Who Feels Like They Are Well Armed If Needed?


New member
If riots, looting, and social unrest continue, how many of you feel like you are sufficiently armed to deal with the unrest circumstances?
Not sure how much longer we can voice an opinion on this forum as they’ve already just close a thread down because it was too political so the moderator said. How is it political when those on the left have said openly they’re coming after our guns and abolishing the Second Amendment? These are words out of their own mouth.

This forum won’t even exist because they will shut it down and consider it a right wing extremist forum. Keep shutting down these threads and silencing people on here and see how quick most of us will exit ourselves.
Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.
But I’d expect most on this forum are well prepared for difficult local situations.
musicmatty said:
Not sure how much longer we can voice an opinion on this forum as they’ve already just close a thread down because it was too political so the moderator said. How is it political when those on the left have said openly they’re coming after our guns and abolishing the Second Amendment? These are words out of their own mouth.

Please review the forum rules, particularly rule #5: https://thefiringline.com/forums/faq.php?faq=rules_catecory#faq_forum_rules

How is it NOT political when you mention one side by political persuasion? And this is the General Discussion area, this is not Law & Civil Rights. You have been a member here long enough that you should remember why the predecessor to L&CR was shut down permanently. As of today, the election is not over, we don't know who is going to win, and no new anti-gun laws or executive orders have been enacted -- so there is nothing of a law or civil rights matter to which we can respond or discuss other than campaign rhetoric, and I think by know we are all well aware of the campaign rhetoric so there's no need to drag it into a discussion, especially a discussion that's not in the approriate discussion area.

The forum rules are fairly clear. There is ONE discussion area where the conversation can include laws and civil rights in general. That is the Law & Civil Rights discussion area -- which this is not.

That said, a discussion about firearms related preparation for specific current events is probably on topic for this General Discussion area. However, should the discussion stray into blatant politics and/or TEOTWAWKI comments, then it will stand a good chance of being shut down.

Carry on, Gentlemen.
so there is nothing of a law or civil rights matter to which we can respond or discuss other than campaign rhetoric, and I think by know we are all well aware of the campaign rhetoric so there's no need to drag it into a discussion, especially a discussion that's not in the approriate discussion area.

I don’t agree with your reply here but that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it.
All I can add is simply this, I wonder if all the police officers over the last six months who have been brutalized and those who have lost their lives in the line of duty would consider this campaign rhetoric. I also would wonder if the shop owners who watch their stores being looted and burned to the ground would consider this nothing more than campaign rhetoric.

So let’s just agree not to put a name to this group committing these atrocities so it doesn’t become a political argument violating the guidelines of this forum. No worries, I won’t debate this any further so it doesn’t drag on. However, I would like to think it’s ok to have a dissenting opinion.
Being well armed and being preparred are not the same thing. We can be very well armed and still not prepared for what is to come. I think a better question is who feels they are in a secure position and who is not. Who lives up in the hills with a huge stash of food and water, a solar powered well and battery storage for your off grid home to maintain power. A place with a clear field of view in 360 degrees from their home, limited vehicle access to their home and a scoped 50bmg and 1000000 rounds of ammo for the zombies that are sure to come looking for brains and survival food. You can have a whole bunch of ammo and arms but if you are not in a safe place and have to abandon most of your supplies to escape, they are of limited value. What does it really mean to be sufficiently armed? A 22 rifle and a brick of ammo may be sufficient but is it ideal?

I believe a lot of the people buying guns for the first time because they finally realize police cannot or worse will not protect anyone from roving mobs. They realize they are not in a safe place and are very vulnerable.
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Not sure how much longer we can voice an opinion on this forum as they’ve already just close a thread down because it was too political so the moderator said.

Yes, it was. Now tell the REST of the story.

If you're not willing to do that, then you're painting with a deceitfully broad brush. As well a going off topic.

Do I feel well armed, if needed? Yes. Just as I have for a long time. Standing off a determined assault by Seal Team Six? probably not. Stopping a Banzai charge? maybe but that hasn't been much of a concern since 1945...
musicmatty said:
so there is nothing of a law or civil rights matter to which we can respond or discuss other than campaign rhetoric, and I think by know we are all well aware of the campaign rhetoric so there's no need to drag it into a discussion, especially a discussion that's not in the approriate discussion area.
I don’t agree with your reply here but that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it.
All I can add is simply this, I wonder if all the police officers over the last six months who have been brutalized and those who have lost their lives in the line of duty would consider this campaign rhetoric. I also would wonder if the shop owners who watch their stores being looted and burned to the ground would consider this nothing more than campaign rhetoric.
No police officers have been "brutalized" or killed by political rhetoric from either party, and no stores have been looted or burned to the ground by any political candidate. We have a forum area for the discussion of laws and civil rights issues; General Discussion (where we are) is not that area, and you are conflating general societal mayhem with political activity. Being prepared to defend your home against rioters is a very different matter than being concerned over what a political candidate might or might not do if elected.

