Why aren't you a member of the NRA?


New member
We have a semi-regular thing in our club's newsletter: "excuses I heard at the range--you know, like

I just loaded this ammo and didn't test it before the match.
My scope rings were loose.
It's a new gun I haven't broken in yet.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

So what's your excuse for not joining the NRA?
Is $35/year too much for you budget after buying those last three guns?
Is you mailbox so small that it will overflow with one extra letter a month?
What's your excuse.

If the NRA had 80 million members rather than 4 million, the "gun control debate" would be whether an M4 is controllable on full auto.
So what's your excuse for not joining the NRA?
Is $35/year too much for you budget after buying those last three guns?
Is you mailbox so small that it will overflow with one extra letter a month?
What's your excuse.

If the NRA had 80 million members rather than 4 million, the "gun control debate" would be whether an M4 is controllable on full auto.

Agreed !!

Every gun owner at the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, should be a member of the NRA.

I am not exaggerating when I say: If it wasn't for the NRA, we would probably not have this forum because we would not have any guns!

Joining the NRA should be a no-brainer.

Many gun sellers offer discounted or even free one year memberships with gun purchases.

All year Taurus has offered free NRA membership with a gun purchase (deal ends 12/31/07).

Many gun shows are frequented by NRA recruiters who will give you $10 off membership, a free hat and free admission to the show.

I’m a member – even with the NRA’s faults and failures it’s the best thing going right now to fight gun control.

Remember that some of our fellow gun owners refuse to join anything. :D
I have asked my best buddy this same question and he says that he does not like the way they support Republicans and/or conservatives. I explain to him that the NRA supports our second amendment rights regardless of party affiliation. He is a bigger gun nut than I and the truth is that his wife won't let him. She is a Democrat/Liberal activist and got all ticked off at me because I said that dedicated political people are shallow, boring and I choose to put my time, energy and passion where it really counts. I have even offered to buy his membership even knowing that his wife would kick his ass out of the house. Needless to say, he is a Democrat and a damn good one. Democrats need good people.

By the way, I'm a lifer !!! ...... ;)
Joined and kept my membership current for 25 years. I joined when I graduated college and no income for life membership. Now, my wife would be evaluating actuarial tables to determine if I (on averave) was getting a good or bad deal. Pulling my hair out does not help!
I'm a lifer as everyone should be. If you want to keep your gun rights, sign up because if no speaks up we will all lose . THe writing is on the wall. Some say they will never take my gun, I will hide it, what good are they if your afraid to take it out of its hiding place for fear of getting caught. If you shoot it someone will hear,or in time you will run out of ammo or components ,you won't be able to buy any. When tens of millions of people speak up for a cause the polititions will listen more than if only a few million speak. If you own a gun JOIN NOW!
I refuse to belong to a political advocacy group that gives lip service to supporting one right while giving blanket support to organizations that want to trash the rest.
You are known by the company you keep and the NRA has kept some very bad company for the last few decades.
OK...I'll Bite..

If I didn't have a dozen reasons before now...I am not a member of the NRA because they actively sought to derail the Parker case.

(By the way, it's good to be back in the forums..and Hello to all of you from Baghdad, Iraq!!)
How do pro-gun people end up believing the Brady Bunches lies about the NRA?

A few years back, there was a retrospective in American Rifleman, the NRA was 125yrs old. One picture that really struck me was from 1958:
There's this (white) guy in a big smokey the bear hat, drill sergeant type, walking down a firing line with about 20 young black men, most looked to have K98s. The caption said the NRA was training the "deacons for defense" to resist the KKK. (Is this the bad company Buzzcook is talking about? Or maybe that bastion of fascism, the Republican Party? What bad company, specifically? Or do you believe the Brady Bunches lies?).
The lies the GOA has pushed about Parker are detailed in another thread.
Or course if you're too morally pure to join the NRA, you must live in a log cabin with no utilities and eat only food you grow or hunt.
The excuses are PATHETIC.
The information about the NRA and "Parker" did not come from GOA, it came from one of the lawyers involved in the "Parker" case. Check your facts please before you go and attack other posters.
BuzzCook wrote:
I refuse to belong to a political advocacy group that gives lip service to supporting one right while giving blanket support to organizations that want to trash the rest.
You are known by the company you keep and the NRA has kept some very bad company for the last few decades.

So, what other pro-second amendment groups or organizations do you belong to?
Danzig wrote:
If I didn't have a dozen reasons before now...I am not a member of the NRA because they actively sought to derail the Parker case.

I am not trying to attack you here, but what about all the other good things the NRA has done to support the Second Amendment, and our gun-rights?

No organization is 100% perfect, and you will never agree 100% with ANY organization you belong to.

I really believe, that if there were no NRA, we would have NO GUN RIGHTS now, similar to England or Australia.

No organization is 100% perfect, and you will never agree 100% with ANY organization you belong to.

Which is exactly why everyone should join the NRA and become active in it! How else can they improve themselves, do more, and make less mistakes. The more funds and GREAT MINDS that can be put into the collective mission, the better the results.