Which to keep; .300 H&H or .300 WSM

Al else being equal, I'd keep the 300 H&H. Otherwise, I'd keep the one that has a Walnut stock, which I'm guessing is the same rifle anyway.
Ya sure about that? 284 Win comes to mind.

I say keep the 300 H&H. Sell the 300 WSM to me so i can rebarrel it to 7mm RSAUM.
H&H for sure. Short mags are all over the place and not hard to replace at all.
H&Hs are scarce and if you sell it you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

For flat shooting both shells do about the same thing with bullets of 150 165 and 180 grains. The "magic kills" I have seen from all 300s (including my H&Hs) have seemed to be best with heavy weight bullets. 200s and 220s. I own a chronograph and I do my own testing. The idea that the short mag is faster is absolutely not true. It's about the same or even a smidgen slower. Nothing at all to concern yourself over.

And don't worry about brass if you reload.

375H&H is easy to get. https://www.grafs.com/retail/catalog/product/productId/75586
One pass through a die and you have a 300H&H.

I have done it for years. Works fine.
Just a suggestion....some homework on the net.

Taking a vote the 300 H&H wins. How about doing a search on the net for Winchester XTR rifles in 300 H&H. See what's out there. Do the same with the Super Shadow in 300 WSM. I gave $350.00 for my Super Shadow with scope .. See what the market really is. This should clarify the choice or at the minimum give more information. I prefer my Remington 721 om 300 H&H with Lyman 48 sight etc.
Depends on if you reload. If not I would go 300 WSM. Otherwise probably the 300 H&H. such a classic round with a great track record.
Key Word?

The OP said he was thinning his collection. He spoke of the rifles in new condition. There was no talk of cartridges or cartridge performance in his post. We are trying to make the point that the 300 H&H rifle is scarce. The Super Shadow is not. The 300 H&H is worth more money ($). Go look at the current cost of replacing each rifle. Rocket Science. Hope OP has not been run off.
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Reloading and collectables

Reloading and collectables: I hope OP considers the option of reloading his cartridges. Reloading is a plus on uncommon cartridges. I'm not wiling to allow my caliber choice to be dictated by Box Box ammo offerings. My 300 H&H is a Remington 721. Yes, I load for it. Yes, it's way more economical. Glad to hear he is keeping his collectable rifle' Seems like some folks did not understand collectible. :eek: