Who Is the "PC" most senior in age

Here you go, Mr. Eatman, sir.

Just sit down in this nice chair. There you go! I'll put your blankie over your little kneesies - just like this!

And here's a nice little sugar cookie for you. (pat, pat, pat.)

(In bomb shelter, awaiting response... :D :D :D !!!)
I like this thread. Whenever I feel like I'm getting older--like, past 50--it helps to be reminded that there are folks a good deal older than me. :)
Remember, guys, it's not how old you *are*, it's how old you *feel*.

Now where the hell is my Social Security check?! ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I was born in 1926, got my first gun in 1932, got my first NFA gun in 1934, served in WW II and the Korean "War", practiced surgery nearly 40 years, and shoot and ride my motorcycle weekly (not weakly). I have friends that I think can beat that, at least in some aspects. I really don't feel old in my 74th year(after I get up and get loosened up in the AM) and have been blessed to be free of medical problems. I have what my wife feels is a "large" gun collection (she really doesn't object) but it has been almost two months since I have added to it and my collection is really modest by many of my friend's standards. Most of all, I really love my guns and actively enjoy them, shooting at least four each week at our local outdoor range, weather permitting, and it usually does. :)

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited December 15, 1999).]
Go right ahead OJ God Bless you! Jimmy, I'm not past 50 I'm just barely 50. Dennis, you had better check six because Art is most likely in full military power by now! Gale, I would love to buy you a drink at any NCO club we could get into these days. Oatka, would you join us? We don't even need to find a NCO club because DC said Art was going to build us a club house! Futo Ino, PC=politicaly correct I used that instead of "Who is the oldest fart on the forum." OK?
Happy Holidays To All
Art, you get busy on that clubhouse
Thanks, guys. I guess,up until now at least, I'm the certified Old Fart here and I consider it an honor in this group. :)
I'll think of all of you while I shoot my Glock 20, M1A, Mini 14 RR, and my Ruger M77V 22-250 tomorrow. My idea of a good day at the range.
Thanks again for the votes and kind thoughts. :)

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.
Old farts are cool...

and young women define cool :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Not the oldest but maybe the heaviest [hey there is some muscle under all this fat!] born during the summer of love and height of Vietnam War, I gotta flower as bore plug in all my rifles, but the damn things get the floor of my safe wet when I wasser them.

Weight 340-350LBS [Depending on the time of day and feeding cycle]
Bench Press 405+lbs. Well I gotta go I'm getting hungry with all this food talk. Buritto's do sound good.

All these edits from trying to eat watermellon while typopijnng, you can't hold the damn things in your mouth, they just turn to water and a rind drops on your keyboard.Shooter choice will clean the board wont it?

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 16, 1999).]
I am neither the oldest nor the heaviest, neither the wisest nor the most articulate, but I sure do like it.

Better days to be,

I did shoot today but I'm afraid I'm going to have to continue to practice and practice and practice........ :)

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.
It's alright, Dennis, Longpath & I will take you for a lil walk...And then we'll see who needs his cuddly snuggie. Shuckins, we'll even see you get your warm milk with your sugar cookies! :)

Got the clubhouse dern near built. Do a search for "Solitario" and "Lefthand Shutup" and you'll be real close...Sho nuff on the maps...29 degrees, 29 minutes north; 103 degrees, 44 minutes west.

Old guys know young gals appreciate proper treatment. Young guys ain't found out that no matter how cool you think you are, only your date knows how the evening will turn out.

Salud y pesetas y tiempo para gustarlos! Y mas tequila!

:), Art
(BIG grin!)

Okay, Art. I'll 'fess up. There's no doubt you could walk me into the ground.

I'll take your word about Longpath. With a handle like his you kinda take some things for granted! ;)

I'll e-mail more. :)
Two questions;-
1.What is an ICQ number (from profile).
2.Social Security Check?Is this some sort
of pension?An aged pension?I thought Bill
Clinton abolished that.