Why are you hopeless? (Obama)

Liberals are governed by their emotions. Feelings and symbolism trumps substance and reason. And it's much easier to manipulate emotional impressions, Hollywood does it every day. It's no small wonder the Oprah crowd loves Obama. I've listened to his supporters try to articulate why they are for him and it always comes down to how they feel about him. They don't really know exactly what he stands for or what change he is offering. It's a little scary there's so many of them out there but the foundation has been in progress for some time.

My hope is that his or Hillary's nomination will wake up the slumbering masses.
I feel hopeless because millions of lemmings are voting for a corruption laced Chicago politico who belongs to a church with a nasty race-based ideology and whose minister, BHO's good friend, hobnobs with Farrakhan and Gaddafi. Our hero, BHO, gives calls of encouragement to an Al-Qaeda linked Islamist insurgent in Kenya in his spare time, and has ambitions to pour what remains of American treasure into the despotic kleptocrat run crapholes of the Third World. That's why I feel hopeless.
Liberals are governed by their emotions.

So are Conservatives...they're just different emotions. Both sides have the ability and habit to shut out reason and logic when it contradicts dearly held dogma.
So are Conservatives...they're just different emotions. Both sides have the ability and habit to shut out reason and logic when it contradicts dearly held dogma.
Do you have an example of that? I've seen many on the left, the Obama sensation is a good one. They don't even know what he stands for but they're swooning like schoolgirls. I guess many of them are schoolgirls but where do you see an analogy on the right? I thought the beef was they aren't compassionate enough.
That's true enough. Someone could be led by rage. I'm not saying that a conservative is incapable of acting out of emotion or that a liberal is incapable of acting rationally but that the driving force behind the ideologies come from opposite ends of the spectrum, which is why they seldom agree on what's going on or what to do about it.

After 8 years of watching Bush trash the country, I think most Americans are feeling a little hopeless. The environment is ripe for a smooth talking charlaton to get elected

Maybe his theme song should be "Smooth Operator" by Shade. You've hit the nail on the head. After Nixon and Ford, the country was ripe for a smooth talking farmer with a southern drawl. Look how messed up we got after that big mistake. This one will be worse, I'm afraid.