Which revolver brand do you like best?

Which revolver brand do you prefer?

  • S&W

    Votes: 61 52.1%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 38 32.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 15.4%

  • Total voters


New member
Which brand do you prefer? If you choose the "other" option, please post what brand and explain why.

I have both Rugers and S&W's, and although the S&W's are more refined, I prefer Rugers. I like the Ruger design better...specifically the cylinder release button, factory grips, and easy take down (for maintenance).
I owned a S&W 686for the longest time, then sold it. In March my wife bought me a Ruger KGP-141 for my birthday, this is one great gun. I just prefer the balance and feel of the Ruger to the S&W.
I wasn't aware that anyone other than S&W made DA revolvers or anyone other than Ruger made SA revolvers! :) Dennis
How about S&W's, Colt's, and Ruger's?

if it is possible, I'd have to vote for all three.:D I probably shoot S&W revolver's best,
but there are certain characteristic's I like
about Colt's and Ruger's. One of the finest
revolver's ever made was the Ruger Security-
Six .357 magnum; as it balanced almost perfectly
in my hand.:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

S&W are right out in front,as far as Revolvers are concerned.
They have the design,tradition and performance track record.The World Centrefire Record is still held by a K38 Masterpiece.Almost every gunsmith can work on a S&W--they are simple and well documented.I have nine of them myself(OK_so I'm biased).I've tried the others--only Colt and Ruger-Manuhrins and Korths are not real competitors.and the others are only copies at best.
Rugers are basic,and good,but you can't easily rerfine them--Colts look good but nobody knows how to tune them,and even then they can't match S&W.
Ruger single actions are the standard by which all other revolvers are measured by.
These double actiond gizmos are just a fad that will soon pass.:D

Interchangable barrels
Stronger then both Ruger and S&W
Fit and finish as good as S&W and far better than Ruger
Most accurate handgun I've owned
DW never signed any antigun agreement with the Government like S&W
DW never had a part in banning anything like Ruger
When it comes to DA revolvers, S&W has it over all others, at least in overall quality. Now every once in a while another manufacturer may put out a model which is superior to a particular S&W, but as far as I am concerned, Smith's, especially older ones, are the best.
When it comes to single action, I don't think you can beat Ruger for their strength and durability. Presently own 4 bisleys and never had a problem with any of them.

For double action, I think S & W holds the honors. About ten years ago purchased a 8 3/8" model 686 and the same in 629. As most of my shooting is done at the local range, find the extra length a real asset. Both guns (stainless) when purchased, came in a matte finish. As I like a high gloss finish on these two, put a buffing wheel on my drill press and using a bar of "Dico" stainless buffing compound got the results I wanted. Makes cleaning the guns much easier.
You really need to include more options in your polls. Twice now, you have left the best choice off. Once with the Walther. Now the Taurus!!! The only DA revolvers I own are Tauri.:D
^Sorry Denfoote , I will try to include more options next time. :) I didn't think too many people would vote Taurus, but it is a big revolver maker so your right I should have included it. Where did I forget to put Walther in though? I don't recall doing any semi-auto polls where I actually compared brands (I usually just analyzed one brand at a time).
I shoot every gun I own, none are really for "collector" purposes.
So when someone (riverdog) says" I shoot Rugers and collect smiths. " there's the answer.
For the record I prefer rugers over anything on a cost versus benifit sheet. (but I've got to say my Freedom Arms 454 is awsome, you get what you pay for....)

S&W, Ruger and Colt are all very good, but I'll go with the Taurus for DA revolvers. Less expensive, good looking, good quality, good grips, good accuracy and great warranty.

I have a buddy who has a Taurus M627 Tracker seven-shot .357 magnum in matte stainless steel. What a gun! I want one, but right now I have other priorities.

I bought my wife a Taurus M85UL .38 Special. She takes it everywhere she goes. ;)

I like Ruger for SA revolvers. My father-in-law has a Single-six that I love to shoot. It's hard to miss with it. :rolleyes: Another buddy of mine has a .45 LC Vaquero. He had two guns, his Vaquero and a Glock Model 27. He had sell one of the guns. That was a no-brainer for him...he sold the Glock. Can you blame him?