Who do you support now (03/08/08)

Well with McCain getting the GOP and Obama and Hillary battling for the DFL?

My take is I'm going for Hillary for the DFL nomination. If she get's the DFL it'll be business as always. If Obama gets the nod we're screwed. I' might even vote for Hillary in November. Given the GOPs refusal to put forth a conservitave canidate I mine as well vote DFL We
re going to get a liberal anyway. At least with Hillary we know our enemy. I do know one thing though. I'M NOT VOTING FOR GOP. and until they can put forth a decent canidate it will remain this way. I have to say one more thing. I do know that this is a gun forum and Hillary is anti-gun. but: 1) so is McCain and 2) it's not about where they stand, it's about who will do the least amount of damage between now and the next election.
it's not about where they stand, it's about who will do the least amount of damage between now and the next election.

If you think that will be Hillary you simply are not paying attention, IMO.
Hillary in conjunction with a GOP congress will be grid lock. She also has been in politics long enough to remember the aftermath of the 94AWB and what it did to her party. And you realy don't think McCain is any better do you?
I'm going for McCain. He may be a RINO, but he is much more conservative than either of the other candidates. Case in point: Although he voted against the Bush tax cuts he has now come around and supports making them permanent. Obama and Clinton both support repealing them, never mind the record tax revenues during the time the tax cuts were in effect. And with the economy the way it is we definitely don't need taxes to go back up.

Since this is a gun board do I really need to remind some of the other posters here that Obama and Clinton are hard-core gun grabbers? Just because they're keeping quiet about banning semi-autos doesn't mean that they won't push Congress for a bill doing exactly that once they're in the Oval Office.
I do know that this is a gun forum and Hillary is anti-gun. but: 1) so is McCain

And where did you come up with this information :confused: While he holds an NRA "C" grade, I would suspect that alot of that has to do with his support for campaign finance reform laws that had an impact on gun rights groups. He has always opposed Federal Assault weapons ban. He has supported more federal regulation of gun shows, but for the most part is a pro-gun candidate; far cry from the Democratic candidates that are running for President.

I' might even vote for Hillary in November. Given the GOPs refusal to put forth a conservitave canidate I mine as well vote DFL We
re going to get a liberal anyway

That is the most proposterous and asinine thing I have ever heard. If you are a conservative, there is only one person that you can consider voting for in this upcoming election and that is McCain. Even though most conservatives arent thrilled about him, the two democratic candidates are so far to the left, how can they be considered? If you want someone who is more conservative then McCain, why would you vote for someone who is more liberal then McCain?!?!?

People keep saying that McCain is a liberal; where do people get this? I think that everyone has been letting the media dictate their opinion of him. If you take a look at the issues, he is very much a conservative.

Abortion - McCain has proven to be a consistent supporter of pro-life and reproductive rights with his voting record supporting that claim.

Civil Rights - His stance on civil rights is consistent with any other Republican candidate and Presidents of the the past 20+ years.

Death Penalty and Other Criminal Justice Issues - John McCain supports the death penalty and is in support of mandatory minimum federal sentences for drug sales, and opposes legalization of medical marijuana. He supports the prosecution of violent juvenile offenders as adults, as well as the expansion of federal prison to accommodate a larger number of inmates. He opposes federal hate crime laws, arguing that hate crimes are best addressed at the state level except when they otherwise fall under federal jurisdiction.

First Amendment - On church-state issues, McCain trends conservative. Among other things, he supports the display and teaching of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.

Second Amendment - Pro-Gun

Same-sex marrage - McCain opposes same-sex marrage but does not feel that it is the Federal governments place to impose laws banning same-sex marrage (very "Republican Party" if you ask me; the Republican party stands for less Federal government and more power to the states and individuals)

The issue I have the most problem with is McCains immigration policy. I believe that U.S. business should be fined heavily for using illegal immigrant workers. These penalties will force companies to stop using illegal immigrant workers; with no reason to come to the U.S. because there is no work our Mexican border issues are eased. McCain believe that it would be inhumane to send the illegals back to Mexico; I disagree.

So why is McCain not a conservative?
The GOP had a couple of potential candidates for whom I could have pinched one nostril shut, breathed shallowly through my mouth, and voted.

John McCain is not one of them.

