Whitetail deer bullet performance

no, you don't need premium bullets to take a whitetail. But unlike in many southern locations, due to climate and population densities of the whitetail, we are only allowed one deer without special lotteries. And unlike many parts of the country, our deer can dress out in the 2-300 pound range commonly. Hunting is not done in open fields, and a truck or wheeler isn't an option in most of the public land we hunt. With this in mind, although run of the mill, pick up any old box off the shelf at walmart and know it can do the job ammo is perfectly fine, I am interested in getting the thoughts of others with experience in the matter (some educated some opinionated, but all valuable). I am a student and parent, and I would like as much information to work with so that when the opportunity presents itself that my children ask why, I will have the best answers possible to guide them in finding their own truths.
Last year I shot a big doe at about 35 yds with my Ruger Super Blackhawk using WWB 240 grain SP. She jumped straight up in the air and took off running. I waited and then looked and no blood. I followed her tracks into the swap and there she was dead. Couldn't find an entrance or exit wound. Didn't go far but I could have easily lost her. I also shot a buck at about the same distance with my MZ using T/C easy glide 250 grain sabots .45 grain 250 grain slug (not far from the WWB, except this is an expanding bullet design.) Anyway the buck went a little further than the doe but left a huge blood trail and when I caught up to him he had a large entrance and exit wound. The buck could have gone twice as far and I wouldn't have lost him. Bullet design and performance makes all the difference.
I had my big moment at about 15yards

At fifteen yards, its time to dial up a head shot. If this is a common range, its time for a shotgun with 00 buck...same shot placement...DRT. Exit wound would be inconsequencial, no need for blood trail or tracking.
I love the 25-06,used a bunch of different loads on deer never could tell much difference in the amount of dead.22-250 had about the same too.As long as I do my part;);)
If you "like to blood trail", I'd suggest the Nosler AccuBond bullets for deer. I'm fairly dis-satisfied with them myself after seeing some significant "over penetration w/o sufficient expansion" leading to what I consider excessive trailing.
Specific instance: Medium sized whitetail buck hit broadside somewhat high with downward angle in lungs @ 125 yards with 110 AccuBond from 257 Wby(impact velocity over 3200 FPS). Bullet passed through leaving a golf ball sized hole in lungs and offside skin. Buck walked around for close to 30 seconds w/o significant external bleeding before toppling over.
The bullet performance which the op observed is quite adequate considering cartridge, bullet, and range. Taking such close range shots with such a high performance round is very likely going to challenge most any bullet design.
New Optics

Merry Christmas to all. Unfortunately I did not get to hunt on Christmas (something I enjoy for the peace and tranquility) but I am going out right after the new year begins. I have new optics on my 4x4 30-06, Zeiss Conquest DL 3-12x50 illuminated. I am in Germany and will be on a seated drive hunt for Roe Deer, Wild Boar and any fox that cross my path. I expect the weather to be cloudy and around 34 degrees. I am changing ammo brands and wt. (from 180). I will be using Federal 150gr and shooting at a range up to 200 mtrs. Any feedback or suggestions on other ammo choices? Thanks.
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I've never hunted roe deer but I've used winchester ballistic tips in my 308, 30-06 and 300 wsm for atleast 8 years now! I've shot deer in almost every angle except Texas heart shot ( stove pipe ) and have never encountered any problem! Most have dropped but the few that ran didn't go far and blood trailing was easy! I don't shoot deer in the shoulder on purpose! Wastes too much meat! Behind the shoulder only! Now for large hogs the ballistic tip n the shoulder makes for very graphic pictures with softball to basketball size holes on the impact side! Some people don't like that bullet for that shot but I hav'nt lost one yet! Have a great hunt!