it is dangerous.
I remember one Civil War movie with PR hype about the great research which they did so they even got the uniform buttons right. Then they gave the actors 1873 Winchesters and SAA Colts. (I wondered why they didn't give U.S. Grant a Jeep.)

The bottom line is that they DON'T research thing like they claim. How often do they portray soldiers/sailors/marines like robots or worse, like hip-hopping, bee-bopping idiots? They can make scrubbing toilets look high speed and glamourous.

My brother did a lot of the Discovery Channel's USS Carl Vincent F-14 stuff and he said it was mind boggling how stupid these Hollywood types were. They were doing a Sparrow missle shoot, and as any reasonable person could quickly gather, when the rocket motor ignites, a smoke trail appears to shoot both forward and backward because the plane is moving at a good clip. The Hollyweird type asked, "why did it go backward?" Dumbfounded, my brother and others explained what happened to which the guy said, "well, we'll have to cut that part out. It'll just confuse people."
Emilio Estevez (brother of Charlie Sheen) did a spoof on action movies, I can't recall the title. But it was great, as he stalked thru a building with gun in hand, every time he turned a corner a hokey "gun cocking" sound was made.
Certainly every person who works in Hollywood and saw this movie must have understood that much of what they do is inaccurate. You'd have to be a real simpleton not to understand what was being made fun of in this picture.
The reason it goes on is the same reason why people eat bad frozen pizza, its quick and cheap and most people are lazy.

[This message has been edited by Cecil (edited January 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Cecil (edited January 08, 2000).]
How about RUSH HOUR? Notice the way Jackie Chan and K. Tucker practiced disarming a suspect? Their finger was also on the trigger. Well this movie was meant to be funny and most who watch it were kids they could have at least show the kids the proper handling of firearms.

Why the H*LL should K. Tucker point his gun to a fellow cop when all J. Chan wanted to do was help his friend. It's a little bit hard to explain to the kids.

Well, at least the kids like the movie.

Well, at least they do a halfway decent job of keeping their language usage straight. Most of the movies I've seen that use German do it right--with the exception of "Top Secret," but that was a spoof through and through.

Remember, also, that Hollywood, being a liberal-minded institution, goes more for feeling than fact.

Better a smart man with a dumb gun
Than a dumb man with a smart gun...
Re: Actors cocking pistols unnecessarily, etc.

I believe it's called ACTION. I noticed the late Steve McQueen could sit in a foxhole for days, but each time the camera took a look at him, he racked his grease gun, BAR, or whatever he was using at the time. This is how an actor becomes a scene stealer, taking away from whatever is happening around them. YMMV


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
Aside from a very few, Hollyweird is just that - fantasy on a grand scale. Accuracy? Hope that all the bad guys are this right on the money.

"In space, noone can hear you scream" but when the spaceship goes hurtling by, you get to hear that & The Explosions!

Time any countdown (when the bomb's going to go off) vs what's portrayed on the screen.

Chase scenes are always drawn out - bad guy's gaining & good guy about to be caught, switch screen & the bad guy's 20' further away.

Almost any use of firearms is disgusting - from the 50-shot "never-load" revolver to auto-fire only kills the bad guys, ad nauseum.

Utterly inaccurate to a fault with nary a redeeming feature to be had.

Entertaining enough at times - if nothing else than to yell at the screen about how dumb they are & how screwed up their research folks must be.