Why are you hopeless? (Obama)


New member
So many of his supporters are tired of feeling hopeless.

The above quote is what I often hear about Obama supporters.

Why is this? I mean things are not perfect in this country and I am sure things could be better. I would not say I feel "hopeless". If I were living in communist China or if we had dictator I would feel hopeless.

But we are still richest country in world, I can still vote, still have a Bill of Rights and I can pursue happiness still. So I may not be perfectly happy but I am not hopeless.

So why is it that Obama followers are HOPELESS?
But we are still richest country in world, I can still vote, still have a Bill of Rights and I can pursue happiness still. So I may not be perfectly happy but I am not hopeless.

So why is it that Obama followers are HOPELESS?

As 911 proves america WILL NOT appreciate what we have until its gone. These are the voters that believe they are powerless to change things for themselves, therefor they feel as though they must vote for someone who makes their lack of thought/desire to do for themselves seem accepted.
best answer

As 911 proves america WILL NOT appreciate what we have until its gone. These are the voters that believe they are powerless to change things for themselves, therefor they feel as though they must vote for someone who makes their lack of thought/desire to do for themselves seem accepted.

You know what that is best answer I have heard. When I think about people I know that like him they fit that. Lazy and in their 20’s hardly ever vote and think they can’t do any thing for themselves. At least Dr. King made people think they could do things for themselves to make this country and their life better. Obama says government should do it all for you!
I can't hate on Hussein. It's us who let the media control the debate to create his window of opportunity.

Barack is doing what politicians are programmed to do, taking advantage of the situation.

Those of us who cherish liberty might want to look at the chain of events that got us here and say "never again".
I'm an Obama supporter and I'm tired of being hopeless. I need hope!!! Hope that someone else will pay for my housing! Hope that someone else will pay for my medical care!! Hope that others will pay for my childrens' education!!!

Here's my "hope". I hope that everyone who can work would go get a job and quit whining about why they are so "hopeless"! Why is the government responsible for solving every problem there is????
Obama is running the most vapid, lighter than air campaign since Clinton's first run where he basically just endlessly repeated the line: "If only we have the courage to change" Sound familiar?
I know many Americans that swear their vote doesn't count. That the government will just continue to screw them and there is nothing they can do about it. That the only thing that counts in America is power and they have none.

This election cycle has seen record turn outs in the primaries. Still less than half of those eligible to vote.

That is hopelessness.

Apparently Obama has struck a chord with many of those who have felt themselves to be virtually disenfranchised. Many of those voting are first time voters looking to support someone that they think will bring fundamental change.

Whatever Obama's negatives may be, he has brought a lot of people to the dance.
How often have you heard that health care is a "right". The follow on is that since it's a right, the government ought to make it affordable, which is really code speak for the government should be in charge of it with a government run, single payer system.

So, if we can convince the majority of americans that keeping and bearing arms is a right (a recent poll shows this is already the case), then shouldn't we start lobbying for the government to pay for the guns we need to "feel" healthy about our own self defense status. What about defending our "villages" and communities? It takes a village after all. No, I'm not talking about The Villages in Florida. Surely the government would have a self interest in providing us with low cost arms to defend the children and feel good about ourselves. We might finally have "hope". ;)

And when the government starts to pay for our right to keep and bear arms, I hope they'll let us keep the "change".
Obama is running the most vapid, lighter than air campaign since Clinton's first run where he basically just endlessly repeated the line: "If only we have the courage to change" Sound familiar?

And how many times did we hear about "Presidential Candidate, Bill Clinton. The man from Hope, Arkansas". This can sell in America. Many people are too:

1. Busy
2. Lazy
3. Ignorant
4. dumb
5. politically immature

to pay attention to any of the details regarding what is good or not so good for America. Thus, they don't listen for candidates positions on those issues, or if they do hear them, they sluff them off as just politicians making more promises to do whatever they are promising to do. However, since they don't like politics and politicians as a general rule, they are keen to grab onto buzz phrases such as "change", "hope", "faith", "pride in America once again", etc.

Whether Obama can drive that car to a checkered flag remains to be seen. He does have a lot of "fans" cheering him on. He doesnt' need to stop for gas, as his campaign is working running on fumes alone. He is running up front for now. Can Hillary pass him and win in the nick of time? What about when he goes up against McCain. I see the youth vote causing a major tipping of the pail to Obama, if they come out and actually vote in any numbers.

He's already trying to pacify the gunowning democrats making statements about how he believes in the Second Amendment and all. Does he really? I don't think so. But that may not even be a major issue in this election. The democrats are pretty much leaving gun control alone, and are at least slapping hands by saying they support the Second Amendment. Even Hillary is getting in on the act with her duck hunting story.
After 8 years of watching Bush trash the country, I think most Americans are feeling a little hopeless. The environment is ripe for a smooth talking charlaton to get elected.
I feel hopeless to because I am taxed so much. I pay more in Federal taxes than I pay, combined, for housing, transportation (including gas), food, guns and ammo. I hope for tax cuts.
I'm feeling perhaps a little hopeless because anti freedom socialists like Obama have a chance of winning elections here instead of being kicked to the curb upon sight. I'm sick of having to think about his kind and the dangers they present to me and to our people and to the future yet can't make myself ignore it or pretend it's not happening. It saddens me that we have spend billions in Iraq and elsewhere fighting enemies abroad yet doing nothing to fight the enemy within that has a lot more ability to destroy us permanently. Buildings can be rebuilt, but civilizations not so easily, and looking at our Constitution and the marvelous nation we created with it I honestly can't see another chance at recreating it if we lose it. That anyone welcomes Obama or any like him with handshakes instead of handcuffs, applause instead of outrage, and a seat in DC instead of a cell in Leavenworth is an injustice to anyone who has given this country anything.
Boring Accountant,
Of course I was joking! Surely even an accountant knows what sarcasm is!!:)

Guess I should have put the first part in quotes, like I was quoting your average Obama supporter.
Marketing 101
--Identify a problem (hopeless)
--Provide a solution to the problem (change)

Combine Marketing 101 with clean slate politics and you get an Obama, a man who has said absolutely nothing substantive yet fulfills some people's deep seated need for emotional validation. At some point Obama will have to change his schtik of hopeless / change and include a few concrete details as to what he is talking about. At some point he will have to flip his ideological cards for all to see. From then on his change theme will lose potency.
It has become part of the liberal strategy to encourage people to feel hopeless, that's why supporters of liberal politicians tend to feel thus. First cause people to feel hopeless and then convince them that you offer hope.

For so many people these days it is much more desirable to forever be a child to be taken care of by a parental government. The option, which seems to discourage too many folks, is grow up, become an adult, take care of yourself and make your own way in the world. For many people, that's just too much work; and too many parents to day seem to be incapable of preparing their children for such tasks.