Who Feels Like They Are Well Armed If Needed?

I am really upset that I'm running really low on my inventory of 22 rimfire ammo.

And I'm also upset that the over under sporting trap shotgun I want to purchase is out of stock everywhere.
I hope it doesn't come to this. Living in the country though has its advantages.

They won't survive in my area. Neighbor on the other side of the mountain told me of a land dispute where one fellow was riding on horseback to check something when he was bushwhacked. His murder was never solved. That was eleven years before I got here. Even further back was a revenue agent who was killed in the '30s. What I didn't learn until a few years ago was that another agent came out to investigate and both he and his car vanished. He and the car are still out there somewhere.

Knowing that history and under those circumstances, outsiders who come to stir the pot won't last long.
I'm armed enough that I feel I would have superior tools and understanding of how to use them in most any situation that doesn't involve trained professionals coming to hunt me down.

I will never be armed well enough that I hope for a situation to test this theory.
Do I feel well armed? Well, being in Maine, I'm stocked up on .22's, which are my round of choice to deal with invasive squirrels trying to steal seeds and destroy the feeders that belong to my feathered friends. Not too worried about bands of violent criminal protesters in my rural community. At this point in life, I would prefer to avoid conflicts of any kind and prefer to retreat if possible. Not worth it.
Guess if it gets bad around here, I'll make a run to Canada. I'll bet they let me keep my recurve bow up there. Maybe...

I can't imagine a better way to defeat social unrest than a Maine winter.
. I can't imagine a better way to defeat social unrest than a Maine winter.

Ehhhh I have family in Maine and have spent a fair bit of my life there and Maine winters are not THAAAT BAAAD. Now truth be told I am an Eskimo person at heart.

Now Minnesota winters......now those can get just plain stupid cold. :)
If riots, looting, and social unrest continue, how many of you feel like you are sufficiently armed to deal with the unrest circumstances?

Read what rc wrote: "I agree with this, you cannot defend a position alone with no support from neighbors or friends. In that situation, bugging out and having a mobile evasion plan may be of more importance. If a mob can converge on your location they can and given time will flank you or burn you out if they are motivated and coordinated. Thankfully most looters are cowards that are going to run at the first sign of determined resistance. Large mobs are unlikely to loot out in the sticks where people are well armed and there are not that many TVs to steal!"
I'm armed enough that I feel I would have superior tools and understanding of how to use them in most any situation that doesn't involve trained professionals coming to hunt me down.

I will never be armed well enough that I hope for a situation to test this theory.

To bring up the topic of getting burned out, do you remember the shootout between a police officer and decorated veteran that hat a shootout with the LAPD? He claimed there was corruption. According to the news, they police didn't arrest or wait out the suspect to surrender but burned the house down. Then there is David Koresh in Waco Texas.. The Government killed men, women, and children..
"I can't imagine a better way to defeat social unrest than a Maine winter."

Ayuh, sounds 'bout right. Got your wood in yet??? :D
Most people on TFL probably don't even live in the heart of any large city, urban area.
Almost every riot and major demonstration has been in major commercial areas. The mass media thrive on such visual addictions for television, but prefer mass murder, aircraft accidents, police self-defense shootings.

Woops...I almost forgot that rekindling vague anxiety is required to help more people be able to ...Finally...sell the huge number of their superfluous guns on Armslist TN (and Many guns I've watched on Gunbroker),
which sit there now, month, after month...

$$$ $$$.
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A lot of the fear of "rioters and looters" is just paranoia due to them showing it endlessly on the news. It's only happening in a few areas and is unlikely to widely occur. It's like the school shootings over the years. It's rare, but a friend of mine was so caught up in it he was terrified his 3 sons were going to be killed in a rampage. When it was explained to him his kids had a much bigger chance of being hit by lightning, or even more likely, run over while riding their bikes, he just couldn't accept it, even though we showed him how many kids had died in school shootings over the years compared to how many kids were in school period. Sadly, he continues to panic over isolated events and currently is sending me unwanted links to political websites almost hourly. I just delete them, as most are, as Col Potter used to say on MASH, "Horse Hockey". In an odd twist, 2 of the three sons are police officers and the third one is likely to be one too, when he gets out of the military.
I agree with this, you cannot defend a position alone with no support from neighbors or friends. In that situation, bugging out and having a mobile evasion plan may be of more importance. If a mob can converge on your location they can and given time will flank you or burn you out if they are motivated and coordinated. Thankfully most looters are cowards that are going to run at the first sign of determined resistance. Large mobs are unlikely to loot out in the sticks where people are well armed and there are not that many TVs to steal!

