mthalo....that was a cheap shot blanket statement that has no basis in what Christians believe is a right direction for this country. Most Christians are advocates of separation of church and state...they don;t want the government telling them when and where they can pray. Look at what has happened in Canada...and I am afraid we are on the same track her...Pastors in their own church cannot say that homosexuality is wrong without fear of prosecution. That is what Christians are afraid of. According to Judeo-Christian teachings, Homosexual behavior is why should somebody that believes that be forced to concede to the opposite? When the government is telling a religous group what they can and cannot teach IN THEIR OWN BUILDING....that is a problem. I.E. "Screw the *Insert Holy Book Here*, you can't teach its contents because we don;t like what it says." This is especially disturbing because this type of issue does not reflect a threat to anyone's security, just their ideology. I am pretty sure that 99.9% of Christians are not being taught to go kill the groups they oppose. I only use homosexuals because of the Canadian example. It scares me where this can lead too.