Who do you want to win in 2008.

Who do you support?

  • Fred Thompson

    Votes: 52 46.0%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Mike Huckabee

    Votes: 6 5.3%
  • Rudy Giuliani

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Tom Tancredo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam Brownback

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Duncan Hunter

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • John Edwards

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Bill Richardson

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Chris Dodd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Gavel

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Dennis Kucinich

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other/None Above

    Votes: 4 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have to go with Huckabee. He is a genuine conservative (not a progressive). Pro-gun, anti-illegal immigrant, in favor of tax reform. Right now, probably couldn't get nominated, but is the dark horse, IMHO.:)
Pitiful Bunch

I can't say I'd be that happy with any of the above, but I can't think of anyone that I'd want to see as the 'Leader of the Free World".
JEB '08!
Ron Paul will force the GOP to be conservative again.........it will be kicking and screaming........but the spending party is over.......Its good medicine.....now take it!
That passion is what happens when you can actually trust this man's word
(look at Ron's voting record.....its so damn honest and true to the Constitution.....very rare indeed)
Fred Thompson by a LONG shot.

The rest of evcen the Repub candidates are for the most part anti-gun.....

And in MY mind... About all I have seen a political figure stay in one position on is Guns..... Health-care, foriegn policy... etc....they have views..But they do go "Lax" in their staunchness.....
Did I miss the kool-aid shipment? At the time this post was started, Fred had been an official canidate for about 24 hours. And he is winning this poll?

Sure he is Reganlike-both were actors-but will someone PLEASE explain to me why he is the TFL front-runner?

Most political analysts do not see guns being an issue in '08. Furthermore, every canidate that I saw at the straw poll in Iowa was all for the 2A.

The Dems my not be elephants, but they still have not forgot the thumping they got after the AWB. Heck, even Kerry tried to snuggle up to us in '04. But what most of us forget is that the Republicans could have at least tried to over-turn the AWB when they took control and did not.

I am tired and confused. Perhaps one of you could set me straight, because right now I would check any box so long as it did not have the name Clinton or Paul next to it.
rhgunguy said:
Most political analysts do not see guns being an issue in '08. Furthermore, every canidate that I saw at the straw poll in Iowa was all for the 2A.

they are wrong, and a couple of them lied to you. both rudy and mitt have stated their support for an AWB. and rudy has said that gun owners should be required to be licensed, just like we do for drivers.
But Molson you must remember that the survival instinct of the North American Politician(Lies Alotus) is to preserve their power which means not getting punted from their elected seats. Everyone of that species remembers the fallout from the AWB vote. Plus Rudy and Mitt will be insanely lucky to get the nod for reasons other than gun control if people would just look into all the canidates. I think that all the analysts are right, our rights are safe for now:The Congress has to narrow a majority to actualy effect change even if they had no fear of backlash at the ballot box and no Republican President would try such a thing, barring a full frontal lobotomy.
rhgunguy said:
I think that all the analysts are right, our rights are safe for now:

ill wait for the dc v heller decision to come through before agreeing or disagreeing with this one ;)
DC Vs Heller has nothing to do with the attitude of elected officials. That one is up to the judges now. Besides that was a law enacted by a city council-the lowest form of representation in the country which is what Republicans often call for: local control.

I peronaly think that gun control should be left up to the smallest political unit possible. New York City requires different laws than here in Podunk, Iowa. Leave it up to city councils, not the State or God forbid the National Govenment.
The gungrabber shipment

You didn't miss the kool aid shipment. Thompson is popular here because the front runners in the GOP are gun grabbers and this is a gun board.

Giuliani believes Congress should pass a law declaring that every state must enforce certain standards. Among them, handgun owners would have to prove competence with a gun, demonstrate "good moral character", and show a need to have the gun before being allowed to purchase a gun.

He said so in this interview on national TV.

Giuliani also filed a lawsuit against gun manufacturers for the "harm" they have caused by being in business. He clearly does not want them in business.

As for Romney, he's a "lifelong hunter" who has hunted twice in his life. He said he owns a gun, but actually, his son owns it (yes, that's singular, because the plural of "gun" is "arsenal" :rolleyes:). He's an NRA life member who joined when he decided to run for President. He signed a permanent mean-looking weapons ban in Massachusetts, and supports the Brady Bill, among other anti-gun positions.

Where are conservatives who believe in gun rights supposed to turn? They can turn to Ron Paul, but he opposes the current nation-building in Iraq and an interventionist foreign policy of being the world's policeman, so many will not support him. John "don't talk about politicians before an election" McCain? Don't think so.

Thompson is benefiting from NOT being any of those guys, and being better known than the next tier of candidates.
Who I'd want to win? Ron Paul. Who has the better chance and would be good albeit still riding on the status quo? Fred Thompson.
rhgunguy said:
DC Vs Heller has nothing to do with the attitude of elected officials. That one is up to the judges now. Besides that was a law enacted by a city council-the lowest form of representation in the country which is what Republicans often call for: local control.

it doesnt have to change their attitude. what it could do is change what they are able to do, or at least give ammunition to combat any ridiculous laws they may pass.

rhgunguy said:
I peronaly think that gun control should be left up to the smallest political unit possible. New York City requires different laws than here in Podunk, Iowa. Leave it up to city councils, not the State or God forbid the National Govenment.

unfortunately, that just wouldnt work. it should be statewide laws. having the smallest unit possible passing gun laws would create a very confusing state of affairs. not only would you have to know your own cities laws, but you would have to know the laws of every city that you would ever go to. personally, i pass through 5 different cities just going to work. criminal law should be controlled by the state.