Which current Presidential candidate has banned the most guns?

I think the New York bans were already in place before Giuliani took office. To my knowledge he banned none as mayor, but I might be wrong.

I was thinking Romney would have banned more, because he banned assault weapons throughout Massachussetts.
Doesn't matter... We know that guns will be banned in the coming term unless Huckabee or Paul win and I just don't see that happening.:mad:
It's hard to get more anti-gun than clinton, better buy up all the guns you can now. Especially Ar-15/Ak-47 type rifles, because you now they will renew the assault weapons ban. I haven't heard of to many pro gun democrats anyway.
I am not asking who is more anti-gun. I am asking who has actually banned more guns, and Hillary has banned none. So that means either the candidate signed laws into effect, or voted for laws that actually passed.
I don't think any one candidate has or can ban guns in general, I think it's something that has to be a house majority vote. I could be wrong.
please re-read my previous post and I think what I am talking about will be clearer... either they signed a gun ban into effect, or they voted for a gun ban that was signed into effect.
I was thinking Romney would have banned more, because he banned assault weapons throughout Massachussetts.

The AWB was already in place when Romney became Governor in 2002. The MA State AWB would have remained in effect after the Federal Ban expired, but some in the state had doubts. So Romney and crew apparently worked with GOAL to add some pro-gun stuff to the bill while the Dems were mucking with it. Anyway, that's the story he tells about it.

Upshot is, apparently Romney hasn't signed any new bans either.
what democrat doesn't vote for gun bans..

Bill Richardson has an A+ rating with the NRA.

My new congressman, Tim Walz, is a pro-gun Democrat. I'm gonna keep voting for him so he'll move up in seniority.

I'm sure there are others, and we need to support them.
The only problem with democrats is they're to specific in what guns they think you should be able to own. They say yes we support your right to bear arms then turn around and tell you what you can arm yourself with. They will start with assault weapons but will eventually come after your handguns as well, just my opinion. Pretty soon all you will be able to own is a shotgun and a rifle with a 3 round magazine capacity..:p
Been to NYC under Rootie. Saw the "turn in illegal gun owners and get a reward" posters all over the place. If he didn't want this he would have stopped it. If this clown is elected he will pass this on all states IMO. Why would hillary or obama be worse?
buy em' up now and say the hell with the elections. I don't know about anyone else, but I really don't care for anyone that's running for either side. I don't even think we need a president, I mean seriously. I think when it all comes down to it they're all full of @#$%
Upshot is, apparently Romney hasn't signed any new bans either.

Well he certainly seemed to enjoy doing it:

July 1st, 2002 Mitt Romney signed a permanent ban on Assault Weapons. "Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts," Romney said, at a bill signing ceremony with legislators, sportsmen's groups and gun safety advocates. "These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."
Well, until our gov can guarantee that the military has no assault rifles, then people should be aloud to have them! How do civilians " keep a well regulated militia to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and to overthrow a tyrannical government" when civilians are expected to only have single shot and shotguns?
Going toe to toe with the Army is just going to get you killed. If the day ever comes that we are fighting against our government, we will use the same tactics used by insurgents in Iraq, and small arms will be a minimal part of that.
"what democrat doesn't vote for gun bans.."

Lots of them actually. The 1994 AWB passed the US House by one vote. 76Democrats voted against the AWB and 38 Republicans voted for it. Democrats paid the price in the 1994 elections. None of those Republicans who voted for the AWB paid the price.

In 2004 the US Senate voted to extend the AWB. The vote was 51 to 48. Ten Republicans voted to extend the AWB and Six Democrats voted against the extension.
What makes you think that the Army would be the only government entities of interest? There's the BLM, US Fish & Wildlife, Corps of Engineers, EPA, DEA, FBI, FAA, and many other agencies that would have to shut down from small arms applications.

There are 100 million gun owners in America, the US Army and all the other US government military added together couldn't resist if even one percent of gun owners in America decided that "enough is enough".