It looks like I'll be "wasting my vote" again come November. Thanks a pantload, GOP. On the subject of who'll actually win this beauty contest, I'm torn: On the one hand, I'd be pleased to hear that McCain won in the same way I'd be pleased to hear the camp kommandant say "Vell, Ms. K., ve haff decided to shoot you rather zen burn you at ze stake.". On the other hand, there's nothing that refills the nutsacks of Congressional Republicans like a pinko in the Oval Office...
do I really need to remind some of the other posters here that Obama and Clinton are hard-core gun grabbers?
Not really. I'm pretty sure we're all aware. McCain is not a hardcore gun grabber, but he is a softcore gun grabber. One who will be attempting to "work with" overwhelming Dem majorities in both houses. Don't think he won't chuck your 2nd Amdt rights under the bus for the sake of compromise.
He's more than happy to violate the Bill of Rights if it's for the common good.
He's done it before.

Despite the fact that this is a "gun board", we're not all single-issue voters.
Single-Issue Voter?

I kinda am, and my single issue would be the Bill of Rights. What trumps that?

There's nobody in the race from the two main parties* who respects the BoR. So as far as I'm concerned, they're unfit to hold office and should be brought up on charges -- part of very long list of current and former office-holders who should.

* On my own turf, I call 'em something else but I'm trying to be nice here.
If I have one issue, I'd say it's the Constitution. But we both know that either of our positions encompasses more than just guns. That's my point.
-Best :)
For me it really doesn't matter. Our 3 puny-ast electoral votes mean nothing in the grand scheme of things so I can afford to vote my conscience.

I think the best we can possibly work for is deadlock Congress and an ineffective president.
Abortion - McCain has proven to be a consistent supporter of pro-life and reproductive rights with his voting record supporting that claim.
Maybe I'm confused as to the term reproductive rights but how can one be pro-life and in support of them at the same time? It's not limited to just contraception from my understanding.

Civil Rights - His stance on civil rights is consistent with any other Republican candidate and Presidents of the the past 20+ years.
and opposes legalization of medical marijuana.
:barf: yeah, real conservative. how exactly does supporting a drug war that finds its authority in the same commerce clause which justifies gun free zones make one conservative? plus, it shows his inability to accept scientific fact over preconceived notions or the ignorance of his constituency

First Amendment - On church-state issues, McCain trends conservative. Among other things, he supports the display and teaching of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.
If that's true you just gave me one very, very solid reason to vote to keep him out of office.

If I recall correctly he supports teaching intelligent design as well. Once again, failure to accept science.

Two reasons.
Same-sex marrage - McCain opposes same-sex marrage
Aw jeez, three reasons.
So basically Redworm you are a Democrat. Nothing wrong with that, its a free country, but why do you waste your time worrying about the conservative Presidential candidates then? If you have problems with those issues you certainly will dislike almost any Republican Presidential candidate that can be offered up.
So basically Redworm you are a Democrat.
Obviously not; else he wouldn't be here. Limited government, personal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution are core conservative principles. Not that most Republicans would know much about those...

I agree 100% with him and I'm a Republican. Got the card to prove it.

TacticalDefense1911 said:
So basically Redworm you are a Democrat.

No, he's a Republican from before the Big Gov't Populist JeezoCons took the party over.

You know: Small government. Laissez faire economics. Strong defense. Foreign policy leaning towards isolationism? Remember? It was the Democrats who used to want to diddle with the economy, keep Jim Crow laws, and meddle about in foreign parts with the military. Then the GOP made its deal with the Blue Collar Bible Thumpers to get them away from Carter and voting for Reagan... :mad:

Hell, the most traditionally conservative GOP candidates in the race (Hunter, Thompson, Tancredo) could have run as JFK's running mates.
So basically Redworm you are a Democrat. Nothing wrong with that, its a free country, but why do you waste your time worrying about the conservative Presidential candidates then? If you have problems with those issues you certainly will dislike almost any Republican Presidential candidate that can be offered up.
I am? :confused: Weird because I could have sworn I saw an R on the primary ballot I filled out.

Musta been a typo?

Or maybe, just maybe, issues like that go beyond party affiliation. Maybe I can be a registered Republican and not want parts of the bible in our public schools. Maybe I can be a gun owner and an opponent of various Wars on Nouns.
I don't have any clue who I'm supporting anymore since Ron Paul is out. They all stink, and making a compromise on this scale seems even worse.

I can proudly say I didn't vote for duya bush either time.