Which Internet news to read ?

Silver Bullet

New member
I’ve been a big fan of Fox News for a long time. They show views that the others, like CNN, try to hide. For example, when DC Versus Heller turned up as a big win for us, most of the news services didn’t mention it; Fox did right away.

But now I’m a bit disenchanted. I’ve seen evidence that they are hiding the results of Ron Paul’s primary results in the instances where he finishes close to the top. Today they decided to give him some publicity: they’re rehashing that silly newsletter thing to put him in a bad light with the less discerning readers.

My question is, Which news do you folks read on the web ?

Please don’t use this as an opportunity to make remarks about Ron Paul. There seem to be plenty of Paul threads around in case any little poopers here feel the need to take a dump.

CNN is out; don’t anybody even suggest them. CBS is out. What about ABC, NBC, Drudge, etc. ? Where does everyone here get their news info from ?

If representatives of someone all but attacked one of your employees, would you be eager to help the person they represent?

After the Manchester incident with the crazed Paulian mob chasing Hannity, I'm surprised they give him any coverage at all.

The Paulians did that to themselves.
Try Several...

I wouldn't rely on just one source. I use Drudge Report, Townhall.com, NewsBusters, and Coyote Blog for an interesting mix. Coyote Blog has some excellent perspectives on global warming you might like...
Which Internet news to read? That depends on what you want. If you want pre-packaged "news" that only appeals to your personal point of view, you will have to search for a "news" organization that shares your beliefs. Personally, I like a variety of views, so I regularly check MSNBC, FoxNews, CNN, and the BBC; for a variety of international views, I check Xinhua (Chinese), The Times of India, Al Jazeera, and The Jerusalem Post.
I do what GC70does, plus I do the feed thing.

I want facts, not editorializing. You have to find them, but they are out there.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourXDtodayAlaska TM
Add to the above Realclearpolitics.com, rightbias.com, weasalzippers, littlegreenfootballs, opinionjournal.com, americanspectator, nationalrievewonline. Sometimes reference to snopes is a good idea, too. Wikipedia has been junked up considerably by intentionally incorrect "additions" which have not been policed aggressively, so its utility is suspect in some areas.

Nobody gets the whole story, even when they try. I hate to say it this way, but "triangulation" is important.

"I like a variety of views, so I regularly check MSNBC, FoxNews, CNN, and the BBC."

This is variety? ...sounds more like reruns of the same message...
I always go to www.guardian.co.uk for an overview of international (and US) news. It's a rather lefty UK paper, but does seem pretty unbiased on most issues and has lots of info. The Guardian is the only internet news I check daily. On tv, I watch both CNN, esp. Lou Dobbs, and MSNBC, esp. Chris Matthews. I seldom watch Fox News (too Bushy for me!)
What about Wall Street Journal ? It appears one has to $ubscribe to view it online, yes ? I’ve bought those off the newsstand, and they’re good but very dry.

How about the Economist ? I bought one of those off the newsstand, and it didn’t seem very objective. Maybe I didn’t give it a fair shot. I dunno if it has an online version.

I love Slashdot, but it’s focus is very narrow. There’s NRA News.com, but their focus is even narrower. :)

It's a rather lefty UK paper, but does seem pretty unbiased on most issues
I can handle bias as long as it’s in the proper editorial space. It’s when they slip it into the news portions that I get disgusted.
read both side

podcasts are esp. handy if you have a mp3 player and mp3 player interface (FM transmitter, iPod interface for your car audio system) for your car.

- NPR, 60 Minutes+NYT(sometime)
- The Economist
- Businessweek
- Drudge Report
- news.google.com
- National Review(sometime)
- WND (sometime), FOX News

But now I’m a bit disenchanted. I’ve seen evidence that they are hiding the results of Ron Paul’s primary results in the instances where he finishes close to the top.

How could this be an example of bias? Ron Paul hasn't finished near the top in any primary. :confused:
I wouldn't rely on just one source.


The beauty of the internet is that it's incredibly easy to peruse a variety of newspapers and news sites from around the world, regardless of what your local paper or any given news network prints. I regularly check my local paper, the NYT, a couple other major metro newspapers (generally they all rely heavily on the AP anyway, so you see a lot of repeats). I also regularly look at CNN, FOX, and the BBC. It all depends what you're looking for, and as long as you learn to see through spin and ignore subtle editorializing they're all good sources for news.

Somebody mentioned The Economist. I read it fairly regularly, but in general it seems like many/most of the content isn't really all that relevant to the average American...at least not enough to justify the cost. If, however, your local library carries it I would recommend it for a more international viewpoint.

But yeah, the main point is that with news sources it's generally "the more the merrier."
a couple other major metro newspapers (generally they all rely heavily on the AP anyway, so you see a lot of repeats)
This is true. Frequently I'll read a sport report over on Yahoo Sports, and then the next day I'll read the exact same story in my morning newspaper.
How could this be an example of bias? Ron Paul hasn't finished near the top in any primary.

Nevada. He finished second. That's certainly near the top (not that it was vote-wise near the frontrunner though) But I can't verify whether or not Fox "hid" the results.
Fox hardly gives Paul any airtime whatsoever. Watched commentary earlier about who will drop out after Florida, only Huck, Mc, Thompson and Rudy were mentioned.

I'm hoping Paul will be the true 'dark horse' that just comes from nowhere.