So let’s just agree not to put a name to this group committing these atrocities so it doesn’t become a political argument violating the guidelines of this forum. No worries, I won’t debate this any further so it doesn’t drag on. However, I would like to think it’s ok to have a dissenting opinion.
Dissenting opinions are fine, as long as they are expressed within parameters established by the rules of the site. Some people perhaps need to review those rules.
I'm well enough armed,,,

I'm well enough armed,,,
And well stocked with ammo,,,
I'm just not very well situated at all.

Mobile homes do not a fortress make. :(


I suppose the best solution is the hardest. Don't live in the city. Small out of the way towns don't seem to have these problems. We had a "protest" in our tiny town around 60 miles from Portland but it didn't get out of hand. My best guess is the "protestors" know that us rednecks know how to shoot well and we probably shouldn't be messed with too much...

Seems it would be easier to create a poll for this if possible?

I'm fairly certain anyone on this forum has 1K+ rounds at home.
Being well armed and being preparred are not the same thing.


If I hadn't had that boating accident where I lost all my ammo and firearms, I'd be well armed. I think even unarmed, you can be well prepared, the contrary is applicable as well: well armed but unprepared. I fear many people have recently become well armed but are lacking range time/training/mental preparation.

No offense, but...Seems silly to me that people put an inventory in an open forum. That information may come in handy some day in the wrong hands.

No police officers have been "brutalized" or killed by political rhetoric from either party, and no stores have been looted or burned to the ground by any political candidate. We have a forum area for the discussion of laws and civil rights issues; General Discussion (where we are) is not that area, and you are conflating general societal mayhem with political activity. Being prepared to defend your home against rioters is a very different matter than being concerned over what a political candidate might or might not do if elected.

^Per the OP: ...If riots, looting, and social unrest continue...
Who's rioting and why? This isn't happening in a vacuum. That impacts our ideas on being prepared, who/what are you preparing for. It's not zombies.
+1 to rc
The one thing that has caused me to be better-prepared is getting married. I am now responsible to her and for her. So yes, there is more food in the house, a good water supply, and we are both well-armed. One problem I see is that we live within a mile of a shopping center. This may become a target. We also have a reliable alarm system that goes off if the wind direction changes.
seanc said:
Who's rioting and why? This isn't happening in a vacuum. That impacts our ideas on being prepared, who/what are you preparing for. It's not zombies.
Who is rioting and why IMHO has nothing to do with being prepared. If you know there is the possibility of riots where you live -- you prepare to repel boarders. What their reason/excuse is for rioting doesn't affect the need to be prepared to either resist, or escape.

The Firing Line forum is a site dedicated to discussion of firearms-related issues, not politics. Speaking for myself and subject to being overruled by the panel of moderators, I don't object to firearms-related discussion of preparation for the new reality of social unrest.

That said, discussions of the reasons for the social unrest are not an appropriate topic for this site. There are plenty of other forums where such discussions may be appropriate. Referring to the rules for this site:

Welcome to The Firing Line (TFL), a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. You are welcome to come in and visit our ranges and facilities, drop in on our conversations and enjoy our camaraderie. To participate and post messages, you need only provide a name and a valid non-disposable email address; we neither sell nor distribute Member information to third parties. We are not a commercial site.

There are only six rules for participation:

1. All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues.

To the extent that discussions of civil liberties are allowed, those discussions belong in the Law & Civil Rights discussion area, not here in General Discussion. And L&CR has some specific rules that apply only to that discussion area, so be sure to read them before posting there. Posts in General Discussion must be in some way firearms-related, not political.
I'm not against the OP's question regarding being well armed, and no slight intended, but I think being well prepared is what I hope for all. Just thinking about this ahead of time does help you prepare. There's still time to make some simple preparations (unless you're trying to buy ammo :)).
It seems to me that this question needs fine-tuning. What constitutes "well armed?" What kind of rifle/pistol combination is required? Is a handgun even required? Is a shotgun required? How much ammo is needed?

As far as a general sense of being equipped to defend my family in a case of rioting in my neighborhood, I think I have enough stuff. But as seanc pointed out, I'm not going to list specifics here. And what I think is "enough stuff" will very likely not fit someone else's notion of what is needed.
I can't imagine that most of the people on this board aren't adequately armed. It's a shooting/gun forum after all.

For me, I believe that a couple semi-automatic rifles/carbines and a handgun would be adequate. Per adult, of course. A shotgun would be a luxury, but possibly welcome addition.

At the bare minimum, I'd guess a rifle/carbine and a handgun would be the least I'd consider adequate. With at least three mags per weapon, I guess. If you can't defend your home with a couple hundred rounds, probably you couldn't with 300 or 500 either.

We have to remember that any rioters aren't going to be battle-hardened assault troops; they're just regular average Joes formed into a mob. They probably aren't going to charge into concentrated fire like the Marines or something. They're going to flee once the shooting starts.