Who would have guessed, Jerry Lewis

Seriously? 73 guns constitutes an arsenal large enough to equip his own army?

And some might fetch as high as 5 figures?

Geez, half the guys I shoot with have guns that can fetch mid to high 5 and even into 6 figures, and 73 isn't a lot........
73 is many more than I have but an Army it does not make.

Reportedly some of the cache were gifts from other celebrities and inscriptions are included on some of the handles

Could make a conversation piece.

This is hardly a surprise though. Lewis held his cards close to his chest on politics in ultra lib Hollywood but was a solid supporter of civil rights.
My thought and question of course is will they follow up and report some of the selling prices?

A signed piece wouldn't be my thing but I'm sure there are people out there that will spend the money.
"Fake news" :)
Clearly the author hasn't a clue. Had he at least gone to Wikipedia or googled "Army" oganizationally, he would have seen he needed at least 50K soldiers.
73 weapons for 50,000 soldiers? = joke of a reporter or gross journalistic incompetence.
In my house we have an Army of 2! Me and the wife. :D

We might not have 70+ firearms but we do both have more than one for each hand. We also have 2 rooms that are easily defended.

Like some of the current day writers I have considered the thought that I should run for an elected office. Around here it would be easy, just enter one of those races that are never contested! Could probably do it for only a few hundred dollars to boot!

Still can't picture the Nutty Professor with a six gun in his hand. Or how about Jerry Lewis as Secret Agent Man!
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73 weapons for 50,000 soldiers? = joke of a reporter or gross journalistic incompetence.
Perhaps he's Russian. ;)

Seriously? 73 guns constitutes an arsenal large enough to equip his own army?
I'm on vacation with only sporadic, crappy Wi-Fi, so I haven't been internetting.
But a friend sent an email that came through on my phone, pointing this story out.
We both find it laughable.
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Actually,with a Western rig Jerry Lewis was one of the fastest guns in Hollywood.I can't say I fully appreciate the comedy routine he put with his demonstration(available on youtube) but he could handle a sixgun.

Another very fast gun was Sammy Davis Jr.
Tom Snyder interviewed Jerry Lewis in the 1990s, and Lewis mentioned in passing he owned guns. I recall the interview, and I recall the pistol Lewis specifically mentioned: A Beretta 92. The journalist in question is a tool. A little research would have served him well.
Ya know when I 1st saw this article I really didn't pay much attention to what the writer wrote as I was astounded by the fact that Jerry Lewis was such a gun enthusiast. As a kid I was a huge fan.

On another forum that I shared this story someone posted a link to the actual auction and some of the items are quite interesting. Another member also mentioned Sammy Davis Jr. along with Cliff Robertson and Glen Ford.
If he were alive today the left would be demonizing him and blaming him for being a poor role model. Not anything like the great role models the left has like DeNiro, Michael Moore and of course Kathy Griffin. That's the best of what the left can do.
So, I guess this means when I joke around with my son about accumulating enough guns to start my own army, I don't know what I'm taking about and need to research it more? LOL! I must admit the nitpicking on this site has been very amusing to me lately. I prolly need to get out more. :D