Which Mauser should I choose??

The Mexican Mauser is a sweetheart. Not as easy to find as the Eastern Europeans, but when you find them they are usually in very good condition (and chambered in the very cool 7x57 unless they were re-arsenaled).
Co-incidentally my neighbor has just offered to sell me a czech mauser that is allegedly of german manufacture. It's hart to tell what condition its in as its in a nice nasty block of cosmoline and paper. The numbers are not matching. What's a fair price to offer him?
I'd pay $150, partly because I like finding a good deal, but mostly because you don't know what is it. Get some pics of the receiver ring and someone here can identify it. I like the Czech mausers personally, but my uncle has a m96 swede that will absolutely shoot the lights out! Any mauser is a good mauser(for the most part). Show us what your looking at, you've got me excited now.

It sounds like you're looking for cheap so why not just go with a Russian capture or a Yugo? They're often in very nice shape due to their rearsenaling.
