Which gun to get?


New member
I beseech the wise members of TFL today so that you may help me in my new shotgun purchase.

Long story short, I'm buying a sort of entry level semi auto shotgun for 3 gun competition. I have the option of buying a Mossberg 930 JM pro 8 shot for $650, and I have $150 worth of store credit at this store, or I can buy a very very lightly used Mossberg 930 Patrick Flanigan Rhythm 12 shot for $700 OTD. What should I do? I've heard sort of mixed reviews about the JM pro, and the patrick flanigan model comes ported and has a higher capacity, but I have the store credit at this other store and it's cheaper anyway, which gives me more money to buy gear, but I don't want to buy the JM pro if it's going to malfunction a lot or if I have to do a bunch of crap to make it run (for lack of a better word).


What do?

Thanks for any advice you can provide guys, it is really appreciated .

I know nothing of either model so I can't comment on them directly, but...

...if you plan to do competitions where you want to maximise your results, it sounds like the Flanagan model is the one to choose for its greater capacity and especially if you feel the JM Pro concerns are more than internet hot-air.

Are the JM reliability concerns credible? And I mean credible beyond a few anecdotal events that have been seized upon. If yes, then it sounds like the 200 USD saving would only last until your first malfunction and then you'd regret the buy...

I'm not so swayed by brands, but I am swayed by reputation. Ultimately, the choice is yours!
"The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten"

-(generally attributed to)Ben Franklin

Although that seems like an oddly modern quote for such an old dude to have made....

Anyhow, I know nothing of the particular guns but ask yourself if that price difference will really matter in a year or two.

I bet the answer is no.

Will the quality difference still matter?
Most of the complaints seem anecdotal, tbh, but I'm not too sure. The regular amount of people that get a lemon with any gun I guess. But idk.
When Mossberg introduced the 930 I was hopeful that they had finally figured out semi-autos. I've had some of their previous generation semi-autos as have some of my friends. Some seemed to work just fine, with some ammo anyway. Others were problematic.

From what I can gather by reading online reports from others the 930 is an improvement. But I'm hearing of enough issues that if I were buying it for personal protection I'd pass and look for something else. But for competition the worst thing that will happen if you have a malfunction is not bringing home a trophy. Either will probably work for what you want to do.
The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten"

Actually, it is from Aldo Gucci, maker of high-end and high quality leather goods and other things..... ;)

And from the Net, we get: "The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory."


Which one do YOU have the most confidence in? (seeing how they both are the same gun)
The JM pro feels better, and I've heard that they have corrected a lot of the old problems with the new 2016 production run. And most people seem to be happy with them for 3 gun, especially beginners like me. And as you say they are the same gun, the flanigan is quite a bit older, I think. It's nothing I'm going to bet my life on at all, as said.

I think I'm going to go with the JM pro, I can always return it or go the CS route if something should go wrong (knock on wood) I should pick it up sometime today. Will post on how it is.

(Sorry, but I just seem to like it more, I know I'm probably being ignorant but I feel it's the best choice for me, seeing as they are the same gun.)
Both guns are the same action, so if there are issues they are likely to be common to both. You could not give me a ported barrel. Your money, your choice.
I really appreciate your help guys. This whole shotgun business has been on my mind all month and I figured it was time to get down to brass tacks and pick one. Will update when I get it.
MSRP on a 930 Combo Deer/Waterfowl with a 24" rifled barrel and a bird barrel will serve you better. One of 'em is ported. Porting is ok, but doesn't apply to hunting much. Helps if you're paying shooting games though.
About $45 will extend the mag and you won't be paying extra to have some guy's name on it.
I sure don't know the answer to this question, wouldn't the ported barrel be a big plus in his competition?

I've only shot trap (not even skeet) and have never shot a ported shotgun.
Doesn't really seem like there was a question here. Sounds like your mind was made up. When it comes to Mossberg I prefer new and I think they have a 10 year warranty. I have had them send me cosmetic parts for free without any verification besides serial number.

I wouldn't hesitate to send them a gun for repair either although I have never had to. I own 3 mossberg 500 and used a Coast to Coast rebranded Mossberg 500 20 gauge of my dads for many years.
the rifle i hate to shoot most is a winchester timber carbine in .444 marlin with a ported barrel. i bought it and loaded 20 shells and used eight to sight it in and one to shoot a six point buck and that is the last shell i shot out of it, leaving me eleven ear shattering shells left. at the trap range with ear protection on i don,t mind ported barrels, but have not noticed and difference in my shooting skills with or with out porting. eastbank.
Doesn't really seem like there was a question here. Sounds like your mind was made up. When it comes to Mossberg I prefer new and I think they have a 10 year warranty. I have had them send me cosmetic parts for free without any verification besides serial number.

I wouldn't hesitate to send them a gun for repair either although I have never had to. I own 3 mossberg 500 and used a Coast to Coast rebranded Mossberg 500 20 gauge of my dads for many years.

I was leaning a bit toward the flanigan to be quite honest but the whole warranty matter with the new gun and the fact that they are essentially the same gun sort of swayed me.
I sure don't know the answer to this question, wouldn't the ported barrel be a big plus in his competition?

I've only shot trap (not even skeet) and have never shot a ported shotgun.

No and especially no when you're talking about a gun with a huge extended magazine. Porting works best on high pressure rounds (like a 155 howitzer, or one of those 500 S&W snubbies).

There really isn't enough pressure, for it to make any real difference in shotguns (except to make it MUCH louder for the folks on either side of you)
And if you like a clean gun, the ports make cleaning a lot more "fun".
A pendleton brake on a .460 Weatherby is fantastic. Porting on a shotgun was invented to make money for those who do porting. I have never been able to see where it does anything positive on a shotgun.
Got the 930 JM Pro home today, 8 + 1 and ran like a dream, ran 5 rounds of hi brass thru it and 13 rounds of winchester dove and quail. No stoppages whatsoever. I made sure to clean it very well and oil it lightly before use.