Why are all you people here?-Have you no life? ;)


New member
Just curious. What is it that brought you here, and how come you stuck around? Common interest? Information? Good place to hang out? Hopeing for a chance to meet DC ;)? Info on how to assualt a black helo in the front yard? Gvt spy?
I like guns, and it was a natural for me to come in here. Liked what I saw and stuck around.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Deliberatley Unarmed People (DUPs) are one thing, we demand the choice.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited December 12, 1999).]
I'm the gov't spy......I'm watching you...........so stop it right now

Star Trek nerd and proud of it
With me it was just dumb luck. I bought my first computer just over a year ago. I was surfing the web looking for gun related sights and sort of blindly stumbled into TFL. Been here ever since and I ain't leavin' :)

Life? Lemme see, used to have one of those...been so long, can't really remember.
I came in search of Information. Was impressed with the IQ's of those here. They confirmed the results of my own research. As well as having a common goal which is to protect our RKBA. Why I stay, well, TFL keeps me updated on what is going on out there with the least amount of time searching and with a lot of good commentary to go along with it.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Like Greyfox, I bought my first computer over a year ago. I had help from a literate friend, and on my first search went into guns.

I started with a other forum but they decended into chaos and I remembered someone whom I respected talking about this group.

I've only been here a few months, but it's nice to talk with people who respect each others opinions enough to put some time into their answers. I didn't find that elsewhere.

I am the Political Officer assigned to monitor subversive comunications. Anyone advocating individuality or private property will be reported. Anyone making negetive comments about the party will be reported.
Surfed on in and never left. Good group of folks with numerous points of view on many subjects. Although I find DC to be an upstanding person and all, I would like to meet Rich. He has more toys!
Regards to all.
Sumpin' ta do between trips to the range -
But seriously, I got back into shooting about 2 yrs ago, relized I had much to learn/catch up on. Been on the 'net since 94 doing research on various things that interest me, seemed like a natural to do guns as my interest revived. I found rec.guns, guns.com, shooters, etc. Then I heard about this one & checked it out, been here ever since. More reliable/available thaan guns.com, more mature than Shooters, well organized, software is easy to use/navigate, but mostly really good, knowledgeable folks.
Best regards, M2
I got into guns earlier this year, and I've been trying to learn as much as possible. I started with the shooters.com forums, but I like the way TFL forums are laid out better. More interesting threads, too.
Was referred by another gun pal in my state. We both used guns.com and I still post occasionally there. Good info there, also, and good people. My main complaint there is with the board itself. Way too slow. Or maybe my computer is. I guess I never really left either one. Great places for like-minded people.

Have a Twinkie, snappahead---Ford Fairlane
I started out on shooterstalk.com and then 1
day there were no new posts to read and I
was bored, so I ended up here and now all youse guys is stuck with me! Forever! or
until my prepaid internet access runs out,
whichever occurs first!:^)

Seriously, better access to gun news here, most of the time.
being here gives me a warm fuzzy feeling like the kind you get when hanging out with friends that see with the same clarity you do. And besides, Uncle Sams pays me to monitor this site :)
Someone posted the link on the MSNBC bulletin boards is how I found my way here, and I've been here since. Most people here have a good (and twisted :) ) sense of humor. The knowledge factor amongst the members here is pretty much top notch. If none of us have the answer to a question, most, if not all are more than willing to take the time to research it and find an answer. This place has been a wealth of information, and chuckles for me. Not to mention a great help in draining my bank account. :)
Can't remember how I found TFL, but I was impressed with the intelligent and civil conversation. And, I wanted to learn more about firearms. TFL turned out to be the ulimate computer-based firearms education tool. I'll leave when I've learned everything I need to know. I figure that will take at least another 50 years ... ;)

And, cdf, I wasn't even invited to the party ... how was it? ;)
Another stumbler here, followed a link from somewheres, can't remember.

I stay here because the depth and breadth of knowledge of the these folks is unmatched anywhere, on the web or off.

Besides, the guys on Bowers' board are just too centrist. :)
I was down on the cyber docks, in a cyber bar when I was slipped a Micky, when I woke up I was here. Still here chained to an oar.

I don't know how I found TFL, been here almost a year now, like the people, information and the humor.

Besides, I don't subscribe to LIFE, I'm still waiting for the next issue of COLLIERS. lol

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited December 12, 1999).]
Life? I seem to have a fuzzy, vague recollection...

I found TFL through Oleg's site (can't remember how I found Oleg's site, though). Lurked a while, found the people here to be intelligent, open-minded (generally ;)), and possessed of an almost obscene amount of gun-related knowledge. Best forum I've found yet.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872