Who knows the average response time of the ATF

I just asked my FFL guy and he told me that the people in my area are claiming 6 months after the feds cash your check. He says the feds typically cash there checks in 2-5 weeks.
It seems a little too convenient to me that it takes 6 months to process the paper work... me thinks there is a system in place that creates this. What I mean is a pile of paper work on someone's desk can't constantly stay that exact.

as I've said before the whole system is self perpetuating ..... not only does BAFT love it, 12 new employees needed, but the Class 3 dealers and manufactures do to.... the only ones who don't benefit from it are.... the common citizen and the constitution.
blume, me thinks you are wrong.

Transfer times were not always 6 months. When I first started buying NFA tax stamps, transfers were taking 2 to 3 months. My dealer told me that they used to take a year. These things weren't exact either, they were averages.

I don't know what BAFT is but they can love a long wait all they want. The NFA examiners are overloaded. Dealers are loosing sales when they mention "by the way it will be half a year before you can take this home." Manufacturers benefit from TV shows that feature NFA stuff and the internets spreading the good word that silencers, short barreled guns, and AOWs are legal to own, they haven't been done any favors by the longer wait times.
Don't complain too much about the delay, it takes about 8-months for the VA to process disability benefit requests.
This is what it looks like at the NFA Branch.

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I sent some paperwork in around that same time. Just got all three in the mail last week. You should have it shortly if you have not received it yet. Good luck.
Wow, I guess I was lucky last year (didn't feel that way at the time) - my stamp came 4 months after I sent the application.