Who's a better Vice Presidential candidate?

Who's a better Vice Presidential candidate?

  • Pretty, life-time NRA member Sarah Palin

    Votes: 114 89.8%
  • Bald, washington insider, anti-gun, Joseph Biden

    Votes: 13 10.2%

  • Total voters


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Who do you think is a better Vice Presidential candidate, Biden or Palin?

Who do you think will help the ticket more, Biden or Palin?

Are you more likely to vote for McCain because of his choice of Palin?

Are you more likely to vote for Hussein because of his choice of Biden?

Who would you rather have dinner with, Biden or Palin?

Who would you rather shoot in the face, Biden or Palin? (by accident of course like Dick Cheney did with his lawyer "friend")
Neither. Palin is a relatively unknown when no real world experience with questionable ethics. Biden is your typical corrupt Washington insider.
Thank you whoever you are for testing that the "Bald, corrupt, Biden" option
actually works. :)

Yes, the wording is biased. What do you expect? It's a gun forum.
She pulled me out of "none of the above". And when's the last time we had a blue collar "normal" person in the WH? The century before last? A couple months ago all you heard on the news was "elitist" this and "change" that. Well, there you go.

Oh and she didn't co-author McCain/Feingold either.
I don't think Biden adds anything to the Obama ticket. That campaign is all about style and bling. Palin will add greatly to the McCain ticket unlike any of the others that were mentioned. In reality what did Biden add and what would Romney add. Nothing in either case other than being a safe choice.
PT111 said:
I don't think Biden adds anything to the Obama ticket. That campaign is all about style and bling. Palin will add greatly to the McCain ticket unlike any of the others that were mentioned. In reality what did Biden add and what would Romney add. Nothing in either case other than being a safe choice.

Doesn't that say something about Hussein's judgement? He needed
to pick Hillary as a strategic move. It shows that Hussein is lacking in
judgement and holds grudges, not what you want in a chief executive. :barf:
I don't see Biden bringing many voters over to the Obama ticket unless someone was already leaning that way but just unsure about his lack of "experience" and "foriegn policy". On the other hand Palin will bring in lots of new voters for McCain. My own example: I'm a consevative/libertarian who is really turned off by the Obama/Biden Marxism, but I have issues with McCain. It was looking like I'd be voting for a third party again, even though they have little chance of winning. Then comes Sarah Palin. I had started reading about her a few months ago and wished that she was running. Now she is and I'll be voting Palin for Vice President.
I don't see Biden bringing many voters over to the Obama ticket unless someone was already leaning that way but just unsure about his lack of "experience" and "foriegn policy". On the other hand Palin will bring in lots of new voters for McCain. My own example: I'm a consevative/libertarian who is really turned off by the Obama/Biden Marxism, but I have issues with McCain. It was looking like I'd be voting for a third party again, even though they have little chance of winning. Then comes Sarah Palin. I had started reading about her a few months ago and wished that she was running. Now she is and I'll be voting Palin for Vice President.

You are not alone in that. Millions of people felt that their vote was only for the lesser of two evils. Good or bad there is now a fresh face in the race that is a DC outsider that the average American can relate to. To me it was then only pick he could have made the would really make any kind of difference.
What's up with this? :confused:

There are TWO people who think Biden is a good choice? ONE I can understand, but TWO, on a gun forum?!? :barf:
more than one issue

for many of us there are more than one issue (even on a gun forum.) Biden has a major working knowledge of how things work in DC. Palin has no experience at that level. Who do you think can work the machine when it becomes necessary? Palin will get walked on by the politicians in DC and will have little or no impact on foreign policy issues. McCain needed someone with far more diplomatic knowledge; probably Condi would have been a better choice.
What's up with this?

There are TWO people who think Biden is a good choice? ONE I can understand, but TWO, on a gun forum?!?
Its because not every one holds the 2nd amendment as the focal point of their political views. Some people love guns as a hobby, property and ccw but dont necessarily agree with the views of the people who support 2a the most. 2A it just one issue..im not surprised to see people who are gun enthusiast also show they have other issues that may hold more weight in their choice in elected officals.
Hey Saab1911, why don't you go back to Stormfront?

Who do you think is a better Vice Presidential candidate, Biden or Palin?

Who do you think will help the ticket more, Biden or Palin?

Are you more likely to vote for McCain because of his choice of Palin?

Are you more likely to vote for Obama because of his choice of Biden?

Who would you rather have dinner with, Biden or Palin?

Who would you rather shoot in the face, Biden or Palin? (by accident of course like Dick Cheney did with his lawyer "friend")

Fixed for you.

To answer at least some of your questions:

From a conservative standpoint, Palin is obviously the better VP candidate. From a "pure" experience standpoint (ignoring positions and policies, and thus assuming you could agree with either one) Biden is the better choice. Of the two, I think Palin will help her respective ticket more. I am less likely to vote for McCain, and more likely to vote for Obama, due to their respective choices (though only marginally so in either case). If you're talking about a "romantic" dinner, obviously Palin.* Otherwise? Probably Biden. And I'm not really big on shooting anybody in the face unless it's absolutely necessary.

* - Actually, given the option I'd decline a "romantic" dinner with either...because I'm not into homewreckin'.