Which Internet news to read ?

I usually just get my Internet news off of Yahoo (which comes from a variety of sources, such as AP, Reuters, etc.).

On the boob tube, PBS' Newshour is okay, though sometimes it can drone on and on, and its "analysis" is a give-and-take between a liberal (Mark Shields) and a neocon (David Brooks). I do watch some of the network news, but of course I automatically assume it's all biased. I never watch Fox News unless I want to lose my lunch. The bias is extraordinary and so transparent, it's insulting.

It isn't just those reporting the news we should watch for bias, though. Keep in mind that very little "investigative journalism" is done anymore, and the media will generally uncritically report what the government or other sources tell it. After the Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, and Gulf War II, I don't believe anything the US government says anymore. I assume it's a lie until proven otherwise.

Manedwolf said:
If representatives of someone all but attacked one of your employees, would you be eager to help the person they represent?

After the Manchester incident with the crazed Paulian mob chasing Hannity, I'm surprised they give him any coverage at all.

The Paulians did that to themselves.
I thought that incident happened after Fox decided to exclude Paul from their pre-NH primary debate?

In any case, they have no business calling themselves "fair and balanced" if they don't report the news without bias, regardless of any personal feelings.

Fox has ALWAYS been biased against Paul because owner Rupert Murdoch is a hardcore neocon. It's just that simple, and that's all I have to say about it.
You can add the Cato Institute and Heritage Foundation as places to gather studied reports on particular issues, such as the overturn of the ban on private health insurance in Quebec (that one is a classic of the collision between the needs of the state and individuals, and what should happen when the state claims a monopoly on a service, such as healthcare or defending people from criminals, and fails to fulfill its promises while taking away the right of citizens to choose the life constitutionally due them).
In addition to the big 3 networks and Fox, I also catch the news feeds from Yahoo, take a look at Drudge (and his links), and browse WorldNetDaily.com.

I do NOT place complete faith in the accuracy of any one source or commentator.
Watch/read everything. You can learn something even from the enemy's propaganda. Use your own good sense. Be prepared to evaluate everything you hear and not just ignore it because you don't like it or accept it because you do.
I start with Drudge, check out newsmax, then read the headlines on Washington Times, richmond Times Dispatch, Jerusalem Post and one or two UK dailies. All the papers are linked to Drudge, except the Richmond Times Dispatch.
I listen to NPR in the morning while going to work and listen to Jason Lewis on the way home. I read the local papers, google, follow posted links at various fora, Cato Institute, Lew Rockwell, CNN, PBS, Al Jezeera occasionally plus I go to townhall meetings and watch the debates. Sometimes I still feel like a mushroom.