Who's a better Vice Presidential candidate?

Who's a better Vice Presidential candidate?

  • Pretty, life-time NRA member Sarah Palin

    Votes: 114 89.8%
  • Bald, washington insider, anti-gun, Joseph Biden

    Votes: 13 10.2%

  • Total voters
I'm a little confused over this whole "experience" thing. So a 30+ year Senator has a lot of experience; at what? Selling the citizens and the constitution down the river for political gain. I'd prefer someone without a keen ability of "how things get done in DC" because I don't like the way things are getting done in DC.
'm a little confused over this whole "experience" thing. So a 30+ year Senator has a lot of experience; at what? Selling the citizens and the constitution down the river for political gain. I'd prefer someone without a keen ability of "how things get done in DC" because I don't like the way things are getting done in DC.

Are you talking about McCain or Biden? :rolleyes:
I personally think this is a waste of time to post my thoughts, but I'm in the mood for some light-hearted humor.

Who do you think is a better Vice Presidential candidate, Biden or Palin?

Quite the general question. What's your definition of better? Better to grab votes? Better at playing politics and rubbing elbows? Better choice for principles?

Better at playing the political games in DC has to go to Biden. You have to be a slithering snake to appease lobbyists and citizens at the same time. Grabbing votes and principles is Palin by a mile.

Who do you think will help the ticket more, Biden or Palin?

Palin. Once the dust settles and Americans find out more about her they will see that she's a good choice.

Are you more likely to vote for McCain because of his choice of Palin?

I'm more likely, but still haven't decided.

Are you more likely to vote for Hussein because of his choice of Biden?

I will NEVER vote for Obama.

Who would you rather have dinner with, Biden or Palin?

That's easy. Biden And, no, I'm not kidding.

Who would you rather shoot in the face, Biden or Palin? (by accident of course like Dick Cheney did with his lawyer "friend")

Neither. I may have a low opinion of Biden, but I don't wish this on anybody.
Just like I despise re-training bad habits out of anyone or even a dog... I like the fact that Palin is not "experienced" *crooked* in D.C. P.C. B.S. She has More executive experience than OHB, McCain or Biden. All they ever done is boss a few under subjects in a senate office. a good President doesn't need anything more than diplomatic speaking skills and a good head on his/her shoulder to handle foreign affairs. They have all the skills they need in their appointed secretaries. the President should not act like they run this nation because they do not... WE DO! At least that is what we were taught in the civics classes I took in high school...
Like many conservatives, I was apathetic about McCain, who is a political zebra. I would have voted more against the Marxist Obama than for McCain. But, I have to admit that Sarah Palin's speech on Friday got my political juices flowing again. I now feel I can vote with some level of enthusiasm for the ticket. I suspect that many conservatives feel the same way.
* - Actually, given the option I'd decline a "romantic" dinner with either...because I'm not into homewreckin'.

JuanCarlos.... what makes you think that you'd be so appealing to Palin that you'd end up a homewrecker? Qualifications, man, what are your qualifications? :)

If your list proves persuasive, then perhaps we'll have to change your name to DonJuan.
JuanCarlos.... what makes you think that you'd be so appealing to Palin that you'd end up a homewrecker? Qualifications, man, what are your qualifications?

Well, considering I voted for Biden in this one merely as a show of solidarity with my bald brother, I think perhaps you may have a point. ;)
Biden ain't bald... I seen a full head of white hair....

Don't know a hell of a lot about Palin, but like what I see so far. She'll bring far more votes to her ticket than Biden will his.

Does anyone else think that Biden ought to be selling Shamwows in an infomercial somewhere?
Biden has a major working knowledge of how things work in DC. Palin has no experience at that level. Who do you think can work the machine when it becomes necessary?

I don't really see that as a plus. Biden is a prime example of why the country has as many problems as it does - a Senator who plagiarizes and borrows whenever it suits him and passes whatever rules he thinks needs to be passed regardless of the Constitution. Personally, it saddens me that the ticket of two lawyers (Obama/Biden) also is the ticket with the most disregard for the Constitution. The very two people who should and DO know better are the ones doing the most damage to the system. If Palin lacks that kind of experience, it is a plus in my book.

Palin will get walked on by the politicians in DC and will have little or no impact on foreign policy issues. McCain needed someone with far more diplomatic knowledge; probably Condi would have been a better choice.

Uh, Palin went from small-town mayor to Governor of Alaska and knocked off some very powerful politicians (within her own party no less) along the way - and she did it all while being a mother and wife. While I am sure the game is a little different in D.C., you don't take out an incumbent senior politician from your own party in the primaries without knowing how to play the political game very well. Given some of the past luminaries that have held this position, I have no doubt Palin will be more than capable at it.
I`m not a liberal so you can guess my vote. Biden is nothing more than a long time good-ole-boy Democrat that agreed with and loved Mccain until his VP nominee chances. Now he`s mirroring all Obama`s beliefs. Seems as though he`ll go down whatever political road that will advance himself politically at a given time.