Who would you trust to be President?

I trust no one, But since I have to vote and since I don't want GORE I guess I'm going to have to vote for GWB :rolleyes: I believe him to be the lesser of the two evils.

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.
Heinlein said the difference between bad and worse is infinitely more important than the difference between good and better. Do you think we can convince GWB to take Alan Keyes as veep? He'd make a GREAT candidate in 04 or 08!!!
nralife, goa, jpfo, fcsa, smvfm
I think since we haven't had a president in there for the past 8 yrs, I think Charley Brown would be a good candidate, he could do as well as the one we have had. :)


The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR
I'm with you, TAZ:
No one who wants the job.

Groucho Marx said he would never belong to a club that would accept him as a member, and that's how I feel about the Presidency.

Frankly I think we made a mistake installing such a strong executive in the Constitution. Or maybe just putting in such a strong federal government.

Bring back the Articles of Confederation!
RHC. SOrry I am LMAO at that. There is a reason that the Articles of Confederation were done away with. Some things, no matter how nice on paper, just don't work. We have to have one person at the top to make choices. Look at congress. DO they ever get thigs done in a wuick manner? No. As much as I hate to steal a line from Star Wars. "I will not sit Idly by while you discuss this in a commity" That may not be it exactly but you get the point. Someone has to be able to say. "DO IT." Now this is dangerous. we have all seen what can happen when someone gets power hungry. But That is a chance you take.
Billy Graham
Allen Keyes
Howard Phillips

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
We (on this board, not the imperial "we" ;))don't want Alan Keyes for Pres or Veep; those posts end after a relatively short time.

We want Alan Keyes for Supreme Court Justice! Where he can do good things for us for many, many years.
Larry Klayman

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"