Who will you vote for?

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It has to be Mccain. Ron Paul has a snowballs chance, so rather than give my vote to him , ( and Obama) Ill give it to Mcain and do my best to stick it to Obama. I hate him....with a passion...many passions
Next President?

"I will vote for the candidate who is most likely to do the least damage to the 2nd Amendment".

You got that right and it sure isn't OBAMA!
I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.

This November I'm voting for:



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Any decision about who to vote for should first and foremost come from the acknowledgement that only one of two men is going to the White House. And I'm not talking about Nader or Barr.

Voting for anybody other than one of those two men only helps insure that the one of those two who agrees with you the least gets elected.

I'm voting for McCain. Better on guns. Better energy policy. More experience.

Obama is not ready for prime time. His Senate record so far--indistinguished--suggests that he really isn't fit to even be a Senator, much less a President.

So, the distinguished Vietnam War veteran or the junior Senator with the paper-thin resume and disturbingly utopianist views on what the role of government should be?

Easy choice, folks.
The choices are getting worse and worse each election cycle, how did bush even get the nomination in 2000?
Didn't the fully auto ban get lifted during the Bush administration?

Personally I like Bush, if i could I'd vote for him again. (don't want to start a Bush bashing thread just an opinion)

To the task on hand I'm voting McCain.

As others have stated there are only two true candidates running for office, a vote for a third party might make you feel better about your vote, but to me its a waste of a vote. Take a look at the 92 election Ross took away votes from H.W. Bush and cost him the election. It seems to me that it is better to support a candidate (McCain) that has some of your values, than to vote for a third party who has most/all your values and get the candidate (Obama) who has none of your values into office.

sorry for the rant
Does the NRA dictate to you?Are there any Obama supporters?

Dear Drive By Troll:

Of course the NRA dictates to us. The NRA membership card has a micro device that beams pro McCain ideas into our heads several times each hour. Even foil hats won't stop the transmissions.

Obama? Mr Gun Banning Bitter American Himself? Of course there are Obama supporters here. If you search, you'll find a group call "Gun Owners for Obama."

Have a great day.
Are you all as gun lovers pro McCain? Does the NRA dictate to you?Are there any Obama supporters?

Can we start shutting down troll threads quicker and banning posters?

We had a GOA fanatic with 1 post start an inflamatory NRA slamming thread days ago. We now have Obamists with 4 total posts named Please Vote mucking up the water here.
If you search, you'll find a group call "Gun Owners for Obama."

That is right. I am a proud member myself. I like to waive my flintlock above my head (along with my license, registration, mandatory gun owner safety training, and psychological evaluation documents) and yell "From my cold, dead hands!"

As soon as I can find some microstamped, lead-free musket balls that do not penetrate Level I soft armor, I plan to shoot it some too! ;)
Didn't the fully auto ban get lifted during the Bush administration?

No. The 1934 NFA and the 1986 registry closure are still in full effect. What expired was the 1994 "Assault Weapons Ban" which had not one thing to do with full auto firearms; it merely banned cosmetic features and new production of magazines larger than a given arbitrary number for purchase by the populace.

As for the troll who kicked off the thread, I might suggest that he/she look back on Obama's record and find anything that might possibly suggest that he would at any time be friendly to our interests and freedom. Just one vote against any anti-gun ordnance or law. Just one full and legitimate support for the rights of law abiding gun owners. You won't find one. You'll find lots of lip service, but hidden in his "respect for the Second Amendment" is a record of nothing but continued infringements upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
"Can we start shutting down troll threads quicker and banning posters?"

That was my initial reaction too, but looking at Please Vote's other posts I think he probably is only a newbie who is unfamiliar with forums, and maybe firearms in general.

That said, I suggest a search of Legal and Political forum. There have already been threads covering this subject.

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