Who makes new full size .22 single-shot rifles?

If you are willing to lay out some pretty big bucks, you can get a T/C Encore with a .22LR barrel. However, you'll pay over $700 for that combo.
Right now there is a Winchester Model 67 at The Evil Pawn Shop,,,
But he's adamant about wanting a brand new rifle for his boy.

I can't speak to as to why your co-worker insists on getting a "brand new" rifle for his son but I don't think he could do much better than a Winchester Model 67 rifle for his stated purposes, even if used (assuming in good condition, it's selling for around a couple hundred bucks or so).
A surplus Polish Radom Wz-48 would be perfect. And way cooler rifle than anything new.

Boncrayon said:
Savage, Ruger,Marlin and Remington.

You know how I know you didn't bother to read the thread? :rolleyes:
Hello emcon5,,,

A surplus Polish Radom Wz-48 would be perfect. And way cooler rifle than anything new.

I agree with you completely,,,
But if I found one for sale anywhere,,,
I would buy it for myself if I had the spare coin.

My bud wants a new rifle for his son,,,
Because he simply doesn't know any better,,,
And to tell the truth, the kid deserves nice stuff from his dad.

I've known him since he was 3-4 years old,,,
He's never given his parents one moment of grief,,,
And he pulls his weight around the house like he was a boarder.

Dad just wants to give his kid a nice shiny new rifle,,,
Who among us can really fault him for that.

My personal recommendation (if the club will allow it),,,
Is a CZ of some ilk, with a single-shot adapter.

Thanks for the suggestions,,,


Sounds like a great plan !!!

And to tell the truth, the kid deserves nice stuff from his dad.
That is saying a lot and too bad all dads don't understand that the best work they will ever do, is their kids. I've got Grandsons that have gone through hell with their dad and even though I know I can't fix "it". I can sure as heck make it better and I do. ..... ;)

My personal recommendation (if the club will allow it),,,
Is a CZ of some ilk, with a single-shot adapter.
That is an excellent choice and wish you luck. Might suggest the American as oppose to the Lux. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
Hello Chuck Dye,,,

Hello Chuck Dye,,,
You are now officially on my "hate" list. ;)

Okay, maybe hate is a strong word,,,
But you have done me no favor.

I hope that rifle is as rare as other Uberti rifles seem to be,,,
Because having seen the picture of it,,,
I now want one!

But for the list price of $709.00...
I doubt one will be in my near future.

Thanks for posting that my friend,,,


Hang on, how long are new members of this club required to use single shots?

Can he use your Henry through the probation period, and get something more versatile for when it is no longer required?

I have been coveting a Ruger American Rimfire for some time, planning on getting the compact model for my son. Reports on it have been pretty positive, it is relatively inexpensive, and used 10/22 magazines.

The compact isn't all that compact, compared to a typical youth rifle, and I am pretty sure the stocks interchange, so I can get a standard stock for him when he grows into it. For your friend's son, sounds like that wouldn't be necessary.

On edit, looks like the stocks themselves are the same, I would just need to buy the full length insert, for $20: http://shopruger.com/Stocks/products/5600/
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Organizational requirement ???

Hang on, how long are new members of this club required to use single shots?
It may not be a club requirement but instead, the sponsoring organization. I have been associated with these shoots for the BSA, 4-H and now, Hunter Ed. All have this requirement. Really not an issue, just following the rules. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I'm not certain which club he joined,,,

I'm not certain which club he joined,,,
But it's a moot point since this is what they require. :o

I think he's swaying towards the Savage Mark-I,,,
His thinking is that it satisfies the club rules inexpensively.

I did mention that this is not a bad thing to do,,,
Get the boy started with adequate quality,,,
Buy him that "nice" rifle a bit later on.

That way he will probably have some input as to what he really wants to own,,,
On the other hand the boy might not keep on shooting past the first year.

In any event he has it narrowed down to a few good options,,,
So unless we want to jaw about our personal favorites,,,
Our mission here has been accomplished.

Thanks for the comments my friends,,,


I'm not certain which club he joined,,,
But it's a moot point since this is what they require.

Are you sure it is a moot point?

You said:
They require using a single-shot rifle for all of their new members.
How long is it required?

If it is only required until they show that they are not dangerous, he could in theory use your Henry until the probation period is passed. I have nothing against CZ, they make good guns, but I would rather save $100 and get the Ruger, and put the extra money toward glass.
Hello emcon5,,,

Yeah, the point is definitely moot.

No semi-auto's allowed at all,,,
Apparently they will allow a bolt repeater,,,
But you still have to use it as if it were a single-shot.

Also, they only allow iron sights so no scopes are allowed.

I'm putting my trusty Mossberg 340KC at their disposal,,,
It has precision peep sights and is very accurate,,,
It will get the boy shooting until they buy one.

