WhiteTail hunting question

Why do people use scopes in the first place? Primary reason is that scopes reduce the negative effect of having a poor cheek weld. There is no rear sight to throw off a fraction of an inch which multiplies out to a foot or two at 200 yards. The second reason is that older people have difficulty focussing on the sights and the deer. Scopes allow all the focussing to be at one single pre-chosen range so they put both sights and deer at the range of your granny glasses. Third, the scope will gather light and improve sight contrast during the critical dawn and dusk periods.

I think the best compromise between power and scope diameter is 3 to5 power and 40 mm for fields and 1.5 to 2.5 and 32 mm in the woods. I find that cranking up a scope to 9 or 12 power won't really add horn counting ability at dusk in the haze.
The reason!

I have not recieved a scope for the 25 yet but I did mount my weaver vi6 on it the other day for kicks sighted it in at 100 yds it shoots pretty good with the cheep rem. 100 grn's! Yes T. O'Heir I am new to CF'S but I have been thru a many rounds in 17hmr and .22 also shoot a lot with my precision air rifle with triger down to less than 1lb. hitting pie plates will not be a problem as I have been nailing chicken silloetts out at 300yds off of bench of coarse! and holding at top of the siloetts.
and grouping less than 3 1/2 inches at two hundred with no wind The only reason I was intertaining a higher power was I was thinking with higher magnifacation would be better for precise shoot placement. after all the stand I will be hunting has 1 x 6 gun rest around the windows. and with possible shooting out to 300yds. but A Feeder only out to 50 yds? so with ever thing I have read here it wont matter and with such a large kill area on a deer a 6x9 will be all I will ever need! I was at first thinking out to 150 yds That i wanted to shoot in the neck area for the challange of it! I dont think I will ever have any problem hitting a deer in the front side and killing it just too large a target! and with a cold barrel iv'e been hitting dead on at a hundred but did not feel I could hit a two inch or so (the neck spine) target at 200 with only 9 power? But i think with all of your input the V16 is going back where it belongs and a 3x9 Nikon is going on my 25-06 and I will just shoot in the boiler room!

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i keep my scope adjusted to 5x

With my general purpose rifles I tend to keep the power at 3 when walking in the woods, walking to and from stands, for stands in the bottoms where shots tend to be short, I might turn it up to 4, for stands in the clear cuts and fields I almost always use 6 power and I sight in at nine or ten depending on the scope. This has always worked for me, I have never had a problem with my scope being set and too high a power because I made it a habit of turning the scope to the lowest power when walking. When I load the gun I check the scope.

I really prefer a lower power scope on my rifles, my favorite walking rifle is a Remington model 7 in 308 with a 1.75-6 Leupold scope. I really feel that this rifle fits my needs the best.

Really Can You justify that for another hunter I think that a 3x-9x will work but it just depends wat you might want to see I personally like a high power scope thet way I can see exactally where I want to hit him I have a .243 win and I use a 4.5x-16x nikon scope on it and that is my all around hunting gun for texas game i use it for every thing around here