Who has been confronted for CC?

I have always carried for self and family protection, especially when traveling out of town but only in the vehicle and never on my person.

When things in our increasingly not so polite society got even more disturbing I elected to get the actual CC permit.

Now that I have my permit I have begun the process of getting used to being in public with my weapon on my person. I thought that the fact that I'd been around handguns all my life would allow me to feel more "natural" than I have experienced. I do not mind at all being armed but it is amazing how many additional variables I now must be aware of when carrying. The wind, children (mine included who pulled up my oversized sweatshirt the other day just to take a peek), people bumping in to you in the mall, bending over, sitting down on and on. RikWriter and MissleCop are correct in what they said above. My "surroundings awareness" has now elevated to an almost paranoid and constant survey for threats to my concealment. I watch people much closer than ever before.

It appears that no one herein has forgotten but for the sake of us all I will say again that we may be legal but we are not favored in the eyes of the misinformed and intentionally mislead general public. We must, in order to protect and preserve the most unusual right we've been "allowed" to have, act in the utmost professional manner in regards to our methods of concealment and our responses when we are accidentally discovered. Sorry for the rambling......

The best to you all and a Merry Christmas.
As to John W.'s post, I can't comment on LEO training in SC, but here in Orange County, CA, our recently elected Sheriff pledged in his campaign to open up the CCW process and he has begun issuing many permits to citizens, not just those rich guys who contributed to the campaign. The liberals are wettin' their pants!

I went thru the academy in 1980, and I don't recall any "CCW" training. Like my earlier post, CCW's in CA are rare, and I can't say I've ever seen one on a street contact, although I have seen many from other states.

Unfortunately, pro-gun as I am, I think most cops out here think guns are only for police and military. So, if you have a permit, be sure you got it with you, cause I can guarantee you without it, you'll be off to jail. And out of state permits ARE NOT valid in CA.

As to being contacted by a "non-trained" LEO, anything can happen, from a very shaky Barney Fife to getting proned out to a casual "lemme see your permit." My advice would be to "what would I do if" yourself, like you probably already do in an armed encounter, do it for any number of contacts with LEO.

Speak clearly, have your act together, don't reach for anything until the cop tells you, and HOPE for a pro-gun cop.

Good example of the IMPORTANCE of NO NONE knowing that you are carrying...

The best advice that I can give regarding this is to put yourself in the mindset of a "bad guy"... BG is not going to want ANYONE know that he's "packin".

Also, try and develope my mentality... nobody... and I mean NO ONE AT ALL gets within 3 feet of me without me knowing it.
If I'm in a crowded situation, I have my elbow, my arm, my body, or a wall covering my
weapon AND my wallet.

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
oh... I forgot to add something about being drawn on by the police officer...

I've always been taught that drawing your weapon is a use of force - EVEN if you don't fire it...

If a police officer were to draw on me in the situation that you described, I would have: 1) moved in slow motion; 2) followed their instructions EXACTLY; 3) after the situation was resolved, I would have raised hell all the way up to the police chief AND I would have consulted a lawyer about wrongful use of force... after I was finished, the police officer would have learned a lesson about drawing a weapon...

Now, some people would try to defend such an action by a police officer... but I'm a FIRM believer in that you DO NOT pull your weapon unless you are in a situation where use of deadly force is not only justified but imminent.

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
John Lawson's friend experience stirred my blood about the action of some rouge cops. They did just like that to the guy without any proper questioning or knowing the true facts. Oh! boy there is no such difference about bad cops in any country. Imagine, they were not even reprimanded nor being administratively charge to the extent of not returning the property immediately despite of Judge order. It is a very clear violation of human rights.

It is a lesson to every one that we should be extra careful in dealing such kind of cops like that.

[I can let my anger out for action like that..... but better I should be calm right now and get back when I am ready].