I personally would be happy with just americanizing my town, then I will worry about the city, then the state, then our country and then maybe someone else. While I believe that we do have to keep others in check and try to gain and help allies, as well as fending off terrorists and whatnot. A generation of tomorrow with a better education and an economy that is stable, and a bette pride in one's ownself and country will ensure that we will be the example to strive for in the future instead of the one that is the laughing stock of the world. Everyone spends time critizing everyone else while offering few if any alternatives. I voted for Bush, I will admit he is not the best president we have every had. But at least he is trying to do something. Yes, there have been mistakes and errors. But he does not control the world. If Congress members could all get off their high horses and actual compromise on health care, education and a varity of other topics we might get somewhere. We have turned into this society where it's either-or, red-blue, black-white, republican-democrat. There are other answers and other solutions, but there seems to be some imaginary line drawn in the sand and instead of working on better solutions politicians across the board are trying to force you to choose one side or the other. This results in choosing the lesser of two evils rather than a solution that works. So how are we supposed to effectivly take this attitude and show to the world that our way is better? We can't. And although our intentions are usually good, we can't follow through on anything, because every term of congress and presidency comes with completely different standards and expectations. Should the rest of the world be free? Yes, Should we be doing it? Not until we can do it with a unified sense of pride and courage, to show everyone that we can help and all they need to do is ask. We are the most powerful nation in the world... That makes us responsible for a lot of what happens, But that does not make the world police force or the only source of democracy in the world.
Sorry for the rant, back to the point, Should the world be Free? YES Should it be Americanized? Probably not, unless you mean what we say we stand for and not who we actually are. They say the faults you find in others tend to be your own faults that are locked up inside of you....
Am I making any sense???