Which Chrony the Best

The only real downside to the labradar IMO is that it (at least the one I have, which is admittedly an old unit) has trouble resolving pistol cartridge velocities when they are in an area that is sorta borderline with lower velocity rifle cartridges. That usually happens at around 1,700 fps +/- 100 fps. I'm not sure what the programming algorithm is--but you do have to choose velocity types between pistol and rifle, and the unit sometimes "stumbles" on the output when you have a fast pistol cartridge (in which case I switch the velocity type to rifle an that usually takes care of the problem).
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Yeah, the Labradar was way too glitchy for me. Fragile too. King of 2 Mile, they almost all use MagnetoSpeed. :)
Yeah, the Labradar was way too glitchy for me. Fragile too. King of 2 Mile, they almost all use MagnetoSpeed.
Takes a while to figure out how to position it relative to the muzzle; but not all that hard. If you get a copper tube to rest in the v-notch that helps aiming it too. I have no idea now many thousands of bullets have gone past mine, it's literally turning black on much of the surfaces. I use mine in an abusive environment and it still keeps on ticking. Using it along with Quickload is indispensable to me for load development now.
Caldwell el cheepo. Works great for me. This is my 3rd chrony. For some unknown reason every few years one of my guns develops a grudge against my current chrony and does it in. I've had 2 Shooting Chrony's and both worked fine, but the one issue was getting set up consistently and correctly. The Caldwell is not a folding unit, so the distance between the "eyes" that see the shadow of the bullet is always exactly the same. If the unit is positioned correctly, ya can't go wrong. Unless a grudge thing pops up.:D
I just picked up a Labradar and it’s the best chronograph I have ever used. I didn’t have any problems setting it up. You can use batteries or a $20 rechargeable battery pack. No big deal.

I bought a Model 33 when no "cheap" ones existed. When the 35P became available again, I got one. The "Proof Channel" takes two readings per shot, printing the best one. I was interested in the Labradar until I sat next to a fella with a 338 Lapua testing his. Muzzle blast greatly interfered the readings. It may not have been setup correctly. I confess, I like the simple setup of the Labradar because lining up the three screens is tricky, especially in more than 10mph wind.
two-page quick setup instructions.

Kinda says it all, doesn't it? Or at least it was a point of amusement for me. :p

My Chrony Beta does everything I need it to do. I need to know how fast the bullets go. It does that.
What my Oehler and CED miss, if I don't line them up, is the multiple velocities from each bullet that allow a BC to be determined (my reason for getting the Labradar originally). So it's a matter of what information you are seeking.