Who still shoots airguns?

so my friend loses the firing pin for my new (to me) French 1954 (7.5mm converted to).308 and gives me his Diana Model 48/52 air rifle.I didn't know that air rifles((bb guns)) had come this far.... to bad the lever to cock the thing is broken through where the rivet goes...anyone know where to find one on the web? anyone know if this thing's worth anything?
I've got a Weirach HW77 .177 with a 3x9 scope. It's a crow killer, especially with the Beeman Kodiak pellets. A fully adjustable trigger, set at about 1 pound, and a heft of around 8.5 pounds make for accurate offhand shooting.

I shoot outside at a swinging metal target out at 30 yards. The pellets completely flatten out. This rifle is fun!
Dennis, I have one of the Beeman S-1 airguns. I don't remember where I bought it but paid only $50 for it new. Some of the big dept. stores returned hundreds of them due to a lack of sales. Some had slight blemishes. It is a very good rifle. The trigger can be adj. down to 1 lb. if needed. Velocity is in the 800 to 900 fps range. The vibration level is much lower than my BSA SS.I think I bought it from Airguns of Arizona. It does a great job on "tree rats".
5mm Sheridan Blue Streak. 35 years young, and still can put a pellet through 3/4 " of soft pine with 8 pumps. Got it for Christmas in '64. It will be handed down.

CCW for Ohio action site.
I shoot a 22 cal Theoben every day to whet my off hand skill. I am going to England over Thanksgiving and plan to bring back one of the new 9MM rifles that has 140 foot pounds energy.
The new Smith & Wesson 586 and 686 Replica Airguns amde by Umarex in Europe are pretty cool.

We used them in a side event at the Celebrity Shirt earlier this year and they worked out really well. They feel almost exactly like the real thing (though the triggers are not the same) and they fit perfectly in the holsters designed for those guns.

They would be great for introducing a newbie or for indoor practice in an apartment or something like that.....

who here had thier first red ryder at age 6???

my nephew and I shoot bb guns off the back porch every othger month, sometimes grandpa joins in. Thought for a while about buying a norinco air rifle in .177 but it seemed "overpowered" for the back yard. Then I saw that izmash biathalon trainer..... mmmmmmmm maybe we can move the pop cans back another 25 -50 yards????

And i know a few elk hunters who have said they WISH they had an air gun in the woods when nature's little alarm system (grey squirrels) start chattering you position away to every thing on four legs to the world.Me, just put the sope on the sqirrel and mouth the word "bang" and move on.

I have an old Sheridan Blue Streak- I guess you could call it a Brass Streak now, as the blue has worn out in areas... Got it at a flea market for $20.

I sent the thing off to Mac 1 Airguns (they have a web page but couldn't find the link)in California for a "14 pump tune" and then I put a 3x Burris Pistol scope out over the lever "scout style"!

14 pumps is a work out but it will get you 900 fps with the Red box Sheridan pellets and about 800 fps with the Yellow box- the thing is a cannon now, loud as a .22 short almost...

My primary pest control has been a Winchester 52 reproduction shooting .22 Long CBees from Remington. Out of a 24" barrel, you get 29grs of lead at 720 fps and they are so quiet, you can hear the firing pin snap.

I like it QUIET...
I am DEADLY with a cheapo Daisy 880. At the summer camp where I work, we can't have real guns like .22s. It's not a PC thing, they just can't afford to hire anybody qualified to deal with shooting and they figure BB guns are too safe to need much training (not me, the bosses.)
Also, we have a range area but it's such a small camp that there's a trail and the lakeshore about 40 yards beyond. You can't see that far for the brush but . . . .

So we all get pretty good with the 880. Counselors tend to spend cleaning days (no kids) setting up soda cans in a semicircle around the edge of the play field (about 40-50 yards from the porch) and plinkin' 'em down. Now that I've come along and taught them that you can ADJUST the sights they have even more fun. :)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Love shooting air guns. Ten year old son and I spend hours clearing sparrows out of a friends feed yard. As for RWS repairs, RWS has a lifetime warranty. If it breaks they fix it. Try Airgun Express, Montezuma IA they are the warranty repair center for RWS.