Which Revolver?


New member
Hey Shooters, I'm hoping to buy another revolver in the next few months. My dilemma, Since S&W backstabbed us I am looking for a new company to fill my revolver needs (preferably U.S of A owned and operated.) I want good quality and I am more of a bigbore double action fan. And of course the companies political standing is an issue with me, any suggestions?

Well, new S&W's are now politically incorrect. Some shooter's even have a problem with Ruger's past actions. Taurus has had some quality control problems. If we search for the perfect, virgin handgun company they simply don't exist. Sooooo let's think about this one. If it were me:)...I'd consider a used S&W...a Ruger Blackhawk or Redhawk because I don't have a problem with Ruger or a Taurus 44 mag or 454. I've got a USED S&W mod 657 41 maggie that has become my favorite revolver of all time. Just my thoughts, J. Parker
Thanx GCH for "SHOUTING" your "news" to me about buying older quality S&W's, I may do that. However, I also want to support a pro-second amendment company that is willing to stand up to the "federales". Again, any suggestions!
Some people will say that Colt lacks political backbone,but may I suggest you consider a Colt Anaconda in .44 Mag or .45 caliber. If you find one, it will likely be used,anyway. I have two,and they both have excellent triggers.
taurus does have built-in, non-removable gunlocks. kind of 'smart gun lite' technologyh IMO.


buy what feels good and shoots good. whether it is a raging bull, bisley vaquero, or model 66.
Ruger GP-100 Series

Wonderful revolvers, which will last lifetimes. I am not certain, however, that Bill Ruger has been a much better "community supporter" than S&W.
Personally, I prefer S&W revolvers over Ruger. The Rugers certainly are stout, but the S&W triggers are better. And I'm one of the ones who still holds a grudge against Bill Ruger for his political actions (promoting a ban on standard capacity magazines).

But there's plenty of used S&W revolvers around. You didn't say what your intended use was. For general range use and/or a house gun, it's hard to beat a 4" Model 66. The 686 is stronger, but the 66 balances better IMHO.

Dan Wesson makes excellent revolvers.
I never meet a Ruger that I didn't like.
I have about 8 Rugers today.
GP141 .357 Revolver
KP512 .22 SemiAuto
Various 10/22 Rifles
I am not found of their larger, P-Series semi auto pistols. As far as revolvers go, I think the Ruger can't be beat. S&W may have a slightly better out of the box action but the Ruger actions are just fine for me. And the Rugers are extremely durable.
Just my $0.02 worth.

Rugers are a bit crude but are strong. Smith & Wessons are the best by far. If you want a quality revolver with no political overtones buy a freedom arms.
Give Ruger A try. They are extremely durable guns that will last and last and last. As far as the triggers go, I have a security six that has about a 32 OZ smooth as glass pull. Any less and you'll shoot yourself IMHO.
I have shot many S&W and agree they do have good Actions out of the box. Most people won't feel the differance in the triggers, and the rugger trigers can be smoothed out.
The GP100 is a exellant gun and comes with or without the full underlug, And the Redhawks and Super RedHawks Are also excellent guns. My Point is with a Ruger you can't go Wrong. And the Gun will be new with a lifetime warrenty If you should ever need it. Also rugers cost less So you get alot of GUN for Less money.

I guess you could put the money saved towards Your nexted gun or Acc.
Best Tony

[Edited by tonyz on 03-02-2001 at 02:21 PM]
IMHO the GP100 is superior to the Smiths. It's a newer design (less parts, easier maintemance, one-piece frame, no sideplate, internal firing pin, stronger lookup, better cylinder release...). I think it has all the qualities that a revolver should have. The single action is perfect, but you will need to dry-fire the gun or get a trigger job if you want to smooth the double action. With the money you save on the Ruger you can get a professional trigger job done. The same applies to Redhawks. Me...I dry-fired my GP100 a few thousand times, and that smoothed it up.

If I were to get a S&W it would be a used 686+. These are also good strong revolvers.

Rugers are tougher guns. As mentioned above, no sideplate and sideplate screws to work loose. Rugers will take more abuse than a S&W. While they're not perfect though (trigger isn't as good, but that can be worked on, and the shape of the hammer isn't conducive to SA shooting), they're about the best revolver on the market.
Sorry guys! Rugers ARE tough, but I had a transfer bar break. I must admit to being a "Smith & Wesson Addict"! My Grandad owned S&W's, my Dad owned S&W's, and I own S&W's! Accurate, reliable, strong, very well made! I just looked at two NEW M-629's. Beautiful workmanship, in every respect! Very tight with excellent trigger pulls, both Single and double action. As for "Political Correctness", how about all of the other companies who are either modifying their guns with internal locks, or complying with state laws such as Maryland, Massachusettes or Kalifornia?
I strongly recommend a look-see at my favorite revolvers, those from Dan Wesson. From the samples I have seen, the new management is putting out some first class product, great to deal with, and would certainly appreciate your patronage.
Used Dan Wessons are hard to find, particularly the big bores. If you should come across one in good condition they are usually great bargains.
Take Care
I would suggest joining ICORE (www.ICORE.org) and attending IRC in June. That way you will have a chance to pick up a Politically Correct S&W! If you win a raffle or competition you can get a FREE S&W revolver! Not a cent goes to S&W for the new revolver.

At the IRC they have up to two raffles that new ICORE members can enter for S&W Performance Center revolvers and more on the prize table.

Two years ago I won a PC 627 V-comp for $20 in a raffle where the money goes to ICORE. Last year there were 5 PC 627 V-comps given as prizes or raffled and another 40 S&W revolvers on the prize table.
I used to be a S&W man, but now I see Taurus in a good light. I own a couple of Tauri and have had a great time with them. And you can't beat a lifetime guarantee.
I do own a Ruger blachhawk that I would not trade.
I will also never trade off my older S&W's either.
Happy Shooting All............