How many school districts are there in America? 150,000? How many are embroiled in the "intelligent design" controversy? 1, 2?
Another stale piece of propaganda from the liberal/left. Never mind the majority of the other school districts are busy shoving their leftist agenda down the throats of our children, at the expense of their education.
In my school district, the city spends $20,000 per student, yet half of the 12th graders cannot pass a basic skills test for the 8th grade level. Yet they all know Heather has two mommies, how to put a condom on a banana, that Bush is the devil incarnate and all republicans are evil.
Christian bashing is the new anti-semitism. Pick a minute example of a few christians doing something remotely infringing on the vast secular liberal/left establishment. Blow it so out of proportion that the sheeple think it's a gigantic crisis, that "bible thumpers" will break into their houses and force them to go to church. What nonsense, what's more they know it's nonsense.
Just like the whole "draft" scare last election. It was a liberal/left proposal to begin with, then because they could scare stupid male teenagers they propagandized it to the maximum, all the while knowing the whole thing was a lie. Just like the whole gun issue, they know very well that gun "control" doesn't lower crime, but it's a convient lie to scare people into voting for them. Like the draft lie, and like the "American taliban" lie.
Fear and lies, lies and fear, that's the only way they can further their socialist agenda. Anyone furthering that lie ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Then again, one of the hallmarks of a liberal/leftist is, they have no shame.
Another stale piece of propaganda from the liberal/left. Never mind the majority of the other school districts are busy shoving their leftist agenda down the throats of our children, at the expense of their education.
In my school district, the city spends $20,000 per student, yet half of the 12th graders cannot pass a basic skills test for the 8th grade level. Yet they all know Heather has two mommies, how to put a condom on a banana, that Bush is the devil incarnate and all republicans are evil.
Christian bashing is the new anti-semitism. Pick a minute example of a few christians doing something remotely infringing on the vast secular liberal/left establishment. Blow it so out of proportion that the sheeple think it's a gigantic crisis, that "bible thumpers" will break into their houses and force them to go to church. What nonsense, what's more they know it's nonsense.
Just like the whole "draft" scare last election. It was a liberal/left proposal to begin with, then because they could scare stupid male teenagers they propagandized it to the maximum, all the while knowing the whole thing was a lie. Just like the whole gun issue, they know very well that gun "control" doesn't lower crime, but it's a convient lie to scare people into voting for them. Like the draft lie, and like the "American taliban" lie.
Fear and lies, lies and fear, that's the only way they can further their socialist agenda. Anyone furthering that lie ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Then again, one of the hallmarks of a liberal/leftist is, they have no shame.