Who will you vote for?

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Sorry for the double post, the server has been effectively down all day and im running so slow and returning so many onions that it takes half an hour to make a post.
I will vote for whichever guy I agree with most on important issues. Undecided, but leaning toward Obama. So yes, there are gun owners who support Obama.
Let's see now. The OP said, "Are you all as gun lovers pro McCain? Does the NRA dictate to you? Are there any Obama supporters?"

Are we to assume he feels that only NRA zombies would vote for McCain or are we smart, intelligent people. You know, like those who know Obamma is "THE ONE", the messiah we have been waiting for, the one who will have the Federa Gov. take from the rich and give to the poor in round two of the Great Societies "War on Poverty". Which by the way, "poverty" seems to have won every battle thus far.

Ah, we sad lunk heads. If only we would elect more socialist liberals like Obamma we wouldn't have to depend on ourselves, our families (those "like us"), our God or our guns (that is, be self reliant). Instead we could belly up to the federal piggy feed trough and get our share of the slops like the other poverty types do.

Guess that couldn't be too bad tho. The US has the fattest "poor" people in the world. Why not, with free food, free housing, free medical care, free power and heat subsidies? All that on top of the free education opportunities they are determined to ignore. Most of then already have autos, satelite TVs, DVDs, VCRs, CDs, Game Boys, etc. And lots of jewlery, clothes, beer and all the other things other people owe them for existing, so why should we expect them to work like the rest of us?

I'm sure that if we just elect the highly intelligent, honest, God fearing, patriotic Citizen of the World Obamma we would live in peace, harmony and plenty with what he would take from Big OIL. He has to be well qualified to lead America, he already has the experience of being a junior level Chicago political organizer as well as some 150 active days in the US Senate. Surely we can believe that he has sound plans to make our lives much better. Just imagine what he would give us all if we would just give up our guns. And cars. And money. And resist being zombies of the NRA. All for the children of course.


But, to answer his quetion, against what Obamma says is for my own good, I'll vote for Johnny Mac, even if I have to hold my nose. At least John won't make me puke.

All I know at this time, is that I will NOT vote for McBush. That leaves me with a few choices, either vote Obama, third party, or not at all. The last two choices seem to be the best alternatives than voting for Obama. Though I really do not like any of the third parties. Even though I agree with Obama on many issues, I just do feel he has enough experience to lead this nation. Even though he tries hard to make himself to be a candidate of change, the cynic in me doubts he is that radically different than the other Presidents we had in the past couple decades. Though I am sure he would be a vastly better President than GWB. I also find his Change message to be transparent and hollow in meaning. I am a complete cynic when it comes to politics.
I voted for Paul in the primary so I feel for everyone here who would vote for Barr. The primary is the time to vote for dark horse candidates. In the general election, it will either be Obama or McCain, and voting for Barr will accomplish nothing. However, I totally understand from a personal standpoint why you would want to do it, and I don't fault you for it. Unfortunately, I am too much of a realist to do that. I don't really want McCain but I dang sure don't want Obama.
That's a funny one Roy!

Are you all as gun lovers pro McCain? Does the NRA dictate to you?Are there any Obama supporters?
Such an interesting set of questions! ;) Considering that this forum is in written format I doubt there will be many Obama supporters, but you might check out the call-in poll on your local NPR station.

Clinton became one of the greatest presidents ever. His popularity soared with every sick and perverted act he did. Edwards seems to have him beat, therefore he would eclipse old Bubba as the best ever.:eek:
So yes, there are gun owners who support Obama.
You mean "Soon-to-be-former Gun Owners who support Obama. :barf:

A few weeks ago, I offered to make a bet with anyone that if Obama was elected, there would not be a gun ban during his term. Nobody took me up on it.
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