Which Democrat?

roy reali

New member
I am not thrilled with most of the republican canidates so far. However, I would take them over any of the democrats. But I was thinking, if one of the democrats was to become our next president, God forbid, which one would I prefer. I guess I would have to hope it was Bill Richardson. The one canidate I pray doesn't win is Hillary. She scares the Bejesus out of me.

I realize that most of you are republican or at least conservative. Most of you are probably hoping for a republican to remain in the White House. But, if you had to pick one democrat to be the next president, who would it be?

ohhh you meant democrats in name, i gotcha.

i dont really know, the democrat platform is so far away from my own, that i havent really paid any attention. if i had to choose right now, with no further research, it would prolly be richardson.

We just have to lok at all the possibilities. I am nervous about this upcoming presidential election. I am worried about Hillary. I really hope one of the republicans wins. Like I said in my first post here, we need to consider which of the democrats would be the least of all evils.
Bill Richardson just made a fuss because he wasn't allowed to answer in Spanish at his Univision debate.

That told me all I need to know.
Bill Richardson just made a fuss because he wasn't allowed to answer in Spanish at his Univision debate.

I wouldn't get too upset about this. The Republicans are planning a Univision debate in Spanish later this fall. They already had one planned, but it got cancelled because of schedule conflicts.
I think one of the more important topics instead of who would you vote for, but making sure that you get out there and vote. The only reason the other person wins is because we are too apathetic to get out and vote. Especially men--the rates of men voting have dropped since women could vote (no offense to anyone by that, but it's fact). That's why Hillary is going to win--as much as I hate to say it (hell, i even predicted she'd run and win back before this past election--b/c of the women voters). We just have to get out there and VOTE!
At this time it looks very likely that a Democrat will be our next President. At least that is what the polls show. Personally I rather see Mike Gavel or Bill Richardson as the Democrat candidate than Hillary; but what do I know?
I hate to say this, but I doubt there's any difference.

Due to the war, gas prices and a blatant dislike for strict constructionists, I think the agenda of leftists will be enforced no matter who wins.

However, I don't think they'll win. I don't think they really have any answers in the final analysis. At leaast none that I have heard.

A conservative who is polite to centrists will win, or at least has the best chance. I believe that's Fred Thompson.
After the president's televised speech, I dare say that definitely maybe(lol) any democrat will win. I'm rooting for Richardson. Richardson-Edwards ticket for the win.
Arabia, the only poll that counts is the one in early November, 2008. The rest are merely speculation.

I can't vote Democrat because they are hypocrites and have offered no comprehensible plan for anything - economy, war, borders - you name it. They seem to be fueled by Hatred fo Bush - the guy they call stupid and can't stop from getting whatever he wants. If he is so stupid, how come they can't stop him from getting whatever he wants? Plus, you can count on Democrats pushing for Big Government.

I can't vote Republican because they are hypocrites and have abandoned their principles of putting power back into the hands of the people. They have been co-opted by the neocons who are basically warmed over 1980s Democrats. These days, the Republicans are all clamoring for more Big Government.

If you truly feel you have to vote major party, then it doesn't matter which one, because if either wins, all you are going to get is more Big Government.

Maybe it's time we use a little common sense and think outside the box. There are alternatives to more of the same...
Richardson is actually pretty damn good on guns. Cheerfully signed a shall-issue CCW bill as governor in NM. He's ahead of most of the "Republicans" - Thomson beats him by a bit, Ron Paul by a mile of course :).

In a surprising second place we have Edwards. Perfect? Hell no. Not as good as Richardson. But in the '04 primaries, only one Democratic contender put "self defense" as one of the purposes for having the 2nd Amendment around, and it was Edwards.
Richardson is actually pretty damn good on guns.

Regrettably, you can't count on him not to sell you out when he needs to cut a deal with Reid and Pelosi.
I am nervous about this upcoming presidential election. I am worried about Hillary.
Don't be too worried Roy.

Health care is sure to be a major issue in the coming election.
I have no doubt whatsoever that's Hillary's Achilles heel.

She's trying to gloss over the issue (she recently (Aug. 2007) called her 1993 effort "flawed"),,, but she's been wolfing down campaign contributions from the very same lobby's that fought her tooth and nail back in 1993.

America - and "boomer's" are 14 years older than they were in 1993.

My brother in law - a trade union member/staunch Democrat - and I were discussing retirement - he's 58,,, a week ago. He'd like to retire early, but because of the health care, he's forced to work another 7 years.

Believe me, he had nothing kind to say about Senator Clinton. If she's lost that "core support", then she's toast as far as being a viable candidate.
I believe both the Republicans and the Democrats know this is her one glaring fault. The Republicans (IMHO) are laying in ambush just waiting for her to run so they can pin her ears back on the "Hillary Health Care" issue.
The Democrats also realize that she's going to get hammered on that, and are probably not willing to take the chance.

Thanks for trying to reasure me. I hope you are right. But you have to realize how ruthless the Clinton's are. They will stop at nothing to gain power. We know what happens to folks that get in their way. Al Capone had nothing on these guys.;)