Which Glock should be my first Glock?


New member
To date I have resisted 'the dark side of the force'. I own Sigs, Walthers, HK, CZ, Colt, Springfields, Rugers, etc. I have at least one of every major manufacturer's pistols except Glock and Smith & Wesson. I have .45's, .40's (I really don't care much for the caliber and I either own or have owned three different ones), .357sigs, 9mms, .380s, .22s, and a .25. I have full frames, compacts, concealed carry, 1911's, etc.

I have a safe and an insurance policy that cost darn near as much as the collection.

What I don't have is a Glock.

I've handled them in the stores and hefted them, rented 'really used' models at the range. I have never understood the fascination with the gun.

Now I'm willing to try. Heck, I've got everything else out of the way, "why not a Glock?" as my local gunstore owner said to me this week. I agree with him, but, if I'm going to risk addiction to a brand that has heretofore eluded me, what's the best one to start with?

What's the sweetest shooting, most accurate, least flipping, tightest grouping Glock in your opinion? Is it a compensated model? Is it one with or without the dimples? Is it a fullsize or a compact or one of those incredibly small ones? Which one will most likely get me used to that silly little thing on the trigger? Is there one that is inherently accurate straight out of the box? (If I've got to have it modified to enjoy it, forget it. I'll just get another 1911...)

Let me know which model is most likely to convert this longtime holdout to the 'dark side'?
What's the sweetest shooting, most accurate, least flipping, tightest grouping Glock in your opinion?

The Glock 21, in .45ACP. Others will say the Glock 30, also in .45ACP, and I wouldn't argue with them. I have big hands, so the big 21 fits well. The 30 is a little smaller, but has a different recoil spring system that some say makes it shoot even easier than the 21.

Is it a compensated model?

Nope. I have zero use for a compensated pistol.

Is it one with or without the dimples?

Dimples???? What dimples???

Is it a fullsize or a compact or one of those incredibly small ones?

I like the fullsize models.

Which one will most likely get me used to that silly little thing on the trigger?

There is no getting used to the trigger safety, you won't even notice it. It's the trigger itself that must be learned. The Glock has a trigger that is very much like a military 2-stage rifle trigger, dry firing (alot) will help tremendously.

Is there one that is inherently accurate straight out of the box? (If I've got to have it modified to enjoy it, forget it. I'll just get another 1911...)

They are all about the same, but I'd say the 10mm and .357SIG guns shoot flatter, but thats the cartridge, not the gun. The .45 models are very accurate, but again thats mostly the cartridge. My 21 shot 3 inch groups at 25 yards form a weaver stance, I'm sure a better shooter could get better groups.

You may also want to check out the 34/35, those are Glocks "competiton" guns in 9mm/40S&W.
I'll second the G-21

I prefer full size guns and don't understand the fascination with Glock's compacts, but its purely personal preference. I had a G-22 and found its recoil uncomfortable compared to the G-21. My next Glock will be a G-21 with rails so I can add a light.
If concealed carry is unlikely, go with the Model 34 in 9mm.

It is the Best of Breed.

Other good ones are the Model 19 (also 23 & 32) sized pistols, or the model 30 in .45 ACP.

Good luck...
I agree that depending on the size of your hands, either the G21 or G30 would be a nice addition to your collection. IMHO, I find the G30 to be more accurate than the G21 and easier to conceal, obviously. BB is right about the difference on the recoil spring system on the two pistols having an effect on how they shoot.
IMHO the frame size of the 19/23/32 is as good as it gets in terms of blending ergonomics with capacity and concelability.

I liked my old G22. I love my G23
Get the original: G17!

