Who hunts with a curio-relic

Great Photos

Old Stoney, those are great photos; pairing your catch with your curios. The first one was a shock. I could stick my finger in that hole! I assume with the caliber and size of the bullets, those pigs went down fast.
Moose Fat, good to know you found someone who understands your interests and lets you thrive. I think curios are so under-appreciated. My first high-power rifle was an Enfield. My friend who hunts scoffed at it but his brother said that that if I knew where and how to place a bullet with it, the game would be as dead as with his 7RM. I always admire the modern hunting rifles but the curios are priced right for what it can do.
I had a pic of a Winchester 40/60 somewhere with a large hog, but can't seem to find it on my computer. Guess it must have went away.
I used an '03 Springfield 30-06 to hunt in Alaska in the mid-70's. It was still in military condition, open sights, no scope. It was cheap, powerful and accurate for a GI on a E2 budget. Present day, the guy who runs the high end knife shop near downtown Anchorage still uses a military '03 to take his moose every year.
I can't call my current deer rifle a curio or relic. It's a Colombian Mauser made in 1950 but the receiver and part of the bolt are the only original parts left. I have hunted with an original 45-70 trapdoor and I grew up hunting with an original 1887 Winchester shotgun.
I was invited to a hog hunt once and was warned that we might be a storm. Oddly, the rifle I practiced with and knew the best that year was my T99 Arisaka with open sights. It rained hard on the day we hunted. The friend and his son had fogging issues with their scopes. I was the only one that could hunt that day.

I'll add for fun that after the hunt, we stopped at a McDonalds. I was in line and noticed an employee standing next to me with a mop. Apparently, wherever I was standing, I was leaving a large water puddle. I wasn't prepared for this hunt and used Korean War era clothing with wool. No rain poncho, just the field jacket. I was soaked to the skin but warm.
I've taken out several versions of K98s before. I've also taken out my Arisakas. Not had the opportunity to shoot them in earnest yet. I have a new (to me) 38 type carbine that I need to sort the sight out, but I'm itching to take that.
Well, I hunt with a handgun that isn’t a curio/relic but it could be somewhat closely argued...

I hunt prairie dogs with a circa-1993 S&W Model 52-2. The only difference between my pistol and the C&R original Model 52 from 1961 is updated extractor.

That’s as close as I get.
Before I left Oregon the last coastal blacktail that went in the freezer was subdued with a 7x57 rolling block carbine with a saddle ring on the side. Uraguay marks on it.
I toppled my first three deer with a borrowed Winchester fitted with a tang sight. This 30-30 was likely built around 1900. 30-30 is a keeper!

Sometimes a 32-40 long barrel when I'm in the mood. I've had that rifle many years. I guess I kinda baby it knowing its well over a century old. I don't think its ever toppled a deer that I know of. Bought it from a Minister who said it belonged to old parishioner of his whom one day decided to give all his firearms away to the church he & wife attended weekly. NRA condition: a shade plus/ or minus of 90%.
Hard to find 32-40 brass so I purchased Win 38-55 brass and trim their length down a bit to 32-40 specs.
I have shot a couple of deer with a m1 Garand. I have shot a deer with a model 1891 argentine mauser made in 1892. I also have taken a few deer with sporterized mausers one in 25-06 the other in 30-06.
Have hunted in the piney woods w/ a U.S. RIFLE CAL. .30 M1, for either large hogs, or when deer hunting w/ large hogs about.

Nice peace of mind.
