Which is more fun, competition or range time?


New member
Organized matches are challenging and provide social fun, but there's more waiting around than actual shooting.
Range time provides lots more shooting time, but the only challenge or motivation is what someone brings on their own.
So, which do you prefer?

I prefer competition. While there is a lot of wait time, there's that challenge of someone being better than you and trying to beat them or just trying to beat a personal record

Maybe if I had land I could shoot on with all sorts of targets, I'd enjoy that as much, but my range only allows paper targets unless you have special certification to use the competition range.
Each has its place; the primary negatives to competition also depend on how it's run. Bringing friends and a shot timer makes things more interesting (and makes for better feedback - practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent).

Friends, shot timer, and a brand new course of fire... Even better.
Mostly range-time

I use to shoot competition and that's all well and good. We had a local M/L club that got together on a Sunday afternoon and we competed, very informally. Lately, I generally just like my range-time and really, just shooting alone. Quite often, I'm trying to work through a problem and hard to with company. After resolving a problem, I like to share time and shooting with others. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I prefer competition to non competition for several reasons.
1. I get to see how my shooting stacked up against everyone shooting at the same time as me, usually I'm at least in the 50th percentile.
2. It is the one day that I at least have partial say in when cease fire is called,
3. I am not sitting around for 20 minutes waiting to go down range and check my targets because 3 other people are busy filling a paper plate with sharpy marked bullseyes full of holes with their 22s that they have no idea how to work.
4. I'm usually with a bunch of other like minded shooters. non comp days I am usually the only guy bringing milsurps to the range while everyone else just brings hunting rifles and the range officers try to make passive aggressive, snide remarks at my expense.
5. some times I win stuff, even if it's just door prizes :D
Range i dont care much about competition. I just like to go out, mess around (safely of course) an hav a good time! Then again our range is homemade so dont hav to deal with anyone else.
You do have to spend a lot of time at a match compared to the actual time shooting. But that what it takes to get a chance to shoot stages like those that are set up at a match. Most people don't have all of the walls, barricades, swinging target, turning targets, steel plates, etc. to set up on their own. Plus of course you do see where you stand against other shooter after having targets actually scored and times recorded. But just going to the range and shooting is fun too, especially if you can set up a few targets or some steel. Mark
I enjoy my alone time at the range shooting, testing etc, but the fellowship with other like minded shooters is a lot of fun. Talking about setups, loads being used, tweaks you want to make to your setup etc.
I shot 40-50 USPSA and IDPA matches a year, for almost fifteen years, and couldn't think of anything more fun.
But . . . I started to get tired of the seven-hour time commitment to shoot 100-200 rounds.
And, 20-30 of the matches were shot in the rain, further dulling my enthusiasm.
It used to be that the only guns I owned that were ever shot, were those that could be used in competition, since I wasn't going to go to the range for a third time in a week, just to put some more rounds downrange.
Today, while I still enjoy going to matches, I do it more for the social aspect, than anything else.
I'm meeting a buddy next week, after work, to do some chrono, fire a few rounds through a rifle I've taken to the range only twice, since I got it over a year ago, and just hang out.
It goes both ways.Competition is really fun if you are winning.Nobody wins all the time so those days with buddies spent practicing/playing can be the best.
giving your shooting "purpose" (plus it's really fun)

I own my own range.
I prefer competing at USPSA matches.

I prefer competition, mostly IDPA these days but also some BPCR and past experience of IPSC, IHMSA, and NRA.

But if you are going to be competitive, you need practice and testing of your guns, ammo, and gear. I do not take that as "range time" in the sense of this thread, since is is almost entirely in support of competition.

I had a debate about the difference in "range guns" and "match guns" yesterday.
But if you are going to be competitive, you need practice and testing of your guns, ammo, and gear. I do not take that as "range time" in the sense of this thread, since is is almost entirely in support of competition.

Thats a good point. I definitely practice different when I'm practicing for competition as compared to when I take my daughters out to let them shoot and practice.
I enjoy both for vastly different reasons.

Range time is working up loads, dialing in a new firearm, practicing what I need to work on.

Competition shows where I stack up, time with friends, more complex tests of my skillset.
I had a debate about the difference in "range guns" and "match guns" yesterday.

I have guns I use at the range, for hunting, for matches, but I am pretty sure I own no "range guns". :D