This. Guns and ammo aren't enough for a proper defense against what the OP is talking about. If you don't have a support network and the ability to stay mobile you're on borrowed time.
Being prepared and adequately armed is too general a phrase since it does not identify the specific risk to which one would be prepared to deal with. When I am out and about, even though the city that I live in has a high crime rate, I feel I am adequately prepared with my 5 round S&W 642, especially since I rarely venture into the part of this city where the overwhelming majority of the violence takes place. But am I comfortable that I could handle a mob attacking my home? Not really. With my pump 12 gauge and my Glock 17 I think I could hold my own, at least for awhile, but not against any well organized group.
Take a moment and think, what kind of "mob" might possibly attack your place???

Seems rather unlikely it will be an organized infantry platoon. Might it be a horde of starving people who think you have the only food and you are the one thing between them living or dying? Are you going to be the Omega Man, facing mutant vampires or some such?? Again, I think unlikely.

More likely is you just happening to be in the way of an angry mob of people protesting some injustice, but containing people who are happy to smash, break, burn, and steal since they can get away with it at that moment.

Friend of mine is fond of the saying "Looting is great fun, UNTIL someone starts shooting at you!" :rolleyes:

During the LA riots, when the police had been ordered to leave, the mobs avoided those "Korean shopkeeps" who guarded their stores with visibly armed men.

Fairly recently there was a lot of flap in the news about the couple who had the nerve to (possibly) point guns at the "mostly peaceful" mob (oh the horror!!:eek::rolleyes:) and the mob decided to go elsewhere...

If you're facing a Chicom/soviet style human wave attack, you're not well armed unless you have automatic weapons and grenades and a lot of buddies with the same, AND artillery support. IF you're facing a mob of protesters (about any cause) there a number of examples of those people rapidly finding somewhere else to be when they meet a gun and a person who seems willing to use it.

am reminded of a scene from a bad comedy, good guy facing a gang of bad guys, head bad guys says "what you gonna do? Think you can shoot ALL of us???"

Good guy says "No, but I can shoot YOU!"
Bad guys pauses and says "yeah, I always forget that part..."

If a mob has the discipline under fire to keep coming, they aren't a mob, they're a unit, and that's a different beast.
I'm not overly concerned about my home being the target of a violent mob. My location and setback from the street make it a not very obvious target at all. I am actually more concerned about situations where the immediate use of deadly force would likely result in me being put in handcuffs rather than the thugs provoking the incident. During the George Floyd "protests", there were local cases of groups harassing primarily white diners at outdoor restaurant venues. In at least one case they surrounded a local Republican politician and his wife and attempted to intimidate the couple with threats implying violence. Other members of this "protest" group raised their fists in stated support of the BLM fascists and demanded that other diners seated at that restaurant raise their own fists in solidarity with BLM.

I was not present for the above incident, but I know that I would not comply with the thuggish demand of showing support for BLM. My wife would likely be terrified and I would face the dilemma as an older white man not particularly ready to engage in a physical confrontation with several younger thugs clearly looking for such a confrontation. How to handle such a situation short of drawing my concealed firearm and firing or not firing as the need developed, has led me to routinely now carry a cannister of pepper spray. Faced with the demands of a group as described above, I would try to maintain presence of mind, staying between them and my wife, and if needed using the pepper spray to gain time and distance from the nearest of the thugs. If the thugs then advanced on me I feel I would have no choice, and would likely be able to justify in court, my decision to use deadly force in self defense. Hopefully the pepper spray would be enough to defuse the situation or at least allow me to leave the area before things got worse.