Who is DC ?

walkin' man

New member
I hope this isn't too inappropriate.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have these mental images of the various people here on TFL. DC is one of the people who if I do a fast scroll through a thread and see her name I will always stop to read. I feel I have gotten to know her, like many of you, as much as one can through a medium such as this.

Sarah Conner...i.e. "The Terminator" only smarter. Fiercely independent, a born leader, and raising a son who she said would be "our future leader". Am I far off? Does she have a grand plan?

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Is it any wonder why I proposed? ;)

I think I flunked the steel question though. :(


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Who is DC?
slick's worst nightmare

If DC had been in the room in Little Rock instead of Paula Jones, the Monica thing would have been a biological impossibility, and willy's thing would have been served to him as lunch,,,,without a bun.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 03, 1999).]
Oh, so that's DC. I've got it now.

But who's the girl holding her up by the gills? :D :D :D

(I believe I've just made numerous mortal enemies for myself, but it was worth it!)

-boing...I mean, um, Rich Lucibella! Yeah, that's it!
I suspect she may be the subject of a couple of closet crushes or fantasies here on the cyber range (merely idle speculation on my part, of course).
DC? Humm? Articulate, does great research, willing to spend a lot of time defending our rights, puter brain, Humm? Just happy that there are people like DC in this world!
Why thank you guys. I'm proud to consider you all brothers.

Though I am a bit disappointed that no one thought to mention my world class culinary skills ;) I was serious about the fish tacos....absolutely yummy!
Grill the fish, flake, put it in a tortilla along with chopped tomatoes, chopped jalapenos, chopped lettuce or cabbage, slather a mix of ranch/salsa dressing on it!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited July 03, 1999).]
I had to back off talking about DC's posts around here... Wife started getting jealous. :) She was one of the defenders of our 2nd that drew me here. Always current with the latest info, accurate, with none of the bull you often find. A real straight shooter... Thanks, DC for all you do for us occasional visitors.


P.S. living down near Paso Robles you may see me sometime... I go down there once in a while... they have some of the best Syrah in CA. Our Company used to purchase a lot of bulk wine from there and bottle it under our name.
DC we can't can't comment on your cooking if we've never tasted it.

Now I personally would welcome the opportunity to wrestle a grizzly for the pleasure of sampling your culinary delights.

P.S. Please do not mail me a fish taco. :D

Seriously. I wish we had more people like you in this country. You bring a lot to this forum. I honestly feel that every day we keep what few freedoms we have left it is because of people like you and many others on this board. Thank you for your seemingly tireless vigilents.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Now Mike...
This wasn't meant as some sort of passive-aggresive display of affection. It came from pure respect. If I actualy knew DC it would be a big/little sister relationship, I'm not sure witch because we seem to be the same age. My own "old lady" (miss .357) exhibits some of the same qualities, but that is purely coincidental. :) BTW, as of the Friday before last we are engaged to be married. Our gun collections are to become one. ;)
If I were to meet DC she would get a well deserved crisp hand salute.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Well, this is gonna be rambly and all over the map. Ya know it is very gratifying to be appreciated and I really do thank you all. I'm not real good at accepting compliments and some of you know first hand I turn it into a joke and disarm it. Bottom line is that you people are worth whatever little or large I can do.
Rich is a very interesting and dedicated man, and TFL is his baby. Honestly, I didn't think this whole thing would work. Do you guys know that this (TFL) is basically Rich's personal website? This is Rich's...."Hi, I'm Cindy and I like cats and walks on the beach"....."I'm Joe and I dig beer and Chevys".....think about it. He doesn't make a dime from this and it costs him. Please don't think this means any changes forthcoming, this is just fact. This impressed me, and he badgered and cajoled and we had some heartfelts to get me to get involved, hell this would be a serious time investment if you take responsibily seriously, right?

Well, damn! It worked! There are a zillion places on the Net to rant and be jerk-offs. Rich and we wanted something a tad different. Yes, TFL is more intolerant of wild-ass rants and nutbars...thats an easy cop-out to responsibility. Quite a few of you first came in as unfocused ranters, and now you are thinkers. (don't get me wrong, I rant and you have read mine in other places whether you knew it was me or not). I don't want to get emotional and mushy.....you folks are important to me and to all of us....we are in a war. We value liberty, responsibility, honor and integrity; and these are becoming passe in this current society. We are the recipients of the most noble experiment humanity has ever done(and I include our Aussia and S.American cousins)...this is not BS, this is real....this is sincerely for our children. Unfortunately it is going to get extremely ugly. If we can get over knee-jerk and accept the war, then we have a chance of winning. Tactics and strategy.

This, The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, RKBA, is my religion. This is one of the most important things in life....folks, if we lose this one, we cease to be, we cease to exist, we have no contact with our kids or descendents....we become numbers and cattle and slaves. We have to fight, we have to think, we have to be smart.

We all educate and focus each other in this war. Its easy and glorious to get cut down in the first wave, but that generally serves no real purpose in the end result. We have to win...we have to think, we have to inspire, we have to get back to the point where we can play with our families and have a good night's sleep without worrying what happpened over night and whether you're now a criminal.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Shoot! Most likely I'm a criminal already. I just don't know it! So there's no sleep lost over that!

(GRIN!) ;)


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

I've avoided this thread out of fear that my words of admiration for DC would cause me great embarassment sometime in future. ;)

Seriously, in her roles as citizen, friend, mother, advisor and leader, DC is a tough act to top. In private conversations among the staff regarding our direction and position on a variety of subjects, she is our conscience and our anchor. Her posts demonstrate the obvious reasons for this.

"Who is DC?" She is TFL's Fourth of July Poster Person.... an inspiration to all!