Who owns a bullet proof vest?

A fwe years ago I wore one constantly because I had some attempts on my life. I am glad I did it had the lvl 4rifle plates in it wich saved my life when I was hit with 2 rounds from an AK-47 during a driveby I had 2 broken ribs and a cracked rib but I still lived. The reasons for the attempts was because I was accused of turning in a drug party.
You wore a level IV vest, constantly? It weighs AT LEAST 14 pounds and is about two inches thick, and you wore it constantly.... You were hit with two rounds of 7.62x39 in a vest that will stop a .300 WIN MAG and it broke two ribs and cracked a third... With a vest that will absorb multiple hits from an MG-42 at close range and it broke ribs.... I was involved in LE sales so I have been familiar with the Dupont survivors club and I don't remember any incident like that...

I have a videotape of Richard Davis being shot in the chest with multiple rounds of steel core 7.62x39 from a distance of less than one foot without injury, heck he wasn't even pushed off balance.

Just how did you break ribs with this beast straped to your chest?

Did people give you strange looks at the supermarket checkout stand for wearing this monstrosity?

How did you convince your employer that it was necessary for you to wear this on the job?

Did it cause back problems? Some of the gate guards here have been placed on light duty because they are required to wear them while on shift and they are all young, fit and have been wearing them off and on for a while. Come to think of it they have level III plates that are lighter. I have a level III vest that I use for PT some days, really tears me up when I jog 20 minutes, even at a slow pace.

Yes, I am a bit incredulous, I sit here in disbelief. Convince me.
I wore it in areas that I was hanging out in at the time there was no need to wear it at work the reason it broke my ribs is because at the tme I had a major calcium defficencyand a oversized trench coat hides alot
Interested in a low-profile vest

Can anyone recommend a good low-profile vest? Something that can be worn under a dress shirt (for me) or under a fairly tight blouse (for my wife).

I am not interested in stopping rifle bullets or even high-powered magnum pistol. I am interested in stopping the types of bullets used by run-of-the-mill street thugs and punks.

I live in a pretty safe suburb of the SF Bay Area, but at times feel vulnerable when traveling in San Francisco (either for work or play). There are just too many wacked-out crazies, druggies, and liberals in that city!