Which eye?

For which Eye

I speak from several years in the army. The current way that the army teaches to to keep both eyes open. I have seen it done other ways however there is two main problems with closing one eye. 1 you lose half of your vision. If there are muliple people coming at you it is a bad idea to give up your vision. The second main problem is that closing one eye throws off your vision your brain is set up to look though both eyes. So it doesn't know what to do when you close one of them, Therefore it over compensates.

These are the things that I have learned in the army.
Wow I didn't think this thread would live so long. I never said what service I joined to avoid any bias opinions about how little I would shoot in the USAF

But I am Joining the Air Force. I went to the Army offices and the only thing they could offer me besides a nice sign on bonus was to fly choppers. But they told me only a small percentage get into high school to flight school program so, I got a job in the AF doing F-16 Avionics. Hey if I can't fly at least I get to work on them :)

Unfortunatly I just read on about.com that the lackland air force base has a "short" range.

so I'm thinking 200yds right? wrong ... 25yds!! ... Apparently they use smaller targets to simulate longer distances. Which sucks because that doesn't allow you to get used to compensating for bullet drop and wind.

To make matters worse we get there in the morning, learn how to field and clean the guns, go shoot and are back by late afternoon. Less than one freaking day shooting, it's crazy talk I tell ya.

So practicing is no longer an issue really I doubt I'm going to be missing much.

And I wanted the badge for personal pride, kind of a perfectionist; but I doubt shooting from one distance from 3 supported positions at 25 Meters/yds will mean anything to me anyway.

But thanks for the replies everyone, if anyone has been through AF basic training let me know if any of that is wrong please!
To make matters worse we get there in the morning, learn how to field and clean the guns, go shoot and are back by late afternoon. Less than one freaking day shooting, it's crazy talk I tell ya.

I know how you feel. I went into the Navy in 85. Our fire arms instruction consisted of firing 7 or 8 rounds out of some sort of .22cal 1911 (Colt Ace?)on an indoor range. The instructor told us "I don't care if you aim and shoot slowly, or just point the thing downrange and pull the trigger as fast as you can" I remember a couple of guys hitting the ceiling and/or the floor, no one seemed to care at all. Oh, we also had M1's with the bolt's welded shut for close order drill.

Luckly I got assigned to the Marines as a Corpsman. Did a ton of shooting there. They even tried to teach me to hit a target (one of those green plastic ones that looked like the head and shoulders of a guy) from 500yds with an M16A2. Even got to shoot a LAW rocket once! Eventually I qualified (at USMC not USN Standards) as a "Sharpshooter" with the M9.

when i shoot right handed i use right eye, when i shoot left handed i use left eye..
i have tried useing both eyes, but man does it mess me up.. pistol shooting talking here. is there anything that makes this any easier?:confused: