Which Democrat?

At least Kucinich is consistent and credible on certain issues:

Hillary voted FOR the war.
Edwards voted FOR the war.
Obama has failed to END the war.
Hillary and Edwards have failed to END the war.
All three have allowed FUNDING of the war.

Hillary and Obama accepted campaign contributions from a convicted felon.
Edwards makes money from a Hedge fund that forecloses on the mortgages secured by the homes of the poor.

Kucinich has voted against the war, and against funding the war. He doesn't take dirty campaign money, and he doesn't work for Hedge funds, either.
I will not settle for second best. My priorties for a president nominee is freedom first. (Second Amendment) The rest is of lower priority.
Whoever runs on ending the war is lying or a fool. They will surely be a one-term president. I believe all the candidates know the war will be a long term proposition, even if they say it won't.
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Dennis (the menace) Kucinich could teach Hugo Chavez lessons on Karl Marx' vision of socialism. Except he has no charisma, he's Casper Milk Toast.
That ruthless attitude the Clinton's have is actually an asset - for the Republicans that is ;).

I believe Bill and Hillary are so overboard/arrogant they concern even the top Democrats. With Janet Reno (the junk-yard dog of the Bill Clinton era) out of the picture, there's no one to keep them in check once in office.

Then again - (not to throw gas on your fires of concern :D) - can you imagine the nightmare it would be if Hillary were Pres, and her brother AG?!?! :D:eek:

he's Casper Milk Toast.(referring to Kucinich)
Corn - hardly.
Kucinich is one hard nosed SOB! Don't let the media image fool ya. He comes across as a wimp,,,but he's one mean SOB. He literally grew up in the streets of Cleveland - in an area where a half-Slav/half-Irish kid would have to fight to survive.
Vote for a democrat? <------ It was really painful just to think then type those words, I'd rather suffer the Spanish Inquisitions than vote for a democrat.
"Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms!"

Anyway, back on topic. I can't bring myself to trust any of them, most expecially when it comes to 2A. I hear "President Whoever (D)" and I think, Here comes HR1022 at the very least.
Jkwas wrote:Whoever runs on ending the war is lying or a fool. They will surely be a one-term president. I believe all the candidates know the war will be a long term proposition, even if they say it won't.
That's pretty insightful and you are almost certainly right. I was listening to one of the Code Pink founders on the radio Friday, and what struck me was that the woman had absolutely no idea about how the world works. She had lived her entire life insulated by Pax Americana and was totally devoid of any knowledge related to predation and fanaticism.

While I was against the invasion of Iraq, and I still don't understand why, it is pretty obvious at this point that walking away would be a disaster of biblical proportions. We should have carved that country up into a Kurd state, a Shiite state, and a Sunni state. Unfortunately, Woodrow Wilson is still running our foreign policy.
Kucinich - Certifiable. Syrian buddy, America-hater.

Obama - Has no track record of accomplishment.

Hillary - Has no track record of accomplishment.

Richardson - The only candidate qualified to lead, but still a card carrying lib.

Edwards - Only accomplishment is transferring wealth out of the pockets of doctors.

Gravel - Certifiable.

Biden - Almost an adult, but hates guns. Called a youtube questioner who showed his AR15 on camera "sick."
If I have to choose from the Democrats who are actually running for president, I'd go with Richardson.

A few months ago, I met former Virginia Governor Mark Warner, a Democrat. I thanked him for signing all the pro-gun bills that came across his desk. He told me that he did it because it was the right thing to do, in spite of all the grief he took from other Democrates. He just announced that he'll run for the senate. Looking like both the Virginia senate seats will be held by pro-gun Democrats. (Mark Warner and Jim Webb). Anti-gun Republican John Warner is retiring.