For pure shooting Glock fun is the original G17 unbeatable! Even the compact models are shooting well, but the full size, especially in 9mm, have distinctively more pleasant flip. I also do not like the serrated trigger of the smaller models. Get the G17 and you will have the original!
IF concealability is not an issue and you will it use mostly as a range gun I would go for either the 17 or 34. I have both and frankly can't make up my mind as to whether or not the extra cost and associated goodies on the 34 are worth it.
I too resisted the 'dark side' for quite some time. I had tried shooting a few different Glocks over the past several years, and just didn't see why anyone could be excited about them.
Then..... I came across a deal that was just too good to pass up on a used, but unfired G30. I thought I'd shoot it a bit and then probably end up trading it for a .45 that I 'really' wanted.
Well, I still have it and don't have any plans on parting with it. This G30 is one of the most accurate and pleasant to shoot pistols that I have ever owned. (almost up there with my SIG in .357)
Try to rent/borrow a G30 and shoot it a bit. If your experience is anything like mine, you will HAVE to get one!
In my opinion, this is the best Glock of them all... very accurate, soft recoil, reliable, fits my hand perfectly, etc, etc.
Welcome to the family!

I don't have huge hands so the G23 fits me perfectly.
Its one toy I'll never outgrow or get bored with.
First time Glock owner's should choose between a G-17 or a G-19. Dependable, accurate, ugly, and at a modest cost.:D:)
I prefer the .40S&W caliber in the G-27!!!:eek::rolleyes:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Don't have one and haven't shot one, but it looks like you are missing a 10mm. A Glock should be a good platform for them as any...
i personally like the G19 best. i like 9mm and the compact sized glocks feel the best in my hand.

for your first i'd try either the G17, 19, 21 or 30. all glocks are very accurate but many people think the G30 is the most accurate. i don't notice a real difference in the accuracy of my different glocks though. if you want a real sweet shooter find a used G24C since they aren't imported anymore. the G24C is the long slided, ported .40. mine's fun to shoot and recoils less than a 9mm.

hold and shoot the different ones and see which feels best. if you have big hands you will probably like the .45/10mm glocks more and if you have smaller hands you might like the 9mm/.40/.357sig ones.
I've been handling a Glock 21 at the local gunshop. It feels hefty enough and seems to balance okay. It is, however, a G21C with the hole in the frame for the ported barrel.

I read in a gun rag where the compensated Glocks tended to be awfully loud in report (not that big a problem, I guess, at the range since I'd be wearing ear protection) but on balance had dramatically reduced recoil.

Has that been anyone else's experience? And what does the porting do for target reacquistion with the front sight?

My only previous experience with a compensated handgun was a Rossi 917 snubbie .357 magnum. That thing belched through the porting like a space shuttle taking off and made picking up the front sight for the follow up shot just about like trying to stare at the sun. I really found it distracting, to say the least.

Is the compensated barrel a plus or a minus on either the G17, the G21, or the G34 (early shortlist for my first Glock...)?
Will Beararms says it all. The 19 (9x19), 23 (.40S&W), and 32 (.357 Sig). If this frame fits your hand as well as it does mine, I think you will find it to be the nearly perfect size for a handgun. It conceals well, but is still not too small. Get a one of the new models, not the old ones. Make sure you order yours with the tritium night sights. If you don't like the Glock night sights, have Trijicon put on it. The standard white line/dot factory plastic sights aren't the greatest, IMHO.

As far as the night sights go, I'd have them on every handgun I own if I had the $$. It is unbelievable what a little tritium can do for your accuracy in dim light.

Good luck. Enjoy!

Upon converting to all H&K P7M"X" I kept my Glock 21 and sold my 33. I also have large hands and this is my only .45. It now protects the inside of my safe.
Easy choice....Glock 21!

I completely agree with those who recommend the Glock 21. It is the most accurate Glock I have shot, and the recoil is so damn mild. In comparison, the G22, G23, and G27 actually have more "felt" recoil IMO. The Glock 30 would be a close second but I agree that a full sized Glock is better than the subcompacts. The Glock 21 is the only Glock I truly love (G30 is a close second again). The 9mm Glocks and .40 Glocks (plus the other caliber Glocks such as .357 Sig and 10 mm) in general just don't impress me much......