Who do you want to win in 2008.

Who do you support?

  • Fred Thompson

    Votes: 52 46.0%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Mike Huckabee

    Votes: 6 5.3%
  • Rudy Giuliani

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Tom Tancredo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam Brownback

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Duncan Hunter

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • John Edwards

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Bill Richardson

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Chris Dodd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Gavel

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Dennis Kucinich

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other/None Above

    Votes: 4 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Out of the current field of candidates from the two major parties for whom do you support for President in 2008? If you would, please explain why this candidate is your choice.
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Arabia, I'll give you credit! Now (most) everyone can cast their vote, (almost) regardless of political leanings.

[sarcasm] After all, there are a few minor parties that have candidates that aren't listed.... [/sarcasm] (and I'm sure that someone will be along to point this out...)
Anyone courageous enough to propose abolishing our current income tax system along with it's accompanying watchdog agency and adopting a consumption tax just has to get my vote! Huckabee.
Anyone who can get a fence built in his home state, and get the funding for the entire Border Fence approved, has my vote.

Duncan Hunter.

If we can get him into the White House, perhaps he can actually command Homeland Security to build it (at a rate greater than 13 miles per year).

Winning the Texas straw poll didn't hurt a bit either. :)
I vote for Ron Paul, but does it really matter? The current political system has devolved into a parody of democracy, where the American people are merely pawns with the illusion that we can have a choice in our leaders.
I like Mike Huckabee, but I don't think he stands much chance of winning the nomination. Out of the current crop of front-runners, I have to go with Fred Thompson.
Fred just outright said we need to be tough and strong with the war on terror and not back down, which is very true. This is a war for civilization, and some people aren't getting it yet. Either the extremists go, as in eliminated, or Western civilization does.

He could also use his excellent speaking ability to educate Americans on why the second amendment is an essential right, and that is extremely valuable!

If anyone could get the 1986 bans overturned, it'd be him, just from sheer force of character and his "fireside chat" style.
I picked Fred Thompson. Unlike Ron Paul he doesn't have zombified supporters. He has made very smart moves in his previous campaigns and he has been smart enough to let the Republican "front-runners" duck many important questions that a GOP candidate shouldn't have to duck for several months now. In the process they've worn out their welcome. Thompson should have good chances at torpedoing the candidacies of the RINO front runners if he adheres to core Republican values like gun rights, law and order, low taxes, reduced spending, good foreign policy, and smaller government.

All the Democratic candidates have been around long enough for the public to start getting tired of them too. More's the pity for them since what's on the Democratic menu is not going to change much between now and the primaries. I think Hillary will get the nomination and most people's minds are made up about her. The Dems might love her, but they have trouble understanding that many Americans detest Hillary. So long as Fred can blow the other Republicans out of the water and present a solid alternative to Hillary I think he'll win. No other Republican candidate seems able to do so IMHO.
ConfuseUs said:
Unlike Ron Paul he doesn't have zombified supporters.

What, you mean like this one?

mb419 said:
I vote for Ron Paul, but does it really matter? The current political system has devolved into a parody of democracy, where the American people are merely pawns with the illusion that we can have a choice in our leaders.

mb419, why is it an illusion? Is it because of the evil corporations that control the ballot boxes? Or maybe it's the Majestic-12, the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderberg Group, the ghost of James Hoffa, Scientologists, and/or those pesky Freemasons?

George Washington was a Mason.

The OP question creates an interesting scenario. "Who do you want to win in 2008."


"Who can you support that has the best chance of winning in 2008?"

I want Applesanity to win in 2008.
I would prefer Duncan Hunter. Unfortunately I don't feel he has a real chance. Of those likely to be nominated I'll go with Fred Thompson.
I vote for Ron Paul, but does it really matter? The current political system has devolved into a parody of democracy, where the American people are merely pawns with the illusion that we can have a choice in our leaders.

I don't care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating.

- William "Boss" Tweed
This should be multiple choice... :p

If I could vote for a ticket containing two of these three names, I'd vote for it:
Ron Paul
Bill Richardson
Fred Thompson

However, given how partisan politics are these days, Richardson isn't going to be on a ticket with either of them. Which is too bad because he has job experience needed by both of them to be effective in foreign affairs and I think he would round out Thompson or Paul's ticket as VP nicely.
At this time I support Bill Richardson, even know it looks like his ship has sailed in terms of him winning the nomination. The reason I support him is because it looks as if a Democrat will be the next President. Polls show that none of the current Republican candidates will be able to defeat Hillary or even Obama. Of course that can change by next year but right now the Republicans don't have chance. Even if Richardson can't get the Dem nomination, I would rather see him get the VP ticket instead of Obama.
At this time I support Bill Richardson, even know it looks like his ship has sailed in terms of him winning the nomination.

He complained because he wasn't allowed to debate completely in Spanish in the last debates.

I won't even say what I think of that.
He complained because he wasn't allowed to debate completely in Spanish in the last debates.
Well at least he understands that the Spanish speaking people are important to win elections, unlike Republicans which would rather loose Hispanic voters to appeal to their base on immigration. Without Hispanics voters the Republicans will loose every Presidential race in the future starting in 2008.
I think that ballots should only be in English, period. If you've not learned to speak English, then you're missing an essential part of what it is to be an American, and shouldn't be voting yet.

And I'll vote for any candidate who endorses that point of view, as I see is as essential to America remaining America, and not a Balkanized assemblage of unassimilated refugee camps of people more loyal to their home nations than America itself.

As it's been for hundreds of years. Welcome to America. If you want to succeed here, learn English.
Well i voted fred, not because i like him all that much , but hey he is used to living in a fantasy world ( such as inside the beltway ) . My true answer is anyone but paul .. Sorry ronnie supporters but i despise the candidate with the same passon that some show for him .