Joining in...
I'm considering selling my two pistols for a better CCW pistol and a somewhat-inexpensive shotgun for HD as well. (12 rounds of .40 S&W is somewhat decent, but 20ga or 12ga leaves NO questions. Plus, "cha-click!" versus "CHU-CHUNK." coming from down the hall also leaves no questions. ;P)
That said, I'm aiming 870. I tried the mossy 5, it's...not bad, but the remmy seems to just lift, point, and handle nicer for me. Plus I like the remmy's safety position.
However, I fell in LOVE with the Nova pump that I handled. My question is why aren't there any people with Novas, and do they have any known issues? For a company known to produce $1,200 combat shotguns, I wouldn't expect it...but oh dearie me the ergos and ghost-ring on that!